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Mike Bloomberg ‘is considering picking Hillary Clinton as his running mate in the 2020 Democratic race to help take on Trump’



IG report on Andrew McCabe: Misled Investigators over roll in news media disclosure…Lacked Candor (Lied) on four separate occasions…Authotized Media Leaks to advance personal interests…IG RECOMMENDED MCCABE’S FIRING. @FoxNews@IngrahamAngle

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 15, 2020







Read all about it and join the prayer.


Dear Captain by Three Bridges – Donald Trump prayer song



Political Theater Versus Remedy


“Barr’s DOJ has all but exonerated McCabe of any crimes — indeed, on February 14, the DOJ indicated that it would not pursue charges against McCabe.  If Barr and the DOJ are unwilling to hold McCabe accountable, why would conservatives expect anything different with Comey, Brennan, or Clapper, or Obama, or any of the others who were so central to the coup that continues to this day?  

It’s business as usual at Barr’s DOJ — Republicans continue to be targeted (e.g., Duncan Hunter), while Democrats (Hillary, Comey, McCabe, take your pick) skate free every time.”



The transgender road to Hell


UK Considers Making Vaccines Mandatory for All and Criminalizing Criticism of Vaccines


They can’t kill you if you don’t agree to be vaccinated with their poisons. Yet, if you don’t agree, you will be force vaccinated.

Murder by the State.


The only thing this genocide program is missing are the rail cars and extermination ovens. Oh…that’s right … they have created urban ovens with 5G towers so that they can microwave citizens all at once when the time comes.

New and improved form of genocide  – urban ovens = 5G + deadly vaccines

Don’t doubt me. I am a student of Dr. Richard L. Rubenstein and the evidence is all around us.



Trump Forever!





AIM Patriot John, a regular team contributor, writes:

My imagination might be a little over active this morning, but I awoke this morning with the “thought” that Kellyann Conway might be the New York Times “Anonymous.”  – John



Mike Bloomberg ‘is considering picking Hillary Clinton as his running mate in the 2020 Democratic race to help take on Trump’


Mike Bloomberg Didn’t Kill Himself



StanH posts:

“This is not the end, this is not even the beginning of the end, this is just perhaps the end of the beginning.” ― Winston S. Churchill

We must understand the enormity of what we started with the election of our Great President Donald J. Trump in 2016. We are dealing with an entrenched cabal that goes back over a 100 years and their vision of a New World Order, It’s imperative in this struggle that we control expectations with reality. The swamp is deep, fetid and wide. It has been infested with uniparty droids that simply do what they’re told by their masters. 

We have disturbed the hive and the hornets are angry and revealing themselves every day to the American people. We stay focused and be certain that we re-elect President Trump along with his growing Deplorable Army, in keeping with my hornet metaphor, we are that can of Raid that we are looking for, 

This is going to be a long haul. Be cool, hang tough and be prepared!

KAG! …by sticking real close to our Great President Trump and we will crush them.



Air Force to allow uniformed members to wear turbans, hijabs, beards in new dress code update







Send to Mayor P. P. with your Butthurt.



The meme warriors are just warming up on Pete. We tried to warn him how far they will go with his name.





You hear all the time about the wonderful journeys, creations, and explorations that Michael and Douglas have been through in their lives – from creating a musical movement that ended the Cold War to writing the original movie template of Star Wars. As our regular AIM readers will note, that is just the tip of the iceberg for these two geniuses.

I, the Captain of the AIM Mothership, began my journey to truth as a graduate student in Humanities at Florida State University where I studied under Dr. Richard L. Rubenstein (don’t forget the “L” if you internet search his name). Dr. Rubenstein is a brilliant Jewish theologian whose classes at FSU are legendary.

I took them all…plus any independent studies with him available. Some of you on this site wrote me when I mentioned him before and shared your own experiences of being in his classes as underclassmen as well as graduate students.

At the time I came to his first class, I only knew of him from his article in Time Magazine “God After the Death of God” which came from his book in After Auschwitz: History, Theology, and Contemporary Judaism. 2nd. ed (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992), 293–306.

As I look back, I eventually answered that question ‘Is God Dead’, but in a much deeper way now, as an older and wiser woman, than I could have as a neophyte in my twenties. If you know Dr. Rubenstein, make sure he gets a copy of my book and my answer: God is dead because they killed the Goddess. 

Gospel of Sophia: Biographies of the Divine Feminine Trinity

There has never been a hesitation in my mind what my role needed to be in these times that Dr. Rubenstein warned us. He showed his students a history of the world through the lens of religion that created a world-vision that would keep many of us seeking and learning for years to come.

I will never forget that day in a small ground level classroom, across the street from the Chi Omega House house where Ted Bundy went on his killing spree. I was seated next to grad pal Jim Halstead who was working on his PhD under Dr. Rubenstein and one of his favorite students at the time, so Jim said. Jim is now deceased; I add his name to confirm the story for others that might remember that particular class lecture.

Dr. Rubenstein stood at our desks looking at us with piercing knowing eyes and said,

“You two may be the very ones that will need to wake up the world and sound the alarm.”

In reflection after listening to his video below, perhaps this is one of the synchronicities (we would call karma) that would lead him to Tallahassee, Florida. He was my guru, so to speak, and I his grasshopper. He was tapping my forehead with his ideas and awakening me to become the truth seeker I am and will always be.

Here is a recent video I found with Dr. Rubenstein. Yes, Dr. Rubenstein, I saw the signs, asked the questions, alerted as many as possible, and faced reality.

BTW the first 10 minutes of the interview below is weedy. Once you get to the 10 minute mark it picks up, but increase the speed to at least 1.25 -1.5 to compensate for his slow 91 year-old voice.

Interview with Dr. Richard L. Rubenstein



The American Intelligence Media gang isn’t going to wait for the musicians and gospel singers to show up at the Trump rallies to begin singing and uplifting the people of this great nation and planet. We will be featuring selections at the bottom of the Cat Report and hope you will join in.

Please get the suggestion out to your network that those long lines at the Trump rally might love to hear from local gospel and country singers, giving praise to the Lord and to America. Just bring your group. Set up near the line of people and begin playing. Stay as long as you can.

Just do it.

The rally lines are very long so many groups can be located along the line. Be prepared for your video to go viral. And if your talent is juggling, not singing, you can still join the parade. What a great way to cheer the rally attendees. Get your group noticed on the internet. And be a part of the Great American Tent Revival.

Praise Is What I Do – William Murphy


AIM Patriot Mark the ‘chalkboard artist’ sends this vintage piece in. Put your favorite in the comment box.

     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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