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Liberals have become dangerously insane

tt boom economy pelosi.jpg

This tweet is loaded with information! We will need to grab our microphone later today and explain the nuances in a Trump Tweet Decode session with Betsy and Thomas. To catch the audio as soon as it is released subscribe to www.


Relax, Patriots.

Folks aren’t paying attention to the failing globalist coup to overthrow President Trump. Lots more important things on people’s minds. All you need to do is get your friends and family to the polls for a MAGA landslide in November 2020. In the meantime, what is more important than listening to Pelosi-Nadler-Schiff circus?

This week there have been more US Google searches for Peloton than impeachment


WaPo Media Writer: How Can Journalists Get More People to Support Impeachment?


Don’t worry about the media propagandists. They will be able to find new jobs in the Trump economy.

7,700 MEDIA people have lost their jobs so far this year


This week federal judiciary became one-fifth Trump-appointed, while media focused on Jerry Nadler


Liberals have become dangerously insane



John Kerry Joins Joe Biden’s ‘No Malarky’ Tour, Touts as Superhero Who Will ‘Save the World’

Will Nancy Pelosi and Mitt Romney join the Malarkey bus tour next? Ask Mitt Romney’s niece – Ronna McDaniels!


Pass the tweet around your network


Presidential Legal Obligations 101: 

Art 2, Sec. 3 of the US Constitution obligates the President to investigate and ask for investigations of corruption in countries we provide funds to.

Who ever heard of a president being impeached for carrying out his constitutional mandate?

— Rudy Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) December 6, 2019




Biden And Pelosi Snap On The Same Day, Anti-Impeachment Witness Threatened; What’s Going On With Democrats?


What’s up with the chick on the couch? Is this a news show or a bar lounge? Anyway, despite the scantly-clad Fox babe, let’s listen to the boss, Devin Nunes.

Devin Nunes: “My phone records don’t match what Schiff, Dems put in report”



China, China, China!!!

Job Specification. (Accessed Dec. 05, 2019). Schwarzman Scholars Alumni Affairs Coordinator. Schwarzman Scholars.


Naval shooter hosted dinner party to watch mass shooting videos before fatal attack


Trump Campaign Releases New MUST SEE Impeachment Ad


Nancy Pelosi is the supreme commander of the Democrats’ impeachment army


This is an odd tweet…

— Rod Rosenstein (@RodRosenstein) December 8, 2019

Here’s the article with the advertising removed:

I helped make Richard Jewell famous — and ruined his life in the process





Yep, the same George Soros that rigs election machines with Mitt Romney and Mark Malloch-Brown. Ask Ronna. She knows.

Soros Plan to Elect Anti-White District Attorneys

Earlier this month in Virginia, Soros spent millions to guarantee victories for four different prosecutors subscribed to his neo-liberal agenda. None of their opponents, including incumbents, were able to compete with this money imbalance. These candidates are so extreme their fellow Democrats defeated in primaries endorsed Republicans.


Take a peek and see how the richest CEO criminals in the world live.

Many of them could not be living this way had they not stolen the technology needed to drive their platforms. The Department of Defense along with the Highlands Group and IBM Eclipse Foundation stole the scalability technology that Michael McKibben and Leader Technologies had invented. This is truth. Propaganda can only hide and distort truth.

The government thieves then turned this into a TRILLION dollar industry, living high on the hog, while leaving the inventor with nothing. So don’t cry for them when President Trump finally exposes their crime, pays Leader for the government’s theft, and We the People re-write the “terms of service” they need to follow in the future.

The Incredible Homes of The Richest CEO’s


Important Message from Michael McKibben


This One Chart Shows Why Christianity, Freedom & America Are In Peril: The ‘Law Of Islamic Saturation’ Has Enabled ‘The Most Totalitarian Political System In History’ To Thrive In America. Learn more.




Biden Refuses to Explain What He Meant by ‘Roaches’ But an Online Search Shows It’s a Racist Slur Against Black People



Sorry about the image above…here’s an eyewash fountain.


Psy Ops Goes Mainstream


Keep firing truth memes through your networks. This is the Great Information War and YOU are an information warrior. Keep spreading truth pictures.


Wrongthink — #DoNotQuestionAuthority





Top News, Geoengineering, Twitter Blocked | S0 News Dec.8.2019


Congratulations to @TitoOrtiz on tonight’s huge WIN, a Great American Patriot!


Purchase this poster




Deep Art Departs



We have often heard that when criminals, in whom instinctive subconsciousness works very strongly, have committed some particular crime, they have a peculiar instinct;

they are drawn back to the place where they did it; an indefinable feeling drives them back. Such things only express in special cases what is common to man in respect of many things. When we have done something, accomplished something, however seemingly unimportant, something of it remains in us, something of what we have grasped in the doing of it; a certain force remains in us from the thing we have done, from the forces with which we have done it something remains connected with the ego.

This cannot be otherwise expressed, although of course it is expressed as a kind of imagination. A man cannot avoid forming certain connections with all the beings he meets, and the things he grasps (not, of course, physical things only), the things with which he has something to do in life. We leave our own distinctive mark on all things, and a feeling of being bound up with the things with which we have come in touch by our deeds, remains in our subconsciousness.

In the case of criminals this comes to expression in an abnormal way, because there the unconsciousness flashes up very instinctively into the ordinary consciousness; but in his sub-consciousness every man has the feeling that he must return to the place with which he has come in touch by his deeds.

This also takes part in forming our karma; our karma arises from this. From this subconscious feeling, which at first presses into existence in a nebulous way, we have the general feeling of unity with the whole world. Because everywhere we leave our mark, we have this feeling.

Source: Rudolf Steiner – GA 181 – Earthly Death and Cosmic Life: lecture 6 – Berlin, 19th March, 1918


Everything is Connected — Here’s How: | Tom Chi | TEDxTaipei


AIM Patriot Mike dropped us a note in a comment box that we have pulled here to make sure all of our GEET builders see it:

Re GEET and Paul Pantone: I saw Paul demonstrate his technology at a number of Tesla Tech conferences. For some reason he would not sell completed systems but only critical parts and plans. The parts were simple and conversions used plumbing pipes. There were two versions of the plans, one for small engines and one for cars. At every conference he was at he had full day workshops training people how to do this.

He actually set up a network of mechanics throughout the US that would do GEET conversions on vehicles (worked best on older simpler cars). These engines ran on just about any kind of liquid. The conversion was pretty simple and primarily involved routing the exhaust of the engine over an air intake stream that that had a pointed metal rod inside. Plasma combustion took place at the end of the plasma rod. Whatever was emitted from the plasma ran the engine.

At one of the conferences the a few of the certified conversion mechanics were going to drive converted vehicles to the conference. However they were tipped off that the State (New Mexico) may come and confiscate the cars since they were not paying gas tax (this was before electric vehicles). As a result they kept the cars away.

I talked to a few of the mechanics, they appeared to be real and in presentations showed details of the conversions and what they had done. Videos of Pauls presentations and his mechanics are probably still available from Tesla Tech, which is still an ongoing annual conference on alternate technologies. I recommend it to anybody who has an interest in alternate technology for energy and health (which are actually linked).


     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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