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AG Barr: ‘First Time in History’ That Incumbent Gov’t Spying ‘Has Been Done to a Presidential Campaign’




Share this chart below which links to searchable Plum Books. Make sure everyone in your network is knowledgeable about Obama’s army of bureaucrats. We placed in a tinyurl for undetected sharing:

Senior Executive Service (SES) “Plum Book” Policy and Supporting Positions published by various House and Senate Committees Updated Mar. 30,2018
President Reporting Year SES Plum Book

Be Patient on downloads, these are large files

Positions Depts. & Agencies Inspectors General

(Deep State shadow gov’t buffers)

Agency/Dept. Summary Spreadsheet
Search Note: The versions of these documents at the Federal Register and GoogleDocs/GoogleDrive contain search blocks that prevent all the names in these documents from appearing on searches and being indexed by web search crawlers. We are unpacking these files and removing those booby traps. So, just because a name does not appear the first time you search, do not assume it is not there. It may have been intentionally rendered unsearchable. We are receiving many reports from whistleblowers that these official SES lists are not comprehensive and are only the “tip of the iceberg” of total SES federal employees. Reading between the lines of their disclosure rules, SES has dozens of ways of making people’s names and salaries secret, and as they say in every document, they cannot be hired or fired by the President (that statement is usually the last paragraph of APPENDIX NO. 2).

Bookmark: #ses-obfuscation-blizzard |

NEW! ANALYSIS (100 hrs. unpacking the Plum Books): Anonymous Patriots. (Apr. 04, 2018). Plum Books hide SES employees in a blizzard of bad math and contradictory, nonsensical categories. American Intelligence Media.

EXPERT CONCLUSION: Everyone in the Plum Book is SES, whether directly designated or secretly associated by convoluted policies.

Jimmy Carter 1980 PDF 8,600 18
Ronald Reagan 1984 PDF 8,000 20
1988 PDF 8,000 14
George H.W. Bush 1992 PDF 8,600 12
Bill Clinton 1996 PDF 7,303 104 30 XLSX
2000 PDF DOCX 7,323 115 ? XLSX
George W. Bush 2004 PDF DOCX 9,357 119 ? XLSX
2008 PDF DOCX 8,221 115 ? XLSX
Barack Obama 2012 PDF DOCX 11,392 164 25 XLSX
2016 PDF DOCX 9,033 166 25 XLSX
Standing SES (DOJ) Performance Review Boards*
Fed. Reg. PDF* Declawed


500 Office of Attorney General DOJ SeS 500 – DOJ Paymasters




Various 1979- SITE NSA, CIA, DTIC, DOD
Various Various ZIP SERCO British/Int’l arm of SES (has controlled the U.S. Patent Office since 2006)
Table 1: Senior Executive Service (SES) Plum Book disclosing the U.S. shadow government. Click on any file. To search inside a file, click Ctrl + F (find) then type a search word or phrase. Or, select Edit | Advanced Search.

* This Federal Register file is severely tampered with to prevent search crawlers from indexing it, and even from normal cut and paste and file conversion actions. Essentially, it had to be retyped in order to strip out the embedded malware in the fonts themselves. This tampering hints at possible collusion with Microsoft and possibly Adobe to recognize hidden HEX characters inside certain fonts that automatically junks up the text record, thus preventing normal portability of the data to other programs. This one file took approx. 14 experienced man-hours to render it to full searchability. The effort to “hide this file in plain site” was evident to the engineers.

Vol. 81 No. 191. (Oct. 03, 2016). Membership of the Senior Executive Service Standing Performance Review Boards. Federal Register.


How Americans can restore the rule of law


Deep State Bureaucrats are Named Time Magazine’s ‘Guardians of the Year’



AIM Cats Love Rat Swamp Soup


Record 3 million illegal immigrants living freely in the country awaiting hearings


While we are being distracted with Congressional Circuses, amnesty is being pushed by Globalist-Chamber of Commerce Puppets. All information warriors to your keyboards and Contact your Congressperson to tell them


Share Paul Gosar’s tweet


Did you contact your Congressperson? All kinds of things must be on your mind these days. Patriots, please educate your elected representatives:

Contact your Congressperson


Soros-Linked Group Gets Six GOP Governors to Resettle More Refugees



Share the tweet


AG Barr: ‘First Time in History’ That Incumbent Gov’t Spying ‘Has Been Done to a Presidential Campaign’



The look of satisfaction and approval on Jim’s face speaks volumes.

Find out here.


