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Elections have consequences. If we want to hang the traitors, make 2020 consequential!



So much winning! Patriots say DON’T STOP, Mr. President!





Google, others invested $256 million into CrowdStrike so Democrats can use FBI wiretap data to regain Congress

Since CrowdStrike has top secret clearance, so does Google. So do other investors. They all have “unlimited” access to the FBI’s data, files, and surveillance information.

CrowdStrike has the only access to the DNC’s computer systems.

Google donated one of their planes for use by the Hillary Clinton Campaign for President.

A venture capital company, Warburg Pincus, however, controls CrowdStrike.  Warburg invested more money into CrowdStrike than Google. 

No one at Google is on CrowdStrike’s Board of Directors. Warburg Pincus has two. They are Cary Davis and Joseph Landy.


Crowdstrike brought down Flynn using Ukrainian hacking teams


Reminder: John Durham Questioning CIA Officials About Intelligence Community Assessment




AIM Patriot Chris sends us this:

Report: Elijah Cummings’ Widow May Run for His Congressional Seat

Rep. Elijah Cummings’ widow, Dr. Maya Rockeymoore Cummings, may run for his congressional seat, according to a report.
She is a member of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, and established connections to the black circles of power in DC, the Congressional Black Caucus, which is replete with Boule members, prince hall masons, and at least 2 order of the eastern star masons.



Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton decried the Democratic National Committee (DNC) as a “bankrupt” organization and warned that Democrats are going to be “outgunned, outspent, and out-lied” in the upcoming election, according to audio posted by the GOP War Room on Friday. Watch video if you can stomach listening to the washed-up cabbage-smelling criminal mobster hag.


Deplorables: Trump, Brexit and the Demonised Masses


All About Mifsud’s Blackberry phones. Must read Twitter thread.


China’s blacklisted AI firms: What you should know

Hongkongers don Pepe, Guy Fawkes, Winnie and Xi Jinping masks at human chain protest against new law




Patriots hitting the streets!

Trump Supporters Rally Outside Bernie Sanders Event





One of our British AIM Patriots sent us the video below. We do not know if the claims are true. The timing of this “narrative” smells like propaganda to keep you from looking at the deeper truths of Queen Elizabeth II who failed in the attempt to overthrow Donald J. Trump.

Stay focused, patriots. We have our sight on the target and will not be distracted.






If you missed the picture of this slutty Congresswoman Katie Hill, then you might not appreciate the craftsmanship of this meme.

Read all about the D.C. slut


AIM Patriot Bill writes:

I have listened with great interest to the information you have uncovered about those who wish to control our society and the world. I have not heard you mention the huge role that the tax exempt Foundations have played in carrying our that agenda.
The actual minutes of the Carnegie Foundation meetings, starting in 1908, were made available to Norman Dodd during the Reece-Dodd Congressional Investigation.

Those minutes outlined the goal of the Foundations to change society on a large scale using wars and to shape public policy and opinion by taking control of the financial system, the State Department and Education. I doubt that anyone has been allowed to see those records before or since and I wonder if the original dicta-phone recordings of those minutes still exist. If you have not already seen this interview with Norman Dodd I would highly recommend it. These Foundations have played a key role in carrying out the agenda of those people and organizations you have been discussing.

Norman Dodd On Tax Exempt Foundations


Our Reply: Thank you, Bill. We simply can’t get to every subject that needs to be discussed and are appreciative of suggestions, especially when they have been vetted for accuracy and evidence by a member of our community. Let’s all help to tell our TRUTH HISTORY. When you make contributions like this we call them “glass beads” for our Glass Bead Game. We all can be a part of offering full disclosure and truth.

Remember, folks, we leave our comment boxes open for your contributions. This is a great way for you to add to the day’s revelations on the Cat Reports or additional info under our citizens intelligence reports. This is what “crowdsourcing the truth” means.

The AIM platform is known as the “mothership”. Betsy flies this big beautiful truth ship for the Conclave. We have starships and rebel alliance “flying” in and out of Her every day, picking up memes, videos, and headlines that might be of interest to their networks. We have influential members all over the world. If you have something that needs exposure, make sure to use our comment box for immediate posting.

If you want to show a video, please put the url link in a separate line. Then, the video thumbnail will show on the page. If you want to post a meme or picture, please use the imgur format. Our community loves biting memes!

Each Cat Report is a snapshot of how we saw the world for the day. Help us fill in the picture with your wisdom and knowledge. Who knows…your post may be the very one that helps educate and enlighten a fellow internet traveler.


TESLA – Everything is the Light – Interview with Nikola Tesla








New York Democrat looking for your vote.

