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Is Deval Patrick the DNC Magical Negro?




Why I still support Trump


AG Barr says evidence of ‘foreign actors’ involved in civil unrest


The Magical Negro is back!

Former President Obama Has Cured The COVID Virus To Facilitate Five Days of Mass Gatherings and George Floyd Memorials


Time to bring in the Magical Negro. Inquiring minds want to know if the role for 2020 will be played by someone like Deval Patrick? Here’s how it might go down if we were writing an international spy thriller:

Joe Biden is cornered by the AME to select a black candidate for VP. The swamp likes Mitt Romney pal Deval Patrick. At a time best suited for the globalist enemy, Joe will drop dead or out of the race, leaving Patrick as the DNC presidential candidate.

Then Patrick and the DNC will ask Mitt Romney to be the VP candidate – unifying the globalists, aka Uniparty. Romney will rule as president behind Patrick. They will do this by creating the narrative that folks in the Republican and Democrat party are coming together in unity – something like the globalist version of WWG1WGA.

Rush Limbaugh’s Barack the Magic Negro. Song starts at 1:52.



Obama plays president again, not about to let this crisis go to waste


This is when top-down/bottom-up strategy shows its glorious results. When Trump speaks/tweets, patriots listen and follow through with ACTION.


President Trump tweets: I am to happy announce that Navy Veteran, Michael White, who has been detained by Iran for 683 days, is on a Swiss plane that just left Iranian Airspace. We expect him to be home with his family in America very soon…  …I will never stop working to secure the release of all Americans held hostage overseas! Thank you Switzerland for your great assistance.


White House Denies DACA Amnesty Extension Coming Before Election: ‘Totally False


Don’t believe the polls. They lie. They are part of the propaganda operation to keep you distracted. Just before the elections when they need to get the numbers right so that they can be deemed “reliable” for future polling, they might tell you the truth of the numbers. The polls results we are seeing now are highly questionable.

You know this already, but this would be a good time to remind your audience to stay away from this type of propaganda.


Treasury, IRS Announce Delivery of 159 Million Economic Impact Payments


Fitton: True Voter Suppression Is Telling Americans They May Die from Coronavirus if They Vote in Person



Dick_Turpin posts:

AP & Reuters supply about 90+% of world “news”.
Their wire services are used by TV and newspaper outlets in every continent.
They are both owned by the Rothschild group.
Ergo, Rothschilds decide what is “news” and what people see and hear as news, that is how they strengthen their criminal agenda and that is the scale of the problem we are facing.
Problem is 90% of world people just accept what they see on the news or their favourite newspaper as fact.

The Devilbat adds:

The Rothschild’s are the reason for all the trouble the world is in. Their agenda is to form a one world government that they will control. They have been behind every war since the time of Napoleon. Soros is a Rothschild puppet. It is pretty obvious that he makes his money due to inside information that the Rothschild’s provide him with. In return Soros does their bidding and funds groups like Antifa as well as many subversive groups all around the world.

Advancing a New Economic Paradigm of Happytalism since 2008. 

Happytalism is a new economic paradigm which places happiness, well-being, and freedom at the center of human development models, systems, and all life.



We listened to the video below because the President is speaking. We do not recommend Sean Spicer or Newsmax YT channel as a place for cutting-edge truth. Like Salem Media, Newsmax is a corporate GLOBALIST media platform posing as PATRIOT independent media. Discerning patriots know the difference between propaganda and real news. Spread the word.

How about dropping into Sean’s YT channel of 3500 subscribers and leave some redpills. See if he has answers for Newsmax’s lack of interest in finding out the connection between Christopher Steele and Richard Dearlove. Ask why Newsmax and Spicer aren’t reporting on the ORIGINS of the coup. Why isn’t he disclosing the theft of social media, the Pirbright connection to coronavirus, or the enemy in D. C. – the Senior Executive Services?

EXCLUSIVE: Sean Sits Down With President Trump




It’s QUIZ time at the AIM School of Truth. Watch this video and count how many white nationalists are looting the store. Give your answer below in the comment box.

Looters ransack SunRay drug store in Philadelphia


Washington DC Mayor Scraps Curfew, Calls For Withdrawal Of National Guard Troops


Project Veritas Infiltrates Violent Antifa Cell



General James Mattis was part of Theranos’ Board of Directors. Theranos was the fraudulent medical equipment company, famously exposed a few years back. You may remember Elizabeth Holmes, their blonde CEO who wore black turtlenecks and spoke in a phony baritone voice.

The Theranos Scandal: What Happens When You Misunderstand Steve Jobs

Betsy DeVos Lost More on Theranos Than the Average American Will Make in 100 Lifetimes

How Elizabeth Holmes convinced powerful men like Henry Kissinger, James Mattis, and George Shultz to sit on the board of now disgraced blood-testing startup Theranos


Make sure this scumbag uncle of RNC babe Ronna ROMNEY McDaniel doesn’t cross the isle with Deval Patrick and become a Democrat candidate for VP.


Europe’s Natural Gas Glut May Force Supply Cuts


Y’all drop in and remind Peter Strzrok’s lover that her children will be separated from her when she is arrested for treason.

Share the tweet


The patriots are waiting in the ‘burbs. They have lots of ammo, many guns – accumulated through the years of preparing for this time in history. They have itchy trigger fingers,  are red-white-and-blue inside and ready for some shooting practice outside. Remember, we have many veterans among us that won’t hesitate in using their gun to protect their families and communities.


And don’t try it in Poland, Antifa. These patriots are not having anything of it. [Video]


Note to Biden: First, they make you kneel.



Andrew Carnegie and Cecil Rhodes Destroy America from the Grave

Article by AIM Patriot triskell

Fake History is DEADLY to all of us on the planet



AIM Patriot Chris writes:

Misinformation is bad. Misinformation in medicine is worse. Misinformation from a prestigious medical journal is the worst. Herein is a detailed look at the controversial Lancet study that resulted in the World Health Organization ending worldwide clinical trials on hydroxychloroquine in order to focus on patented therapeutics.


Moderna’s Guinea Pig … “Sickest in His Life” after Being Injected with Experimental Vaccine

“You know Ian Haydon from many appearances on CNN and other networks celebrating his heroic act of volunteering to test Moderna’s experimental COVID vaccine. The sun has now set on Haydon’s television career. He is no longer useful to the Pharmedia narratives that all vaccines are always safe for all people, that Moderna’s business partners, Tony Fauci and Bill Gates, were justified in skipping animal studies and that Moderna’s vaccine will soon rescue us from the Pandemic.

Ian Haydon is now an embarrassment to Fauci, Gates, and their CNN cheerleaders. He will therefore vanish into the censorship twilight.Moderna chose Haydon for the study because of his robust good health. He was among the 15 volunteers in the high dose group. Within 45 days, three of these—a shocking 20%—experienced “serious” adverse events according to Moderna’s press release meaning they required hospitalization or medical intervention.

Less than 12 hours after vaccination, Hayden suffered muscle aches, vomiting, spiked a 103.2 degree fever and lost consciousness. His girlfriend caught him as he fell. His Moderna trial supervisor instructed Haydon to call 911 and described him as being the “sickest in his life”. Moderna let Haydon believe the illness was just a sad coincidence unrelated to the jab. Moderna never told Haydon he was suffering an Adverse Event.”.



An old joke, retold, but new if you haven’t heard it before. Seems to be trending today – not sure why. (wink) A reminder how LAWFARE works. The enemy uses the law to beat us into the ground. This is why attorneys should not be allowed to hold public office.

Lawyer insures cigars from fire




Commie Pinko-O through and through





     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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