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The Pilgrims Society: A Study of the Anglo-American Establishment; Rockefeller, Mellon, Luce, Rothschild, Cecil, Windsor, the Federal Reserve, WWII, the CIA



Breaking: Virginia vows to shut down all gun ranges not owned by the state





Esper: ‘There’s Been No Decision Whatsoever to Leave Iraq’


Defense Secretary Esper’s chief of staff resigns


Amazing this needs to be said, but since too many in American media aren’t saying it…

Iran is not a free country. Images you’re seeing of Iranians “mourning” terrorist Soleimani are likely coerced. This is a regime that murders its own people regularly.

Beware of propaganda.

— Mark Meadows (@RepMarkMeadows) January 6, 2020




Homeland Security will share citizenship data with Census



Make sure to read Jack’s thread on this topic here.


China, European Union (Pilgrims Society), and Iran – the globalists competing for their piece of America. Wake up, patriots, and start beating them back by giving MAGA a huge victory in all three branches of government this 2020. Vote straight RED.



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Thus Spake ZaraTrumpster:

The homeless situation in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and many other Democrat Party run cities throughout the Nation is a state and local problem, not a federal problem….

….If however, the city or state in question is willing to acknowledge responsibility, and politely asks for help from the Federal Government, we will very seriously consider getting involved in order to make those poorly run Democrat Cities Great Again! Read all about it!






Bernie compares Soleimani to a Russian dissident


Chelsea Clinton reaps $9 million from corporate board position


Iran Threatens To Attack Trump’s Private Properties



Ready for a patriot COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE Operation?

Below is a compelling documentary on 5G that you can share with your liberal, nevertrumper, unengaged politically, and/or NPC friends. Then send another article or two into your network about the dangers of 5G. Get your liberal friends worked up about this very real, dangerous technology.

When you have softened them up just right….let them know that President Trump supports 5G, even 6G. OMG! Orange Man wants to kill us with 5g! That’s the “spark” we will need to get this brush fire going.

President Trump reminded us of how contrary the lefties are during an interview with Rush Limbaugh.

“Like, as an example, take the wall. They were always for the wall. And then I wanted it, and they went against it. In fact, I said, if I had it to do again, I would have come out totally against the wall and I would have gotten their votes. Okay? All I had to do was come out against the wall. “I am opposed to building the wall.” And we would have gotten all the votes we needed.

No, it’s almost like they’ll try and do whatever is the opposite. I think they’ve lost their minds, you want to know the truth. I really do. It’s a terrible thing to say. Nobody’s ever seen anything like it.” Read Transcript

Understand the strategy? Let’s give those contrarians some nudges about 5G. Tell them about the plight of the birds, bees, and forest animals.  Environmentalists will go berserk. Pink hats and soy lattes will be flying.

There are lots of articles and videos about these topics on our sites. Use the search bar.  Give them helpful links to places that are organizing protest groups about 5G. Teach them how easy it is to attend a school board meeting and ask questions about WiFi in the schools.


Don’t forget to include the videos and articles about 5G and sterilization, genocide,

Waymo driverless cars,

Internet of Things and human extinction,

Eric Schmidt and his robot warriors.

President Trump tweeted his support of 5G and 6G. Let their imaginations connect the dots and get them protesting their 5G-loving Democrat congresspeople.

Give them the email address and phone numbers of the FCC, the White House, and elected officials. Help them see the big vision of taking down 5G as a plan to save the planet and take down Drumpf as well. And who knows, maybe the President will “listen to them” and shut down installation of 5G and 5G until rigorous testing has been done and proven safe for long term human health. It’s a win win for everyone except for the Democrat puppets and their globalist masters.

Of course, as everyone here at AIM knows – this is an information war and WE are INFORMATION WARRIORS. All hands to your battle stations.

Resonance: Beings of Frequency (FULL DOCUMENTARY)


The boss has a special message to patriot troops everywhere. Take it personally because each one of you has been called to do something to save our nation from globalist take-over. Just look what is happening in VIRGINIA – right now. They are abnegating the Second Amendment, Bill of Rights, and Constitution!

Patton 2020




Rep. Gaetz Claims He Heard Democratic ‘Threats’ on the House Floor


“The reason they are not sending the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate is that they are so weak and so pathetic.” @LindseyGrahamSC  @MariaBartiromo The great Scam continues. To be spending time on this political Hoax at this moment in our history, when I am so busy, is sad!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 6, 2020


Is little Senator Josh Buttigieg – opps, we mean Hawley (same kind of cutout if you know what we mean) — a player for the globalists? He is much too young and unaccomplished to be a U.S. Senator unless he had some amazing support from the globalists. Keep wondering what he did in London for a year after he left Standford where he claims to have taught school for a year, but yet no details of his actual teaching have emerged. Or was it a year-long boondoggle to mingle and meet members of the Privy Council, Rhodes scholars, MI6, and/or Pilgrims Society? Now he offers this piece of “spin” legislation to keep the impeachment ball in the air.

