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Thank God for President Trump



Get your marching orders, meme warriors! Watch the tweet video.

The tweet


General Michael Flynn and Friends Show Their Support for QAnon Movement on Independence Day




Education Is a System of Indoctrination of the Young – Noam Chomsky




Douglas and John discuss neo-imperialism with some interesting spiritual twists and turns.

Once the show is over, we will post it here.


Malcolm X on Liberals


New York Times Publishes Radical Economic Manifesto Calling for Reparations




University of Harvard Phoenix


Harvard Announces 100% Virtual Classes For Students Both On and Off Campus – ICE Announces Exchange Students No Longer Qualify For Visas


A few hours later U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement announced any foreign student who attends a U.S. university with only virtual classes will lose their student visa.

Foreign Students On Visas Must Leave USA If Schools Go Online-Only: ICE


1787_1789 posts:

GEOTUS does it again!!! He wants schools back in session in the fall, WITH people attending in person, so for colleges, he uses ICE to kick every foreigner attending school here OUT if they don’t find classes they can attend in-person. He understands that classes will be limited and actually puts the pressure on the schools themselves to restart in-person sessions, and if they don’t, they’ll risk losing out on foreign revenue and a potential PR nightmare. Once Universities bulk, he effectively eliminates any leverage K-12 might wield; it’s a win-win for our “Art of the Deal” President!

ChuckedBeef posts:

And with that, all of Harvard’s prestige was gone. They reduced themselves to an online university to virtue signal and push for communism.

20KAG20 adds:

They have a $40B endowment.

MurderHornet posts:

$40B endowment, you say?
Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption


learntocode posts:

The Chinese government uses their students paying exorbitant tuition to attend American universities as leverage to censor academic freedom and further the goals of the communist Chinese party. Additionally, graduate students in valuable fields are used a spies to perform industrial espionage. Not a joke. For real. They also use the Confucius Institutes for the same purpose.


Parents are fed up with forced vaccinations and indoctrination. Patriots are bringing back parent-driven education into the home. Bye-Bye radicalized, Marxist, teachers’ unions and Big Education.

Parents applying for home schooling in NC crash website

WOKE parents see what’s coming down the road. The 2020-21 school year will be weaponized for political purposes and their children will be the victims. The teachers union will disrupt the school year because we are in an all-out cultural Marxist war. For the sake of your precious children, please consider an alternative form of education this school year.

If you cannot afford private or parochial options, please check out homeschooling options. The forced vaccinations, indoctrination, and classroom and social restrictions are only going to get worse.

Teachers “Scared” After All Florida Schools Ordered To Reopen In August

Translation: Students, teachers, and parents must follow the guidelines as set by the Florida Department of Health. In other words, the school day will be hell for students who won’t be permitted to socialize with their friends, be forced into wearing the compliance masks, and sit in desks with plexiglass walls around them.


Tips for Beginner Homeschool Moms


Check on the homeschool conventions in your area. Meet new people. Learn new things.

Get started by looking through this site:


What is a Homeschool Co-op?




Wisdom Of The Eagle



The Christian Roots of America’s Independence



The Story of America by President Donald Trump


AIM Patriot Julie left us this note:

So I finally went to the grocery store today July 6 without a mask. Didn’t get stopped at the door. Only two people questioned me inside the store, but they shut up right away when I told them I had a medical reason for not wearing it.

I will not be wearing my mask anymore – sorry for taking this long to get the courage, but I am here now.

Thank you so much for all the great information you provide here.


Print Your Own Face Mask Exempt Card



April 8, 2013

“In this, the single most seen lecture in Heritage Foundation’s history — a talk Andrew Breitbart called, “One of the five most important conservative speeches ever given” — Evan lays the foundation for what would soon become known as the “Unified Field Theory of Liberalism” and how and why that ideology leads the Left to side only and always with evil over good, wrong over right, ugly over beautiful, profane over profound and the behaviors that lead to failure over those that lead to success.”

Start at 7:40 to skip introductions and get straight to the lecture. Evan Sayet – Regurgitating the Apple How Modern Liberals “Think”


Here Are The Thousands Of Investment Advisors And Portfolio Managers Who Received Government Bailouts


Trump Hater Robert De Niro’s Nobu Restaurants and Hotels Took 14 Coronavirus Relief Program Loans Worth $28 Million


AIM Patriot Terry writes: “Ancestry goes deep, Queen related to the Prophet Muhammad by blood, Atlantean Gardens. Robert Sepehr is one brilliant anthropologist who does not follow mainstream.


SHOCK VIDEO: Father Gunned Down in Drive-By Shooting Next to 6-Year-Old Daughter in NYC Streets



US Mint Ups Coin Production To Circumvent Shortage


AIM Patriot Spero writes:

I’ve created a website, ‘inspired’ by the COMPLETE failure, of governments and relevant agencies, at both Federal and State level, to move the public (via education, cajoling, free tests for at least the poor, etc.) towards vitamin D sufficiency, which will greatly improve their chances of surviving a covid-19 infection. My site is mostly to distribute a flyer, which is partly informational, but also political (non-partisan; or anti-partisan, depending on how you look at it) and emotional.

I also link to a couple of articles by Dr. Mercola, and a wonky 46 page document, co-authored by Mercola, called “”Vitamin D In the Prevention of COVID-19”. It’s the sort of document you’d give to your doctor.

The first political entity to jump on this train may well get most of the credit. So, if it’s a Democratic governor, they will be the hero; it it’s Trump, he will be the hero (as long as he keeps pushing it; he can’t go silent like he did with hydroxychloroquine).

Our reply: Nice website, patriot. Loaded with great info. Please keep the community up-to-date on what you are doing going forward by posting content in the comment boxes below. Or send us links to post as headlines.


*911* URGENT Republicans


Has anyone told these folks that “Washington” is also a forbidden word? Perhaps, replace it with Muhammad.


For those of you thinking this should apply to the Florida State Seminoles, hold on. As ive-ass-turkey posted:

Florida State is one of the few native American mascots named for a specific tribe.

This tribe just so happens to still be in existence. They’ve officially given their blessing to FSU to use the image of Chief Osceola (and his painted horse named Renegade) and even have an agreement for the tribe to supply the school with the mascot’s historically accurate clothing handmade by the tribe itself.

There is nothing exploitative about the use of the Seminole Indian Chief Osceola being FSU’s mascot. At least the Seminole Indian tribe doesn’t think there is and as long as they’re cool with it I am too.



Rebel Alliance ground reports on conditions in their states. Drop in and add to the conversation.

Rebel Alliance Ground Reports – What’s Your Current COVID Living Status?




The constitution protection doesn’t apply to foreign apps – especially when national security is compromised. TikTok is not the only Chinese social media platform. Reddit and WeChat will need to be banned as well.


List of 59 Chinese apps banned in India by Indian government


China’s TikTok Propaganda is Getting Scary



BasedNJDeplorable wants to know: Is Dr. Fauci going to apologize for the 10s of thousands of people that he murdered by denying hydroxychloriquine that would have saved their lives? The criminal against humanity should be charged with mass murder and be sentenced to capital punishment.

Pictured below is a masked globalshit:

Where will Anthony land in the sections of hell? Where does Satan keep genocidists and traitors?
4 Sections of Hell according to Thomas Aquinas (by Dr Taylor Marshall)


Don’t patriots have the cutest women?

     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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