IG Modifies FISA Report, Adds Declassification Aspect Per DOJ (Barr?)


Sundance to Bill Barr:

Message Received – Thank You Bill Barr


Raptors2020 posts:

So happy to see some changes at the Justice Department: Jessie Liu and Ed O’Callaghan out.

Liu’s move may be sideways, but her co-workers understand she’s being shunted aside, and bureaucrats care about the opinions of other bureaucrats.

I don’t think we’re going to see significant criminal charges against any of these people, but career death or stagnation sends a message to other government departments. And all bureaucrats are reluctant to make risky decisions; if Senator Warner can’t protect Jessie Liu, then why stick your neck out for any Democrat or any politician?

The other repercussion that keeps echoing is President Trump’s ongoing ridicule of Lisa Page. Leftists hate ridicule: Alinsky made it his rule/tactic # 5. Dumdum Lisa has been complaining about Trump’s ridicule; if she’d been paying attention she’d know the consequence.

Trump has now doubled down on his mockery of horseface Lisa. Every Trump rally’s comedy highlight is the Donald’s rendition of Strzok/ Page pillowtalk. This will continue until election 2020, and this may be a more effective deterrent to amoral federal government employees, going forward, than the slim possibility of criminal consequences.”



IG Report Confirms Schiff FISA Memo Media Praised Was Riddled With Lies


Impeachment Deeply Unpopular In Key Swing Congressional Districts


Techno Fog’s Giant List Of MSM Hacks Who Swore FBI Didn’t Rely On Steele Dossier



“When once a Republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils but by removing the corruption and restoring its lost principles; every other correction is either useless or a new evil.” — Thomas Jefferson







Remember that time we found out that SES employees were putting kitties in ovens?

If they put kitties in the ovens, who’s next?





Thorium energy is the future


Three Men Arrested In NJ For Running Alleged $722 Million Crypto Ponzi Scheme


Production note: We added this headline to yesterday’s Cat Report, post production:

Remember that time when we were ‘Q’?



We received an email from Natalie that you might find informative.

Dear Douglas & Tyla,

Thank you for all of the important information. I greatly appreciate it and enjoy learning from your various websites. However, I downloaded the PDF of sigils and printed a page on avery labels #5160 and they worked just fine. I just attempted to print another page of sigils and now my printer says, “all items may not fit on the page” and when I go ahead and print anyway only the inner spiral prints without the side artwork. I’m baffled – I then attempted to “clip” a sigil and insert into an Avery template from the Avery website and insert a whole page of sigils into the label template. When I printed them they were not aligned at all into each label. I was bummed. I was attempting to print more sigils to give out to others — all to no avail. Have you ever heard of this happening before and if so….do you know what the solution might be? I’ve worked on computers for decades in admin type positions and I can’t believe I can’t print a page of sigils 🙁

Does the universe just want me to not have any more sigils?

Dear Natalie,

Well that is odd. Attached is a sigil sheet – PDF and JPG version. Also a single sigil so you can copy and paste as you like. We can’t have you sigil-less now that you know them. Let us know if this works.


THANKS A BUNCH! We are sending them to all the family 🙂


Thanks again for the Sigil PDF’s etc. I finally got my Avery labels to print perfectly again! In addition to using them as you have suggested on I purchased a package of plastic name tags which I have inserted them into — then I can wear them with many different items of clothing. See attached photos.
In addition, after viewing your video on the Qube I went about placing sigils everywhere in my home, on radios, tv’s, water containers, computers, front and back doors, and so forth. The next day I shared the Qube video with my boyfriend, as we often watch your various videos and recordings together. He was quite interested in the sigils and then I pointed them out to him around the house and told him that I had placed them around a day earlier. He then said, “well, I do think they are working because I have noticed that just in the last day his morning and evening TM meditations had become more “coherent” and he wasn’t kidding with me”.
So that’s why I’ve been busy printing up extra labels because he’s sending them to his grown children, grand-children and even his ex-wife (divorced in 2003) and various other relatives 🙂
Thanks again to you and Douglas for all that you are sharing with us all!
Cheers & Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Yes, this is how they work. They clear the detrimental “fog” in the room that is keeping you from connecting to your “higher self”. You can also enhance your living space by placing crystals and shungite in the room – nothing that you have to run out and do tomorrow, but if you like to collect beautiful rocks, these would be two beneficial stones for your environment.
P.S. Make sure to put a sigil on something that represents financial flow to you – like your check book or inside your wallet. 🙂


Here is the video Natalie references. Additional information on the Qube can be found here.


     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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