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Rand Paul has called to SUBPOENA ANTIFA plane records, hotel records, all travel records & all funding


Trump Campaign Requests ‘Written Confirmation’ Basement Biden Will Participate in Presidential Debates


Can Joe Come Out And Debate?!


Trump on violence across US: ‘The media is what’s fueling it’. Speaks about the plane ‘loaded with thugs’ under investigation


President Trump Remarks Surveying Riot Damage in Kenosha, Wisconsin – Video and Transcript


Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf Sends Final Warning Letter to Portland



This thread below was prepared and submitted by AIM Patriot Scott (ezduzit63).

Clinton, Bush, Obama consiglieri James P. Chandler III and Chief of Staff John D. Podesta, via the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, sponsored the “Third CPSR Cryptography and Privacy Conference” to gather intelligence


Sandy Cortez Inadvertently Makes Kamala Harris’ ‘Birthright Citizenship’ an Issue

“If Kamala Harris’ parents weren’t at least lawful permanent residents—and there is good reason to believe that they were not—then she isn’t a citizen under the 14th Amendment, and likely is ineligible for the vice presidency under the 12th Amendment. 

The only other Supreme Court case regarding the Citizenship Clause, Wong Kim Ark (1898), held that children born to legally domiciled aliens (i.e. lawful permanent residents) are U.S. citizens, but that case did not apply to children of aliens on student visas.”

Why is AOC questioning Kamala Harris’ citizenship? Maybe because ole Sandy Cortez was born in Puerto Rico and she needs this pesky birther issue resolved now to clear the way for her run as president once she reaches 35 years. Kamala is road kill on the way to her own shot as president.


Former leader of UKIP tweets that the British government and security were/are complicit in the coup against President Trump. Read the tweet and share in your network.



Thanks to AIM Patriot Jamieson who attended the London protest and sent us these pictures. Pay attention to the protest signs. People are woke all over the world. Many thanks for this influential community for providing truth to their networks and downline. Let’s continue the movement!

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AIM Patriot Jazz in the UK sends us this video showing PROOF of foreign interference in American elections. This is Matthew John David Hancock, a British politician serving as Secretary of State for Health and Social Care since 2018. The video is dated September 1, 2020. Watch Mike Pompeo do absolutely nothing about this in-your-face election meddling by the Brits in U.S. elections.




MSM propagandists going ballistic over Trump retweets questioning COVID-19 death toll

VIDEO: Trump begins his roundtable event in Kenosha by suggesting attendees should take their masks off 

“They Backed Us Into A Corner” – Parents Protest Massachusetts’ New Mandatory Vaccination Rules


Joe Biden is not on the side of Law Enforcement, and that was spectacularly evident on my very successful trip yesterday to Kenosha. We solved the problem quickly, and it was very much appreciated by the people of Wisconsin. Joe Biden wouldn’t know where to begin – a bad record! The tweet.

Seriously, is this what our great USA wants as its leader? The tweet.

Crazy Nancy Pelosi is being decimated for having a beauty parlor opened, when all others are closed, and for not wearing a Mask – despite constantly lecturing everyone else. We will almost certainly take back the House, and send Nancy packing! The tweet.

Joe Biden is a Low Energy Candidate the likes of which we have never seen before. The last thing our country needs is a Low Energy Individual, especially when surrounded by High Energy Chess Players scattered all over the world. He’s back in his basement now – no schedule! The tweet.


Democrat Data Firm Admits ‘Incredible’ Trump Landslide Will Be Flipped By Mail-In Votes Emerging A Week After Election Day




President Donald J. Trump Is Working to Stop Evictions and Protect Americans’ Homes During the COVID-19 Pandemic

In Unprecedented Move, CDC Halts Most Rental Evictions Until End Of 2020

Zebra 77a posts:

So let me see. When 20 million people stop paying rent but still stay under CDC protections and the landlords all go bankrupt who picks up the properties this coming Spring for ten cents on the dollar just as the Vaccine comes out?

JP Morgan and its subsidiary Homes For Rent? JPMorgan Fund Doubles Down on Rental Houses With Economy Shut

nwtex adds a remark:

That will be one year plus of no income for the property owners. And when this mess ends they will be so far in arrears that what’s the point of trying to go on. 

What about the landlords mortgages, insurance, utilities, biannual property taxes and the myriad of other monetary weekly, monthly, annually operating costs. 

I can see hundreds and hundreds of foreclosures in the future. All the sacrifices made by owners to save for years in order to acquire the capitol to purchase investment property for security in their later years….only to only lose everything and I do mean everything.
California is inching closer and closer to their goal of total socialism. Pity.

Chuck adds: The long term plan –When the landlords can’t pay their taxes the state will seize and control the property.

FLASHBACK: Remember that time the banks in Iceland collapsed and mortgages were adjusted in favor of property owners and not the big banks?



Victoria Police execute a warrant and ARREST pregnant woman in front of her children for a Facebook post.

Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot: AG Bill Barr Announces Intent to Codify, Permanently, a Two-Tiered Justice System for FISA

Silver Was The Best Performing Asset In August And 2020 YTD

You Cannot Make This UP: DC Wants to Remove…the Washington Monument



The tweet

Where is Bagpipe Billy on yet another act of Big Tech censorship against citizens?

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Rand Paul has called to SUBPOENA ANTIFA plane records, hotel records, all travel records & all funding

Judge Sullivan has effectively pushed back the resolution of the Flynn case until after the election.

California Dems’ Wealth Tax Follows People Who Move Out of the State

New Jersey Is Becoming The Most Hated State As Households Flee In Record Numbers

State Department Illegally Monitored Trump Jr., Hannity, Ingraham, Posobiec And Others From Kiev

VIDEO Massachusetts Town Tells the Medically Mask-Exempt: Wear A Plastic FACE SHIELD, OR ELSE!


Pelosi used shuttered San Francisco hair salon for blow-out, owner calls it ‘slap in the face’


Lockdowns are for the little people. Nancy speaks loudly with her actions: “Updos for me, not for thee.”


“Prepare Yourself for What is Coming…”




Eustace Millins. (1992). The World Order- Our Secret Rulers, Second Edition, Library of Congress No. 84-082357, Ezra Pound Institute of Civilization. Reproduced for educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon.
Eustace Mullins (1923-2010)

Upload this recording to your video platform and educate your downline:


The Pilgrims Rockefeller Foundation funds The Clinton Foundation / CHINA, proving their non-profit status is a criminal fraud

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