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How Republicans Won Phase One Of Impeachment




How Republicans Won Phase One Of Impeachment



pedroelsantos posted:

You forgot Crowdstrike, the only people to ever “examine” the DNC server.

Dmitri Alperovitch is a Russian-born American computer security industry executive. He is co-founder and chief technology officer of CrowdStrike

He is a Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council think tank and was named in December 2013 as one of Foreign Policy’s Top 100 Leading Global Thinkers, along with Angela Merkel, John Kerry, Ben Bernanke and Jeff Bezos** (WaPost)


MetalSlug 20 added:

Don’t even need to be Five-O to detect this mess


Farage Says UK Needs ‘Political Reform’ to Drain the Westminster ‘Swamp’


     Presidential Tweets Today


“I was not pleased with the way that Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher’s trial was handled by the Navy. He was treated very badly but, despite this, was completely exonerated on all major charges. I then restored Eddie’s rank. Likewise, large cost overruns from past administration’s…..

….contracting procedures were not addressed to my satisfaction. Therefore, Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer’s services have been terminated by Secretary of Defense Mark Esper. I thank Richard for his service & commitment. Eddie will retire peacefully with all of the…..

….honors that he has earned, including his Trident Pin. Admiral and now Ambassador to Norway Ken Braithwaite will be nominated by me to be the new Secretary of the Navy. A man of great achievement and success, I know Ken will do an outstanding job!” President Donald J. Trump November 24, 2019


Giuliani: If Joe Biden Not Prosecuted, Nobody in America Should Ever Be Prosecuted for Bribery

Since it is clearly evident that there is no law and order in this country and that the D.C. criminals murder their opponents and adversaries without any repercussions, not to mention the non-stop lying and propaganda, why would ordinary citizens abide by the laws anymore?

We are either a country that upholds the Constitution and Bill of Rights or we are a country taken over by globalists who are destroying the Republic while citizens stay mesmerized by television and media propaganda and brainwashing.

We aren’t seeing positive changes on this front, Mr. President. It is only getting worse.

Important Message from Michael McKibben


FUTURE GLOBALISTS OF THE WORLD BEGIN THEIR TRAINING – Here’s the 2019 List of up-n-coming globalist puppets

Future globalists named in the 2019 Rhodes Trust. Thank you, AIM Patriot John, for sending in the list of new Rhodes Scholars. Pay attention, y’all. These Rhodes Scholars are trained in Cecil Rhodes – Alfred Milner take-over-of-the-world plans.



Biden Tags Four Women, Including Sally Yates, Who Could Be His VP



Looks like Trump tweets are ORDERS! So y’all SES operatives that are keeping his orders from being followed, pay attention. You may be next …. to be fired by POTUS for not following ORDERS.



Republicans & Democrats Agree: Give Vast Snooping Powers to The U.S. Government


Liars Club – Fusion GPS Glenn Simpson Claims He was Tricked by Russian Operative Natalia Veselnitskaya

Now that you know the actual truth of the overthrow attempt of President Trump, this pathetic explanation by Glenn Simpson will have you roaring. Keep pounding away, information warriors. The overthrow goes all the way to the CROWN. Do not let up. Keep the truth information flowing.

Full Fusion GPS Co-Founders: Won’t Let Giuliani ‘Deliberately Lie About Us’ | Meet The Press



Easy to make stickers. Apply with care.


Tune in to SteelTruth tonight to hear Michael discuss the Miller Act Notice.


Leaving this here for Douglas who happens to know a thing or two about Star Wars.

What’s the Best Star Wars Project in the Last 20 Years, and Why Is It The Mandalorian?

If you are new to our blog, you may not be aware of what Douglas knows:

Source of the Force: Secret Behind Star Wars Inspiration



Russia Is Readying For Robot Wars



Read all about election rigging from Kentucky to London


Presidential Turkeys arrive in D.C.





$736,000,000,000 in US foreign aid doled out between 2000 and 2016.

Only Trump is questioning where the money is going and which families in the United States are benefiting.

Any questions?

— thebradfordfile™ (@thebradfordfile) November 25, 2019


AIM Patriot and Conclave member Condor writes:

I just watched the Wal Thornhill’s Big Bang – Time to Wipe the Chalkboard Clean | Space News, video in your November 23 update. There is a cosmology crisis. It appears, under breaking news, Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft cannot break through an electric fence which appears to be enveloping our entire solar system.

Once this news gets more widespread, it might just be one of the last nails in the coffin associated with both the Big Bang theory and how light and energy are actually created on the surface of our sun.



Cultural Marxists Using Corporate America to Aggressively Push Transgender Agenda


Andrew Breitbart on the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism (Jun 14 ,2011)


The Fight Against Infanticide in a Deep Blue State




Democrats are Unhinged

New RNC ad uses Democrats’ own words on impeachment against them


2020 Democratic Debate – SNL






For those new to our site, the Conclave section is where we leave “raw” miner finds for the media creators and truth reporters that come to our site daily for new evidence-based information. They may use this material to deepen their own research, make articles, posts, and videos. Our AFI miners are happy to serve the truth community in this way.


We pulled that House Financial report and defanged it. Amazingly, Adobe was programmed on that file not to allow images of the PDF…. A PUBLIC DOCUMENT. The Office of Government Ethics will argue it is to prevent electronic tampering with the document, but that is silly since making an image off the underlying PDF structure cannot change the underlying data anyway. We believe that “feature” is to obscure transparency and block average citizens from communicating the data.

Here’s one that does:

Adam B. Schiff. (Filed May 15, 2017). OGE Form 278, 2016 Financial Disclosure, Filing ID #10016142. Office of Government Ethics.

At least 19 BlackRock holdings & 5 Franklin Templeton investments totaling up to almost $1M. Some of these holdings appear to be stock trading accounts that get cleaned out each year before the annual financial disclosure.

Therefore, Schiff’s U.S. House financial disclosure is very unlikely to be an accurate disclosure of his total holdings.

Shares is Blackrock

Facebook’s largest mutual fund investor: Fidelity

Five Franklin Templeton Funds


     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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