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Fed Promises Unlimited QE, Corporate Bond Buying, Muni Buying, and Main Street Credit


We posted this video on Gab and noticed that YouTube censored the animation. So we uploaded directly here. Watch the video above and see how it offended the British PILGRIMS and had to be censored.

The American Revolution Now and Then


Patriots, please pass this video around your network. AIM Patriot Michael B. is doing a great job educating others through cartoons. This is vital information that everyone in your network needs to know ASAP. The British are the coronavirus enemies of the world. The British are also behind the overthrow attempt of Donald Trump. The British Imperial Empire must be defeated.


Get your Betsy on and give Rush a shout out while you are there!




Pelosi and Schumer Put Relief for Americans on Hold



Dr. Anthony Fauci Wants to Exterminate Your Family by Transfection


Pay attention, patriot warriors. This is a bad dude that is creating bioweapons to take out humanity.

2017 Awardees. (2017). Charles M. Lieber, Harvard University, NIH Director’s Pioneer Award Recipients. NIH.

Refresh your memory of Charles M. Lieber. This posted on January 28, 2020. Harvard department chair arrested; charged with concealing ties to China


Complete Description of British Involvement in Coronavirus — the Brits Again!


Fed Promises Unlimited QE, Corporate Bond Buying, Muni Buying, and Main Street Credit


Morgan Stanley Joins Goldman, JPM In Predicting A Depressionary Crash; Expects Q2 GDP To Plunge 30%




I gotta be honest, I’m weirded out by this whole thing. Is there another time in history when a country purposely destroyed its own economy? I’m not talking about mistakes or bad policies or war. I’m talking about purposely pointing at its citizens and barring them from work.

— Jesse Kelly (@JesseKellyDC) March 23, 2020



A Message of HOPE from Michael W. Smith



Hollywood celebrities are melting down. We don’t want to clutter our Cat Report with all the stuff we are seeing…so just research yourself as they are trending articles. One about Oprah under house arrest, a strange card trick from Ellen DeGeneres, nude Madonna singing about coronavirus in a bathtub, Rita Wilson rapping while hubby Tom Hanks just gets weirder every day, Weinstein tested with coronavirus.



I am an American constitutional lawyer – and I see our government using Covid-19 to take away our fundamental rights


PyroSphere posted:

This has been a crazy year so far, and it’s only March. If it were a movie it would be called One Flu Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.


Actually, that is Dr. Mengele Fuckie (aka SES Anthony Fauci) cartooned with his Nazi nurse who are invested in genocide.

Virus Task Force Boss Birx Ukraine Connections



Democrat Clyburn on Coronavirus Bill: ‘This Is a Tremendous Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’


“Widespread Panic” Hits Commercial Property Markets: Deals Implode, Renters Disappear, Businesses Shut Down


Would your network resonate with this important information in cartoon form? Please share and spread the truth.

Betsy and Thomas Catch a Few Swamp Gators


China still plays patsy for Britain’s biowar on the world!


Embedded Inside Minecraft Is The Uncensored Library Of Articles That Can Get You Killed In Some Countries





The intelligence communities must think patriots are STUPID. In the videos below, which will probably waste your time, a self-proclaimed operative for the Defense Intelligence Agency claims he is Q and that “the big guy” will be recognizing him as such to the public. What a psyop….and a loser… whose father, he claims, is knee deep in the swamp. Listen for yourself as he his eyes dart back and forth over the prepared script.

Give your audience a heads up that this guy is a bullsh***r.

P.S. he doesn’t say anything about Q, other than he is Q.

Who is Q (Part 1)
Who Is Q? (Pt. 2)

Also…for those of you who keep sending us this video, p-l-e-a-s-e show some discernment. We can’t believe anyone in this audience thinks this is legitimate. The senders must be AIM newcomers who are way behind in the AIM School of Truth.



Thanks to AIM Patriot and fellow student of Rudolf Steiner, Doug R., for offering the selection below:

Coronavirus Caused By 5G?






Homeschool {Where to start} Could this national shut down give you time to look into homeschooling? Public school indoctrination centers are not serving our families in a Christian and moral way with their Common Crap Curriculum, sex perversion education, social indoctrination and mind control, SJW teachers, Chicago math and soon..forced CDC-mandated vaccinations for all students (the herd).



I just heard your segment from March 22
Thank you ! Thank you!
Your honest and faith-filled missive was inspired and inspiring
I’ve been seeking out meditative and spiritual assurances more so these last few years and last summer had a vision of a tornado that took me to the realization about what is “real”
It was scary, then joyous!
We in our house appreciate you both
in loving appreciation

For those that may not have heard our “Sunday Sermon”, it is below:


Melissa, when Tyla was 28, she had the vision described in the audio. Its impact has stayed with her EVERY DAY until she could ‘unpack’ its meaning (which took over 30 years to do, mind you!) and deliver it to you when you needed to hear it the most on a dark day of March 22, 2020. Christ is with us. We are guided by Sophia and Christ. Have faith. Tyla did and now we both know the rest of the story…

…or could there be more to the story which is still unfolding? The best is yet to come.


Homeschool Expectation vs. Reality




AIM Patriot Peg writes:

Today I read some prayerful things and then went to the ocean. There were many families there living life, I was filled with love knowing not everyone is buying into the false flag. On the way home I got a call from my daughter asking me to watch my 9 year old grand daughter (I am also minding a 2yr. old & 7 yr. old). She is having anxiety about all this propaganda that we are being assaulted with each day. My response was the following picture, decontamination chamber I sent to her to lift her up her spirits with humor.
I make bee’s wax candles, I hold the light. I will be one of the 48 and hold the light with consciousness that we will go on, humanity will persevere!! I listened with my husband to your Sunday Sermon tonight and felt moved to let you know I am read and courageous in this battle. The past few weeks I have had fluttering in my heart and a feeling of strings being pulled, I know this is an awakening for humanity.


That being said I am ready to babysit and ready to hold the light! 48!!!
If you have instruction for specific prayer to intone, I welcome any recommendation!!
In Love and Light I have no fear!!


Our reply: Any prayer will do. If you don’t have a prayer, then this is an appropriate R.S. verse for our time.

    A Verse for Our Time

We must eradicate from the soul

All fear and terror of what comes towards man out of the future.

We must acquire serenity

In all feelings and sensations about the future.

We must look forward with absolute equanimity

To everything that may come.

And we must think only that whatever comes

Is given to us by a world-directive full of wisdom.

It is part of what we must learn in this age,

namely, to live out of pure trust,

Without any security in existence.

Trust in the ever present help

Of the spiritual world.

Truly, nothing else will do

If our courage is not to fail us.

And let us seek the awakening from within ourselves

Every morning and every evening.

-Rudolf Steiner


We The Kingdom & Tasha Cobbs Leonard – Holy Water


Ruth “Vader” Ginsburg and The New World Order



If you have time, peek inside and see how life on a river boat is. Might make you more appreciative of the home you are currently detained in by the government…or maybe not.

Hillbilly Houseboat – Country Boy Palace


     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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