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To Save America, Defund the Schools


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Interview: Lou Dobbs Interviews Donald Trump on Fox Business Network – August 4, 2020


Massive Insider Trading. Will Bill Barr suppress another citizen report to protect his Senior Executive Service swamp buddies?


Michael Flynn’s attorney: Sally Yates ‘has a lot of questions to answer’



Report written by the SENATE CRIMINALS themselves! 

Senate Intelligence Committee Adopts Final Russia Report, Working on Public Release



jus wundrin says:

Trump Campaign Encourages Supporters to Wear Masks: ‘We Have Nothing to Lose’

Sorry, we have everything to lose, and so do you, Mr. President.


The Face Mask Pandemic


Why I Wear My Mask | Welcome to the Masquerade


President Trump wants to stop evictions during the pandemic


Are you protecting your country from the Pilgrims Society’s evil plan to microwave citizens right in their homes? This is Auschwitz oven technology 2.0. Everyone stays home, with their faces covered with compliance masks, while 5G juice is turned up and wages a war inside your blood stream. Then, you and your family die. Later, the clean-up crew comes inside and removes your family bodies and take the wealth in your home.

So much easier than how they ran their operations during WWII. This way people are killed inside their homes instead of that messy procedure of putting them in boxcars which can easily be spotted today with satellites and drones. Kill the citizens quietly and behind closed doors, then take the gold from their teeth, the silverware from the drawers, and the money from their wallets.

You had better get out and join these gals NOW. The next step eradicates you and your children from the face of the Earth.

We Are Stopping 5G Masts in Bristol


Possible Biden VP Pick Karen Bass Flaming Out Over Past Comments on Castro and Scientology

“In fact, when the Daily Caller revealed that in 2010 Karen went to the Church of Scientology and sang its praises, Bass once again played the “Gosh, I didn’t know that” card saying that, at the time she gave the speech she had no idea about the allegations made against Scientology.

No wonder the Biden Team had to delay Joe’s big Veep announcement.

The campaign painted itself into a corner by vowing to select a running mate, not based on experience and competence, but on skin color and gender.  And now they’re stuck choosing from a shortlist of duds all of whom come with more baggage than a Samsonite store.” Read more about this communist pig




JohnWickofPolitics tweets: Did (soon to be ex) Democrat Senator @GaryPeters from Michigan just basically confirm the US Postal Service could not possibly handle a massive surge of mail in ballots? Looks like it.



Chicago-Area Leaders: Cancel U.S. History Classes



Laurence Tribe: Nancy Pelosi becomes president if election isn’t decided by Jan. 20

“Tribe, who is a vocal critic of President Trump, argued on Friday’s edition of The ReidOut that if the winner of the election is not determined by Jan. 20, 2021, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the third in line for the presidency, would assume the office.

“They’re trying to make it look chaotic, but there is a fail-safe mechanism built into the Constitution itself. And that is no matter how much dust [Trump] throws into the gears, at high noon on Jan. 20, 2021, if there has not been a new president elected, at that point, Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the House, becomes president of the United States,” he said on MSNBC.”





Changing Education Paradigms


George Floyd Autopsy Report







HatnNewLognReqs posts:

WHY CHILDREN SHOULD NOT WEAR MASKS: Did you know that a child in AMERICA is over 66,000X more likely to be human trafficked than to get COVID-19?



Anonymous IX posts:

Big…the following quote lists exclusions for currently testing the vaccine.  Many of these conditions will likely prevent someone from “qualifying” for a vaccination.  I would certainly think having asthma or currently vaping would preclude getting a vaccination.  rom Big League Politics entitled “Robert Kennedy Jr. Warns of Experimental COVID-19 Vaccines Being Forced Into Children.”

“They use what they call exclusionary criteria,” Kennedy said. “They are only giving these vaccines in these tests that they’re doing to the healthiest people.”