NY Democrats Quietly Dismantle ‘1 Male, 1 Female’ Rule

Where the rules once read “his or her,” it now reads, “they,” “them,” or “theirs.” Where the rules once read as “one male and one female,” or, “are of the opposite gender,” it now reads as various version of two people who “do not identify as the same gender, unless they both identity as a non-binary gender.”



AIM Patriot Dan B. writes:

I have been given a great education listening to you both for almost two years. You provide information not available to me in any other medium. I’m hoping one day to be able to graduate and understand all the factual information you have provided to me and exposed me to! I can never thank you enough!!!

Our Reply. We are teachers, Dan. This is what teachers do. We help you discover your the potential. We help you understand the external world. Learning is so much fun. Our students always said we had the best classes, whether they were Douglas wee-students in a Waldorf first grade or Tyla’s community college students.


If you found school boring and worthless, it is probably because you could see through the indoctrination and smell the propaganda oozing through the Common (Crap) Core curriculum.

Thank A Teacher Enjoy this video that Tyla made back in 2010 to thank all the teachers that had helped her through the years.


A little backstory on the video above. At the end of the video you will see Mudpies and Butterflies mentioned. We were creating an internal social network for our schools and had done a significant amount of work with developers to that end. Our school parents, even back then, were very concerned about privacy and their children on Facebook.

As we were in the testing phase, we wanted to make sure all of our licensing agreements were legal with providers. We couldn’t find out who licensed the actual scalability portion of the social media. We were told that IBM just made this technology “open source”.  Anybody could use it.

At the time, we thought this was odd. Why would IBM, a company known at that time to charge high prices for everything, let you use this technology for free and have no user-agreement to sign?

Fast forward to 2017. We found out why.

Facebook Unmasked: How the World’s Most Relevant Entrepreneur Was Screwed By Zuckerberg


If a group of teachers asked this foundational question about social media technology, why haven’t Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerberg, or Donald Trump asked the same question?




David, a former AIM truther that says we have gone too far, writes:

The blurb on ‘New World Awakening‘ is a detriment to your integrity as a truth source……..

Our reply:  It IS truth. The Gabriels have had the experience. Others have, too.

If we cared about metrics and nonsensical statements from unenlightened people, we would have never spoken out about a number of things on this platform. We told you in a previous Cat Report that we would no longer be holding back on these spiritual matters and suggested that you unsubscribe if topics like this ruffle your feathers.

The hoary truth we need to see is WHY humanity has been suppressed for over a hundred years by the Pilgrims Society and other planetary rulers.

What is it about the divine nature of the human being that is being held back from us? David, you have reached your limits in this cyber classroom. If there are anymore like David on the site, please consider unsubscribing, too. You have simply reached the end of this portion of the journey with us.

Go in peace and love, patriots.


Sneak peek of action cat – coming soon thanks to Michael at Infotoons.





Special Happy Birthday wishes TODAY to Tyla’s dear friend Judy who made Tyla promise to write a book about her ‘Damascus experience’, a profound moment that she watched happen to Tyla in October 1984. All through the years, with the coming and goings of child-raising, career-building, and geographical moves, Judy always reminded Tyla that she needed to write a book about the event.

When Judy would nudge Tyla into starting the book, she would say, “Judy, you just can’t put this experience in a book and sell it on Amazon. This is so profound that it must be told in a way that the reader receives the information experientially.”

The one “book” turned into a bookshelf with Douglas now writing a book per year, plus several websites and hundreds of videos into a cyber space of learning and exploring that we call the Glass Bead Game. Come, join us. We invite you to start contributing “glass beads” to the game.


After watching our latest lecture on Sophia, Carolyn C. writes us below. We’ll leave it here so that you might be comforted by Carolyn’s story.

When I was four years old, I dreamed I was in the presence of God. I was not told this by any of the nebulous beings around me that I was seeing God, I just knew it. I remember being puzzled because God appeared as fluffy clouds similar to cumulous clouds but in various shades of pink and white. There was no form. God did not have the figure of a man or woman and there was no definitive facial features – only a vague outline of what I thought could be a somewhat feminine and very young face.

I’m 55 years old and I’ve never forgotten that dream, but I eventually put it away as merely a childish and meaningless dream. A few months ago I read an article written by Douglas which described the etheric body as having the color of peach blossoms and that hit me like a thunderclap.

It was the perfect description of the color of God in my dream. How did I dream God as a nearly formless figure the color of peach blossoms and know that “good” people could become angels when I had never been taught this? I cannot just put away this dream anymore. Could I, at 4 years of age, have been taken into the presence of a divine being during my sleep?


Josh joins the community with this announcement:

Greetings! I came across your work while searching for information on “Scythianos”. I’m currently studying “Christ and Sophia” by Valentin Tomberg. I plan on studying your books on the Gospel of Sophia. Thank you for your Love offering and I look forward to reading your site and watching on YouTube


     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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