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Trump: I’m a wartime president


“I’m a wartime president,” Trump said. “This is a war, it’s a different kind of war that we’ve ever had.”



The Coronavirus War Leaves Empty Cities Across The Globe


Boris seems a little panicky in his national address. Are our allies (BTW – the Brits are not our allies) closing in on enemy camps at QinetiQ, rustling the Queen’s peacock feathers? While British citizens are forcibly locked inside their homes, no different than Julian Assange being locked up in Her Majesty’s Belmont Prison, Baroness Elizabeth Lydia Manningham-Buller and Sir Jonathan Richard Symonds reek havoc on the world with a deadly combination of fearmongering and a dash of the flu bug.

Baroness Manningham-Buller is the chair of Wellcome Trust, among others. Sir Symonds has been groomed by the Pilgrims Society his entire career in finance, technology and pharmaceuticals to set up the destroyer communications company, QinetiQ Group Plc, to reign down 5G milliwaves to weaken our immune systems and release Coronavirus carrying nanotechnology that has been developed by the likes of newly-indicted Harvard professor Dr. Charles Lieber. Read more about these evil British people.


The British Imperial Empire is the enemy of planet Earth.



The Road to Lockdown: How Britain Went From Coronavirus Light-Touch to National House-Arrest


The globalist Pilgrims Society’s obsession with 5G & pathogens becomes clear: population control and elimination down to the individual citizen who will be tracked 24x7x365 by embedded nanotechnology which this must be banned globally, now

Wuhan, China has 5G fully deployed. The focus now is on recently indicted Harvard Wuhan-consulting Professor Charles M. Lieber and his nanotube delivery systems whose Coronavirus payloads can be targeted to the 5G phones in our pockets.

Mar. 23, 2020—Researchers believe they have uncovered the motivation behind the Pilgrims Society and its minions’ obsession with 5G in the State Department, DoD, DoJ, DOC, Navy, Army, Air Force, Space Command, Senior Executive Service (SES) and Privy Council.

5G and pathogen-laced nanotubes enable them to release bioweapons customized down to the individual in their “Internet of Things” death grid. These carbon nanotubes, nanobuds and nanowires also enable them to embed tracking devices in your organs. This technology is much more widely deployed than we knew.

Share this important message with your network.



Secretary of State Mike Pompeo admits COVID-19 is a “live exercise,” President Trump comments: “I wish you would have told us”


Donald Trump: I Will Listen to Doctors but Make My Own Decisions About the Economy



Democrats Block Coronavirus Relief Bill




Sen Tom Cotton Shoots Down Dems Relief Aid Junk!


Trump Says Coronavirus Restrictions Will Be Lifted “Soon”, The US “Was Not Built To Be Shut Down”


Tom Fitton: #DeepState Uses #Coronavirus as excuse to shut down FOIA & Government Transparency!


While We Were PANICKING, the Government Did THIS


Republicans had a deal until Nancy Pelosi rode into town from her extended vacation. The Democrats want the Virus to win? They are asking for things that have nothing to do with our great workers or companies. They want Open Borders & Green New Deal. Republicans shouldn’t agree!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 24, 2020


We’re Living in 12 Monkeys


The thread has other videos with mayors doing the same.


Redemption Song – Bob Marley


Animated Intelligence Media Cartoons are the Best


Songs for Social Distancing – Parody Medley



How Great Thou Art | Steps To Christ


How is your country treating you?


India’s prime minister decrees 21-day lockdown to curb virus


Germany Bans Public Gatherings of More Than TWO People


Democrats rooting for recession



MACRO ANALYTICS – 03 19 20 – CORONACarnage – Helicopter Money On the Way



“The simplest way to explain the FED is to say that they have a license to print our money. It is as if they were legalized counterfeiters whose only restriction is that they cannot go into a store to pass their money.