“If you look at their exclusionary idea criteria: You cannot be pregnant, you cannot be overweight, you must have never smoked a cigarette, you must have never vaped, you must have no respiratory problems in your family, you can’t suffer asthma, you can’t have diabetes, you can’t have rheumatoid arthritis or any autoimmune disease. There has to be no history of seizure in the family. These are the people they’re testing the vaccine on,” he added.

Of course, once anyone gets a sniff of money, they often lose sight of “exclusions” and common sense.  We’ll wait and see if they exclude anyone from the vaccination.  I wonder.  If you vape or have asthma and they still give you the vaccination, remember that, because of U.S. law, the vaccine companies will have no skin the game…no liability. They’re essentially immune from liability and, ergo, prosecution.


[Video clip] Right to Pray in Public Schools // President Trump



Newly Released George Floyd Body Cam Footage Should Make Keith Ellison Nervous



FREE THE AUSSIES NOW! We Want Free Aussies, Not Health Nazis!


Cows, pigs, horses, and sheep are not permitted to sue vaccine manufacturers for vaccine damages because they are animals. Any mistakes are buried.

Oh…that’s right humans CAN’T sue them either because the Pilgrims Society considers people their CHATTEL to harvest in any way they please. The Pilgrims Society are the INSIDERS that control the pandemic levers on humanity. Out them. Then destroy them. Address below:

The Anglo-American (British) Pilgrims Society –The Pilgrims of Great Britain
Mrs. A. Thompson, Executive Secretary
7 Beeches Close
Saffron Walden
CB11 4BU
United Kingdom (UK) Telephone: 01799 732281

The Pilgrims of the United States
The Pilgrims Foundation, Inc. EIN 13-3095744
Formerly The William J. Donovan Memorial Foundation
John R. Drexel IV, President
271 Madison Ave No. 1408
New York, NY 10016
(212) 991-9944


Bill Gates & Fauci Wicked Agenda Exposed!! People Need to Take This Everywhere.


Medical community ready for incoming massive lawsuits from sexually confused and maimed patients:

Oops…we cut off your penis, yet you are still a male.





Apple Demands UK Retail Landlords To Slash Rents By Half 



Stand Up Michigan Update


Today’s planetary blessing in sign language. Blessings, AIM Patriots everywhere.


To Save America, Defund the Schools

“Truth is, our teachers are overpaid and incompetent. Why send your kid back to school when, according to The Root, 75% of all black boys in California, where state spending on students is enormous, can’t read or write proficiently?

Why put your kids in a classroom where there are 30 students to one teacher? Or where you’re a white God-fearing conservative, and the teacher hates America? Or where teachers can’t discipline children because doing so is “racist”?

Or where you don’t have the time to meet and assess all the teachers? Or where grades are curved to pass dunces?  Or where your voice gets drowned out, as a parent, because the other parents won’t stand up with you or won’t even show up?”


NYC teachers protest COVID danger of school openings — with loud, shouty, spit-flecked, close-quarters march


Read the comments inside this link below. If you can offer suggestions, please do….or read the suggestions this dad has already received, some which may help you and your family.

Child’s School Closed, Single Dad. Now what?




Below is another SHALLOW report from a reporter named Sheryl Atkinson.  All this time, and this is all she has to report about Facebook? Hey, Sheryl, why don’t you be an actual REPORTER and get to the real issue of social media? It was all stolen technology and one that We the People can get control of, faster if reporters were interested in FULL DISCLOSURE, which apparently, you are not.

Atkinson’s so-called ‘reports’ are as bad as any propagandist on Fox News. Attkinson keeps her readers contained in a limited hangout with her LIMITED reporting. Is this because the Pilgrims Society has you by the short hairs, Sheryl,…or are you just another idiot reporter. Inquiring minds would like to know.









If it sounds like a jackass…looks like a donkey…and smells like a stable, it’s probably a DEMOCRAT…or a jackass.


     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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