Josh Hawley Introduces Resolution to Dismiss Pelosi’s ‘Bogus Impeachment’ Trial

Here is Senator Hawley bloviating his crappy piece of legislation that has so many constitutional holes in it that lawfare will have a field day playing with it – just what Hawley’s globalists handlers want.

Sen. Hawley (R-MO) on Delay in Articles of Impeachment


Meanwhile Nancy Pelosi and Lindsey Graham keep the impeachment theater going:

Graham Suggests Changing Senate Rules to Start Impeachment Trial Without Articles


Listen to what Tom has to say about this.



The Pilgrims Society: A Study of the Anglo-American Establishment; Rockefeller, Mellon, Luce, Rothschild, Cecil, Windsor, the Federal Reserve, WWII, the CIA, and so much more



Wife of NSA Inspector General helped him plot Trump coup in Ukraine



Going behind enemy lines! Get out there. Bundle up and meet your tribe! Inside or outside, your presence matters.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

07:00 pm (EST)

Wildwoods Convention Center
4501 Boardwalk
Wildwood, NJ 08260

Register here. Or just show up.



Tom ‘Epstein Island’ Hanks and his complicit wife Rita hang with Big Mike and other Hollywood losers to get out the vote.




We continue our lessons on how the Qube works. Before posting the next video on the Rodin Coil and Gabriels’ Trumpet (yes, there is actually something named this in vortex mathematics), this video below provides some background on 3-6-9. We posted it on the Cat Report of May 7, 2018, but in case you missed it:

An Introduction to the Rodin Coil and Vortex Based Mathematics – 369


This article will give you even more insight in how the Qube works, so make sure to give it a looksy if this is a topic that interests you.

Energy, Frequency, and Vibration


Coasting. Last ride on today’s Cat Report. Hope you enjoyed our curated news selections today, patriots.




Bookmark: #boasberg-oxford

Yr. Oxford College Term Globalist presidents of the Oxford Union during James E. “Jeb” Boasberg’s 1985 student tenure with ABC’s George Stephanopolous College
1985 Hilary (from Jan  to Mar)

Roland Rudd

Regent’s Park
After graduating, Rudd worked as a policy coordinator for David Owen and the Social Democratic Party (he was the first SDP president of the Oxford Union). He was a financial journalist at the Sunday Correspondent and the Financial Times. In 1994, Rudd left the Financial Times to found RLM Finsbury with Rupert Younger. Rudd told The Independent in 2011, “I was at the Financial Times, writing about M&A (mergers and acquisitions) and conglomerates. Finsbury was hired by Russian Oligarch Alisher Usmanov, large early Facebook investor, to clean up his image. Rudd has been consistently accused of feeding stories by Robert Preston, the Business Editor for BBC News and Economics Editor, which makes sense given his Pilgrims Society connections.
1985 Trinity (from Apr to Jun)

Neil Sherlock

Christ Church
KPMG, PWC partner
Sir Nick Clegg (former Deputy Prime Minister, Vice President of Global Communication for Facebook); anti-Brexit advisor to the French Chamber of Commerce; Pilgrims Society, Trustee to the Carnegie UK Trust
1985 Michaelmas (from Oct to Dec)

Anthony Goodman

New College
He began his career in public relations in the UK. He is Co-Chair of The Conference Board (NY) ESG Center’s Human Capital Oversight & Disclosure Working Group. He was also founder and co-chair of the Shareholder-Director Exchange (SDX), which developed the first protocol for board-shareholder engagement in the US. Writer for the Pilgrims Society Financial Times.
Essentially, Russell Reynolds is a globalist Pilgrims Society coordinating body of “consultants” who tell their clients how to fall in line
1899 Hilary

John Buchan (later Lord Tweedsmuir)

Co-founder of the Pilgrims Society; delegate to the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909; founder of the Empire Press Union that founded MI6, MI5, GC&CS now GCHQ; First director of the Ministry of Information (1916, WWII propaganda, formerly Wellington House British War Propaganda Bureau led by Cecil Rhodes relative and Charles F.G. Masterman); Masterman also handled all monopolistic secret contracting with Marconi Wireless that later PM Lloyd George was caught buying Marconi stock in the U.S.
1903 Hilary

Herbert Asquith

British PM who oversaw the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909; Empire Press Union founding of MI6, MI5 and GC&CS now GCHQ; Imperial War Cabinet (WWI)
1920 Michaelmas

Beverley Nichols

Restarted and edited The ISIS after WWI (Oxford)
1980 Michaelmas

Rupert Soames

CEO of SERCO, globalist Pilgrims Society societal takeover company; runs US FEMA Regions 2 & 9; runs the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office from 2006); Obamacare website; much U.S. Navy Space Wars program;grandson of Pilgrims Society co-founder Winston Churchill; co-founder the Imperial War Cabinet (1916); supporter of the 2nd Boer War and British concentration camps (1899-1902);
Soames is listed in Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolitta Express” pedophile “Little Black Book” along with Ghislaine Maxwell whose father Robert Maxwell owned The ISIS from 1962-1970.


     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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