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U.S. trade deficit sinks 8% to 3-year low


“As long as I’m President of the United States, Iran will not have a nuclear weapon.”

– President Donald Trump


Trump addresses recent Iranian airstrike


Ignore everything Democrats and Never Trumpers are saying. @realDonaldTrump played this Iran situation perfectly.

He took the world’s worst terrorist off the battlefield and has Iran, Russia, China, and North Korea scared to death.

— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) January 8, 2020


House Republicans are investigating the ICIG behind the Ukraine ‘whistleblower’



Inspector General Report Shows Special Counsel Replicated FBI Abuses

The IG’s report on the U.S. Department of Justice and FBI’s handling of the Carter Page surveillance applications established 17 significant inaccuracies and omissions in the FISA application and renewals. (Eighteen if you include the one the IG missed). The 400-page report also established that the special counsel’s office was complicit in the FISA abuse, the probe was a witch hunt, and Mueller’s report was a cover-up for systematic government malfeasance.



Australia’s Apocalyptic Fires Caused by Bad Land Management and Arsonists, Not “Climate Change”

The article link below on 5G is a great way to start educating and enlightening citizens, no matter what their political affiliations are. Send out a tidbit of information each day…not too much, but be consistent.
Also see Ready for a patriot COUNTER INTELLIGENCE Operation?

5G Radiation Dangers – The Definitive Guide



U.S. trade deficit sinks 8% to 3-year low of $43.1 billion in November amid China trade war


Private Payrolls Soar: 202,000 Jobs Added In December


McConnell Has the Votes to Block Pelosi’s Witness Demands on Impeachment


A reminder that John ‘Logan Act Lurch‘ Kerry is in violation of the Logan Act. He is not too big to jail. He absolutely MUST BE arrested as his crimes have been committed in front of the entire world.



Judge James E. Boasberg

Need we say more about what team he’s on?

Our miners have been digging and they are getting ready to bring up even more on this corrupt globalist federal judge who is working overtime to destroy the Republic. Stay tuned!


Liz Cheney calls Nancy Pelosi an ’embarrassment’ after speaker spotted at party following missile fire on US troops in Iraq

…actually the real embarrassment is why the people of Wyoming keep Dick Cheney’s demon spawn in Congress. Her father was one of the masterminds behind 9-11 and he walks free as many Americans still struggle with the loss of their loved ones. In Wyoming, voters have rewarded the Cheneys by keeping them in power. Every time you see the name LIZ CHENEY mentioned in the news remember that she was raised by this evil man who coldly planned and executed the deaths of millions of people around the world. Don’t believe us? Read:

Treason: Who Terrorized Americans and the World on 9-11?



How Was Pentagon ‘Withdrawal Letter” Leaked To Iraq? Anatomy Of A Propaganda Coup




Senate Finance Committee Passes USMCA Trade Agreement – Submits For Full Senate Vote



Not Pushing Back Fuels LGBT Tyranny


Iranian Woman Speaks Truth On Recent Attacks



“If I’m A Criminal, It’s Open Season”: Atlanta Police To Stop Chasing Criminals

lawrencepaul1 posts:

So to summarize,
The police refuse to chase criminals.
The courts refuse to convict criminals.
The law abiding citizen should not be armed.
Sounds like a democrat run paradise on earth to me.


Finders Part 2 Dystopian Theme Park. Several of you requested that this video be displayed. Please keep in mind that videos can be added to the day’s discussion by placing the video url in a separate line in the comment box. Your video thumbnail will appear.


Sorry, no source link for this image. If you find one, please put it in the comment box.


This one is trending very nicely today in light of the Boeing passenger plane that went down in the Ukraine yesterday. Maybe your audience would resonate with this message now. We posted it on January 6, 2018.

How Hillary Crashes Cars and Planes





Spirit Science ~ Crystals



Ennio Morricone – The Mission Main Theme – Gabriel’s Oboe/Horn


AIM Patriot Isabelle wrote:

I thought maybe you’d like to put this info on your website for your interested readers:

If you’re interested in getting stickers done of the Qube Sigil, they can be ordered from Vistaprint at I ordered 24, 1.5” x 1.5”, for a total of C$12.32, incl s&h plus tax. If you order, you can ask for: circle, matte, 1.5” x 1.5”. That was the smallest size I could get them to print.

I referred them to the link for the design.

P.S. For Americans, there is also:

Our reply: Thank you for the excellent suggestion, Isabelle. For those of you that want a larger image of the sigil on a page or perhaps you want to make different size labels, feel free to snippet the image below and create your own template for stickers, wallpaper, embroidery, painting….whatever. Be wildly creative. Then watch how the energy in your environment begins to change as you bring another layer of consciousness into your space.

You might say the sigils cast off a “higher” frequency around your aura or environment than you might not otherwise experience. It “tells” the detrimental energies approaching you…. that YOU are now in a higher frequency. The lower vibration cannot “tune in ” to your new and higher frequency. Imagine a radio dial as you try to tune in a specific channel.

The energy of the sigil gently pushes the lower frequency away, back towards its place of origin or it lifts the incoming lower frequency into a higher one, thereby converting what was once detrimental into something more beneficial. We can’t be more specific about it than this because it is an experience of quality and spiritual sublimity.

Think of a tuning fork. By using the sigils, you are casting a signal that has a frequency higher than your current one. You are casting a signal in alignment with the heart beat of the Earth. You will draw into yourself similar frequencies and energies. You gently expel those that are not in alignment with your higher consciousness of being.

Our sigils are tuned to the 528 frequency, among many other healing and loving energy frequencies. The sigil is a two dimensional representation of the internal antenna inside the Qube. Basically this is a dimension where 2,4,5,7,and 8 meet 3, 6, and 9.




     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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