They can only loan their money into circulation and collect interest from the suckers. We now have about 23.5 trillion dollars in loans the government must pay interest on unnecessarily. Before there was a FED, no national debt and no interest to pay on that debt and no income tax either. All of the income taxes we have paid have gone to subsidize corporations, to pay for wars we did not need and to pay the banks for printing the money the Treasury should have printed for us without interest.” Source


Soros Bankrolls Coronavirus Attack Ads Against Trump


Tom Fitton: WARNING: Leftists using pretext of #CoronavirusOutbreak to push unsecure, “vote by mail” free for all, no voter id anywhere for 2020 elections. #HowtoStealAnElection. Watch video tweet.


THEY WANT LOCKDOWN FOR 18 MONTHS! Please note that President Trump has indicated that the lock down will not be for that long in America. Our internet friend may be referring to his country’s narrative. If you share the video with others, please make sure they know this important disclaimer as the rest of the video is fantastic in its messaging.


Are 5G / Biometric Systems Being Covertly Installed During the Lockdown, Where YOU Live?


The Rebirth of Our Nation and the End of Globalism



A Message From Corona Beer – CONAN on TBS


Queen and Diana

Queen and Julian Assange

Queen and Her Pedophile Sons

Queen and Coronavirus

Queen and QinetiQ

When are we going to DISGORGE the British Monarchy and send the Queen’s wealth to all the people troubled by her weapon on humanity called CROWN Coronavirus.

Prince William Jokes About Coronavirus


Nancy Pelosi’s Daughter Celebrates Violence and Suffering Toward Political Opposition During Coronavirus Pandemic


When Your Driver Won’t Stop Talking About Coronavirus (Yes, this video was found in the enemy battle camp; it is still funny because the left don’t know how to meme.)



AIM Patriot Martin sends us a note AND A PICTURE! Thank you, Mark. Sending you blessings from Michigan and Ohio.

Thank you,Tyla, Douglas, Michael and all your team member…
C’est tellement peu à comparer de ce que vous m’avez apporter.
Keep the lance up and high.
️ … 
So much light, keep on winning.
God bless all of us. 

AIM Cats are all over the world. And we love all of you amazing cats who are going to LITERALLY save the world.


Cody Johnson – His Name Is Jesus


AIM Patriot Helen’s candle is burning for us from New Zealand. Ours burns beside some special artifacts. Where have you lit your candle? Care to share your picture with us?


AIM Patriot Ro writes: I also am a truth seeker. I have been following you folks for years and consider you the smartest researchers on the planet. The job you are doing to save America is incredible. I do whatever I can to push liberty forward.

I am going out to purchase some beeswax candles today. Count me in on the 48.


Mark writes: Much love and best wishes, Australia loves you guys.
God bless you and give you guidance. Mark.

Our reply: We love you guys, too. Truth will win the information war for people around the world.


AIM Patriot Tracey M. emails us: I thank you daily for all your knowledge and spirituality and hope and fight that is offered to us Patriots. I sometimes hesitate to post the truth, as I know “they” have full access to “traitors” like us. Your sigils are everywhere and your cures I take daily. Man, that hemp oil really gets me thinking:)
Cheers to you and your members. Let us win this spiritual war.

Our reply: Douglas is currently writing a book about Scythianos and it is so amazing how early cultures used HEMP in so many capacities. We have also noticed big changes (all good) from taking daily hemp CBDs. It does get you thinking and you find that your brain seems to be on fire – all the time. Not medical advice–just two retired school teachers giving you two cents worth of opinion.


The principle “I believe” has to be replaced with “I believe what I know.”

“Truly spiritual thoughts nourish our soul and maintain it. It would be the death of our soul if it always had to live in thoughts taken only from the physical world. In earlier times, religious beliefs were such spiritual thoughts human souls need. That phase of our development has been completed, and we live now in a time when we on earth will gradually lose the ability to take in what speaks only to our emotions, our faith.

We can still preserve this faith for a time, galvanizing it, so to speak, but we cannot keep it for the future. The principle “I believe” has to be replaced with “I believe what I know.” People will begin to feel that this new principle must be applied. Otherwise we deny ourselves any possibility of knowing something about the life between death and a new birth. Then we would return to pitiful conditions in our next incarnation.”

Source: Rudolf Steiner – GA 154 – The Presence of the Dead on the Spiritual Path: LECTURE SIX: FAITH AND KNOWLEDGE – Prague, April 17, 1914


O Come to the Altar


     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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