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A Bad Week on Earth. Experts are Spooked!


President Trump spoke at the World Economic Forum in Davos today. The White House has posted the text of his remarks here. Trump rejected the takeover of our lives in the name of “saving the planet,” as the left modestly formulates its messianic efforts:

[T]o embrace the possibilities of tomorrow, we must reject the perennial prophets of doom and their predictions of the apocalypse. They are the heirs of yesterday’s foolish fortune-tellers — and I have them and you have them, and we all have them, and they want to see us do badly, but we don’t let that happen. They predicted an overpopulation crisis in the 1960s, mass starvation in the ’70s, and an end of oil in the 1990s. These alarmists always demand the same thing: absolute power to dominate, transform, and control every aspect of our lives.

Can you say THORIUM?

A great place to use all those salty liberal tears – Molten SALT Reactors!

Can you say GREAT FORESTS!

Trump pledges to help plant 1 trillion trees

Patriot Donald Trump brings this article to our attention:

Schiff may have mischaracterized Parnas evidence, documents show


The Senate exists for moments like this.


White House Counsel Nukes Jerry Nadler: ‘This Is the United States Senate. You’re Not in Charge Here.’


Whistleblower Was Overheard in ’17 Discussing With Ally How to Remove Trump


Breaking Bombshell: Elizabeth Warren’s Son-in-Law Produced Film Funded by Iranian Government


Only Trial Witnesses Can Expose the Evil Anti-Trump Coup

Here’s a partial list of schemers and plotters whose witness testimony will shock the public as the rotten layers of the plot are peeled back from its poisonous beginnings (legal team, feel free to add):




Book Bombshell: James Biden’s Firm Got $1.5 Billion in Government Contracts Despite Zero Experience


‘This body, this chamber, exists precisely so that we can look past daily dramas and understand how our actions will reverberate for generations. The House’s hour is over. The Senate’s time is at hand. It is time for this proud body to honor our founding purpose.’ Mitch McConnell

Mitch McConnell proposes a swift impeachment proceeding


Day One – Senate Impeachment Trial

Inside the headline link above is the video from Day One as well as three brief audio files from ‘Betsy and Thomas’ discussing the day’s activities. We will be doing the same today and adding our audio files as we record them to the top of the audio-video page here.

Day Two – Senate Impeachment Trial – 1:00 EST Livestream



Mike Robinson posts:

Mark my words:  Hillary Clinton will be the nominee.

The Democrats are confident that “paperless” voting machines all over the nation will magically vote in their favor, and there will be no paper trail with which to challenge the result.

Hillary Clinton Defends Relationship With Weinstein


A Bad Week on Earth | Experts are Spooked


Supercomputer scours fossil record for Earth’s hidden extinctions

The Role of Geomagnetic Field Intensity in Late Quaternary Evolution of Humans and Large Mammals




Italy’s Luigi Di Maio Resigns As Five Star Leader



Dethrone the Queen and Shut Down Her Tavistock Surveillance and Propaganda Operations




Antifa terrorists a NO SHOW at the Virginia pro-2A rally… deep state BACKS DOWN in presence of overwhelming patriot presence


“Please Clap” Buttplug Pleads With Silent Crowd In Iowa To Cheer For Him: “Come On”


Matt Gaetz Scolds ‘Weak-Kneed’ GOP Opponents of DeSantis E-Verify Plan



Tom Fitton: How the FBI-DOJ Cover-Up of the Awan Bros. Scandal May Have Put YOUR Privacy At Risk!



CVS, Walgreens Shares Slide As Amazon Files International Trademarks For Pharmacy Business


James P. Chandler III wiki page. Here is a page that has been started on him – from someone, no one we know. If you care to crowdsource the truth, you can help complete his wiki page. Just search his name on any of our sites and start pulling up dates, events, etc. James P. Chandler could have the most amazing Wiki pages on the internet thanks to information warriors like you.




The FBI is a bunch of wussies. Can’t solve major crimes if they were going on under their own roof. Instead, they organize and implement false flag events all around the country to keep citizens in terror and fear.

The FBI is a CENTRAL POLICE used by the Pilgrims Society to keep all us free-thinking (1st A.), gun-totting (2nd A.) citizens in America under their thumb. Who are the Central Police in your country? Identify them and slap a wussy hat on their badges, too.





Thousand Hands Dance





BRAVE = Google

Peter Thiel just “re-skinned” Google to give users the illusion of moving to a “safer” space.



The miners are finished with James E. Boasberg for now and head over to a tunnel that they had started a while back but had to leave for other digs. Below are some of their older finds. We will be looking into his connections to the Knights of Malta, human trafficking, and sleazy payoffs.

Your job is to watch him speak during the Senate trials. He doesn’t talk much, but when he does, you will be shocked at what a doofus he is. The media has done a very good job keeping the real John Roberts out of the propaganda media cycle. What we found was a phlegmatic dullard running the Senate impeachment trial. Now we are going to find out why he is really the head of the Supreme Court.

Watch out, SCUMBAG ROBERTS. The AFI miners sharpened their tools, loaded up the cheesecake and coffee kiosk, and brought in a few fresh canaries.

In December 1983, AIB acquired 43% of the outstanding shares of First Maryland Bancorp (“FMB”). In 1989, AIB completed the acquisition of 100% of the outstanding shares of common stock of FMB. Over the years there were a number of “bolt-on” acquisitions, the most notable being Dauphin Deposit Bank and Trust Company (“Dauphin”) a Pennsylvania chartered commercial bank which was acquired in 1997. Subsequently, all banking operations were merged into Allfirst Bank.

John G. Roberts, Sr. was appointed an FMB director in this year.

Allied Irish Bank Officials Dancing Jig Over Acquisition Of First Maryland Bancorp – The Washington Post_repaired

Amid growing fallout over his surprise healthcare vote, Chief Supreme Court Justice John Roberts has fled the country amid growing fallout over his surprise vote in last week’s landmark healthcare ruling.

Associated Press photographer Lino Arrigo Azzopardi found the embattled justice in the Mediterranean island nation Malta, where he will be teaching a class (and hiding out from his new conservative adversaries) for the next two weeks.



Below is a project for one of our AIM patriots that needed some info on Jama Sullivan, not related to Jane Sullivan…at least we don’t think so.

Investigated JAMA SULLIVAN.

This looks to be a heavily funded outside group.


Their website is too slick and too vague to be real.

My bet it has maybe one in Connersville, Jama Sullivan, who appears to be a bitter former baby sitter.

Her background info has been removed from People Finder.

Our bet is she is being paid a monthly fee for this activity. Smells like a George Soros-funded group.

State Directors


     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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