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Lisa Page – the SES Traitor Plays the Victim Card


Lisa the SES Traitor Plays the Victim Card

Read her pathetic excuses on the propaganda site called The Daily Beast. Then make sure your circle of influence knows about this scumbag who was planning a lot more than we know, but her so-called lover-boy Peter redacted their tweets with permission from Michael Horowitz, another SES scumbag.

You guys out there: Don’t think of her as some sweet, innocent, damsel in distress.

Lisa Page: Senior Executive Service TRAITOR and ENEMY of the Republic.

Looks like Lisa could use her own meme campaign. Y’all send us your creations so we can help others know about her failed attempt to overthrow President Donald Trump.


The IG Report Will Release December 9th, But What About The “Declassification List”?








PILGRIMS SOCIETY publishers rewriting history while the U.S. Department of Indoctrination endorses fake history curriculum. Education needs to be decentralized IMMEDIATELY so that this kind of brainwashing is never again pushed from the top down. Parents, communities, and states demand that the U.S. Department of Command and Control Education Indoctrination be closed ASAP.

NYT ‘1619 Project’Infiltrates Public School Curriculum



Failed Voting Machines – The Saga Continues. The creator mentions in this video that her state uses ES&S. As you can see in the chart below the video, ES&S uses OPTECH software. And you know who knows about Uncle Mitt’s rigged election boxes? That’s right – ole Ronna the Romney in charge of the RNC knows all about the Romney family rigged election machines and still hasn’t reported this election corruption by her family to patriots.



Mike Robinson posts:

It is, indeed, axiomatic that you cannot have a valid data-collection system if that system cannot be audited.

The only way that you can do this is by having a paper trail. You mark a paper ballot, which is then error-checked (no more “hanging chads” …), then electronically scanned. Now, as the State of Colorado has demonstrated how to do, you use very simple, high-school level statistics to establish a “95% confidence interval” that the electronic record actually matches the paper. A very small(!) number of boxes are randomly pulled and hand-counted. Exactly like the high school examples of pulling random light-bulbs off a production line and seeing if they actually light up. But it makes all the difference in the world.

If we have, instead, created pure-electronic ballot boxes that can be “stuffed,” well, guess what will happen . . .


The Rebirth of Orthodox Russia! Dr. Turley mentions this video in the presentation below: Christianity is SURGING Throughout the World!



Why COPPA and the FTC Are Doomed to Failure. Note that the creator misspeaks when she calls it the Financial Trade Commission. It is the FEDERAL Trade Commission.


The opposition is incapable of making effective meme weaponry; hence, they are banning them. This is total FIRST AMENDMENT INFRINGEMENT.

No more memes in California


What YOUTUBE’s Not Telling You About COPPA. Here is another video from Ian Corzine about COPPA: COPPA INSIDER Update!!! What MORE YouTube Is HIDING




Thanks, AIM Patriot Mark for sharing this great DIY Free Energy with Magnets




Now to the Obama boobs where we corrected Owen’s tweet with this picture to the right:

I want to correct a mistake I’ve made as a reporter for years now. I’ve repeatedly made false claims that Michelle Obama is a man. This in unprofessional & inaccurate. Allow me to correct the record. Michelle Obama WAS a man. Apologies for previous reports. Record corrected.

— J Owen Shroyer (@allidoisowen) December 1, 2019



Les Standard posts:

The democrats have to remove Trump by force or fraud because they will never win another national election with this agenda…
– infanticide
– gender changes for five year olds
– tolerance for pedophilia, 67 genders
– extremely higher taxes
– much higher crime because we must be borderless
– hatred for the police
– hatred for ICE
– hatred for white people
– take away ALL your guns


Mike Robinson posts:

But, at the end of the day, the House has no Constitutional basis for bringing Articles of Impeachment up to a vote: they have no “high crimes and misdemeanors,” and they have no judicial power by which to find him guilty of any such crime nor even to initiate criminal proceedings against him.

What they’re attempting is called a “Bill of Attainder,” and it’s expressly forbidden (twice!) in our Constitution. (§1.9.3; §1.10.1.) The second sentence of the Impeachment Clause makes it clear that the accused will face “indictment, prosecution, conviction and punishment” in the actual Courts of Law, but Trump faces no such indictment and none are contemplated. Congress is expressly barred from what it is now attempting to do, which meets every legal litmus-test for a “Bill of Attainder.”


Joe Biden Went Off Script he is Talking about Kids Playing with His Hairy Legs and How Much He Loves Children on His Lap and Roaches


In stores this Christmas – Parody Alert



CBP seizes thousands of fake IDs headed from China to New York

The licenses were for several states, including Florida, Michigan, Illinois, Missouri, New Jersey and Ohio.



We spotted AIM patriot Kevin’s tweets as we were watching a video from Devin Nunes where he said:

“The version of the OIG report being leaked is the version that the dirty cops being investigated have received and is not the full and actual report.” Read tweet here

Kevin got right in there and left the info bombs you see below. Nice work, information warrior. For those that have been attending the AIM one-room intelligence schoolhouse for a few years, we hereby graduate you and send you into social media and your community with the sharp sword of truth.

The fake news media is able to enlighten citizens about the deeper truths that YOU KNOW.  This has been information boot camp. Now get out there. Organize and collaborate. Redpill wherever you can.

Two easy goals for now:

  1. Attend Trump rallies when you can – inside or outside. Show your physical, 3D support for President Trump.
  2. Use your special talents, skills, knowledge and passion to encourage others to vote MAGA 2020…that’s President Donald Trump and other MAGA candidates.



The Myth of Voter Suppression



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Doug Collins Won’t Rule Out Primary Bid Against Governor’s Choice For Senate



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Y’all been wondering how Warren’s meme team is doing?


Looks like patriots are helping the Warren meme team with more effective weaponry:


2019 Christmas Decorations at the White House


For those of you following the narwhal story….like Douglas who is a narwhal tusk amateur expert and says it makes a great weapon and then proceeded to show the family his (legal) narwhal collection…. again. . .



Eventually all discussion of narwhals winds up here with 54 million other viewers. Wonder if Google-YouTube will now find this video unacceptable for child viewing now that the narwhal tusk has been weaponized.

Narwhals : animated music video


     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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