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DOJ Declines to Prosecute James Comey for Leaking Classified Information


DOJ Declines to Prosecute James Comey for Leaking Classified Information

“We conclude that Comey’s retention, handling, and dissemination of certain Memos violated Department and FBI policies, and his FBI Employment Agreement,” reads DOJ watchdog head Michael Horowitz’s report.

Attorney General William Barr will not prosecute the fired FBI director over his wrongdoings.


Comey Demands Apology


Report Link Here – Additional pdf Link Here


Hubris as A Strategy



Trump’s Greatest Achievement


Salvini and Lega OUSTED from Italian Parliament as 5 Star Betrays Voters!!


Patriots, alert your networks. Suspicious request from the evil DARPA.

See tweet


The American Gulag: Brick by Brick, Our Prison Walls Get More Oppressive By The Day



Senator Calls For Probe Into Fed Independence After Bill Dudley Urges Fed To Overthrow Trump


AIM Patriot Leepermax writes:

Your criticism of media outlets like FOX, DRUDGE and BREITBART is 100% spot on.

One thing I’ve noticed about BREITBART is that they claim to be the antidote to THE CORRUPT MAINSTREAM MEDIA and yet almost every article on the site gives life and further public exposure to the very FAKE NEWS ARTICLES that never should have been printed in the first place. Their lack of original content or any real investigative work is negligible.

BREITBART goes on and on criticizing “THE DEEP STATE” and yet I don’t even think they comprehend or are the slightest bit aware of THE SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVICE.

Go figure.

Keep up the amazing work.

Our reply:

Have you noticed how Breitbart posts articles and opinions from the following people that we could care less about: Rob “Meathead’ Reiner, Cher, Bette Midler, and has-been actors and comedians like John Carey, Hugh Grant, and Conan O’Brien.

Breitbart is a propaganda site. You have to carefully pick and choose your articles and read them carefully for globalists agendas and narratives. We are very sorry to tell you that Epoch Times is looking more and more like a Trojan Horse… started out like Axios did with some ground breaking pieces, then starts nudging its readers and listeners to fake news, until finally we see what it really is – a propaganda channel for the globalists.


Apple Apologizes For Siri Eavesdropping; Suspends Human Reviews, Will Delete Recordings


Google, Facebook, China Undersea Cable a National Security Concern


Randy Quaid – Presidential Powers!


Hasbro CEO says moving out of China has ‘gone very well for us’


Global Gold Industry Hit By “Forgery Crisis” As Fake Kilobars Flood The Physical Market


Prince Andrew Issues Statement


Therapy Bans Are Just the Beginning

“The Equality Act has already been passed by the U.S. House of Representatives and is now under consideration in the Senate.  If it passes, it would amend the Civil Rights Act to elevate sexual orientation and gender identity to protected classes, like race and religion.”

After reading the article above, you may want this handy link to send a note to your U.S. Senators

Contact any Congressperson



Kamala tweeted this out a few days ago and apparently doesn’t want voters to know that her family has been human trafficking for quite some time.  If you are new to our site, catch up with the nasty backstory of Harris and spread the word.

Kamala Harris and the Family Slave Business



Fact Checked


     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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