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Ukraine’s Prosecutor General To Reopen ALL Biden Cases


Start using this big scary word and open that Overton Window so that everyone in America, everybody in the WORLD, is talking about the overthrow of Trump by domestic enemies. If we want the hangings to start, we need to warm up the crowd with plenty of truth and evidence that this was a planned coup on the president. As we expose American corruption, truth warriors around the world are coming for the Queen, Privy Council, and Pilgrims Society for espionage and acts of war. We invite patriots everywhere to join us in a global movement of truth disclosure.



Impeachment, Treason and Trump | Constitution Corner




Here is an example of an AIM patriot using his twitter feed as an information weapon. Teaching others about truth doesn’t have to be boring. It’s OK to make information bombs fun, entertaining as well as enlightening.




Ukraine’s Prosecutor General To Reopen ALL Biden Cases


What we liked about the information warrior who infiltrated the AOC speech to scream out the “eating babies” rhetoric is that:

  1. she took her message to a room full of actual people,
  2. she had the camera ready (looks like two were engaged) so that a video could be taken of her reaction and AOCs
  3. the video was immediately uploaded and scaled globally
  4. the message was “biting” (remember this is an information war, not a tv reality show – be pithy and punchy)
  5. no harm to humans or animals was caused in its production.



AIM Patriot Giorgio knows this is an information war and whipped up this image lickety-split for all y’all to shoot through your networks. Bombs away!


These info warriors took their protests to a ‘Harris town hall’ and a ‘Warren walk through an airport’ and stood up for freedom! Think you and your spouse can make it to an event like this and be an info warrior?

Kamala Harris asks Nevada town hall audience if America is ‘ready’ for her presidency – only for the crowd to shout ‘NO!’ in embarrassing campaign blunder


Warren Surrounded in Reno Airport by Trump Supporters Shouting ‘Stop the Impeachment’


Join Betsy’s team. Be a part of the truth revolution.



Trump to Protect U.S. Taxpayers from Subsidizing Health Care for Immigrants


Mitt Romny: Trump Suggesting China, Ukraine Investigate Biden Is ‘Appalling’

When is Ronna going to come out and disclose Uncle Mitt’s corruption?

Or is Ronna in “place” because of Mitt Romney?  Is her position at the RNC another type of “perk” these scumbag politicians and globalist thugs give their milquetoast children?

Still giving your 2020 campaign donations to the corrupt RNC? The Romneys will take your money and fractionalize your vote – unless you say NO.

Go to to MAGA in 2020.

The Romneys are dirty and they rig elections using Optech software in Smartmatic and Hart InterCivic machines.

Make sure to ask Ronna about the family corruption. And please do it at an RNC function when you have a few cameras on you! We would love to post her response.



John Ratcliffe: Adam Schiff and HPSCI Committee Majority Must be Disqualified from Investigation



Betsy and Thomas Discuss Current Topics Apologies for the video glitch at the beginning. We were able to fix Douglas’ video feed about half-way through. This did not effect his audio abilities.


Iowa Voter ID Law Survives Lawsuit Claiming It Is “An Attack On The Latino Community”





Schiff Collusion with Whistleblower the Last Straw




This post below shows that folks know what’s going on with adult children of corrupt politicians. Share the post to friends.


Today’s featured image at the top of the CAT REPORT reminds folks that AIM Cats love precious human babies. Make sure to download or order Douglas’ book on how to educate the Wisdom Children coming in to our world today.

Print version available on Amazon

E-book version is available through Smashwords.

For those on a tight budget, please save and share this free PDF version. Eternal Curriculum for Wisdom Children


Predictive programming?


AIM Patriot Pat from Australia sends us an article which gives us an interesting look in how others outside of America view the swamp. Get beyond the first dozen paragraphs to read the interesting material. Nice find, Pat.

DEAD MEN DON’T NEED IMPEACHMENT. Swamp in Panic: Trump In Danger.


AIM Patriot jazz war sends us this 2017 article because it is as relevant today as it was then. History matters.

The 23 biggest donors to the ‘Remain’ campaign against Brexit





Church Militant News Report — Sounding the Alarm



Patriot #1: Do democrats eat babies? They have not denied it. They have not been exonerated.

Patriot #2: A source familiar with AOC’s thinking said she’s strongly in favor of it

Patriot #3: I heard (through the grapevine) that this new meat-free ‘Impossible Burger’ comes from Planned Parenthood.

Patriot #4: The Democrat platform is actually a human cook book.


Twilight Zone!–“To Serve Man”–Most Remembered Episode?




AIM Patriot Vermithrax contemplates:

Guess we know when the next plane crash will happen…





From CNN to Drudge…it’s all propaganda. Don’t waste your brain on this stuff.



This is one of our favorite videos (below) to help those of you thinking about enlisting as an information warrior to fight for world peace and prosperity through full disclosure, but feel that you won’t be able to make a difference.

Sometimes it can feel that you are all by yourself. This video shows you how to overcome that obstacle, and SOAR. We did. So can you.

Many blessings and thanks to AIM’s “first followers”!

First Follower: Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy


     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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