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Arthur Firstenberg – “The Invisible Rainbow” – The Hidden Dangers of Wireless & Cell Phone Radiation



It’s game over for the DemonRats as Trump will play them like a chess master from now until they LOSE the election. Even if cheating and rigging make them look like they won, the President would certainly contest Kamala Harris’ eligibility and with a new conservative on the Supreme Court, Harris’ eligibility to hold office would actually become a glaring light on her illegal citizenship status. Check mate, baby!

Beyond the election, we are talking about some serious WINNING like you have never seen before in your lives. The United States has been under British control since the beginning of our nation’s history. They never let go of the reigns of power. They hid inside our country as crown agents and Pilgrims. Been going on for almost 250 years!

Going forward, we will be decimating the enemy, hanging the traitors, and draining the swamp. We will be educating our citizens on REAL history, not fake history spewed by the Pilgrims Society.


BONUS! Patriot brothers and sisters around the world will start to become free of their oppressors, too, as theirs are the same ones we will be destroying here in the United States. Keep your downline calm and collected – Step back and watch a GENIUS in action. (No, not Betsy – President Trump.) Most important – get out and vote ALL RED on November 3. It’s an election you will brag about to the grandkids for a long time to come.

If you are one of our foreign readers, join in the MAGA fun and drive your local oppressors crazy with your love of Trump, freedom, and peace. No matter if you are an American, a Brit, an Aussie, or a Martian, you can be a game-changer in a global movement to free our planet from tyranny.

One internet blogger wrote:

RGB Passing: An October Surprise, Black Swan, Cosmic Curveball, Divine Intervention or All 4?

It was actually a president using good intelligence and precision timing in delivering the SCOTUS blow. In our opinion, the president knew all along that the Demons were keeping RBG on ice, waiting for post-election (stolen, of course) to put in another extreme, baby-killing justice.

But our president waited…and waited.. until a few weeks ago when he started rattling some cages and making some noise. The Demons got spooked, thinking that the president would find out that Ruthie was dead, so they sent out that horrible photoshop image of Ruthie officiating a wedding as “proof of life”. It was bad and widely ridiculed.

After the failed wedding photo, the President knew he had them in a tight corner with no wiggle room so he sends out his updated list for Supreme Court justices. This was their final warning. They would need to come clean about the dead woman or expose the entire SUPREME COURT for fraud because what judge on the bench doesn’t know that Ruthie’s clerks have been running this scam?

Oh yeah… and why were the Gorsuchs over in England yucking it up with the Rothchilds? And why can’t John Roberts get his FISA judges under control and why is his wife recruiting SES staff while hubby is picking up goodie bags from the Knights of Malta? And why aren’t all of Ruthie’s law clerks arrested for fraud?

VOILA. The very stable genius made them give up the corpse before the election, with plenty of time to put a conservative on the bench. Knowing how deeply corrupt the Roberts Supreme Court is, citizens are going to keep a spotlight on these corrupt justices, starting with the new nominees like Amy Coney Barrett that everyone is raving about to become the next Supreme Court Justice nominee. Here’s a heads up that her investing is totally globalist.



Should Martial Law Be Declared?

BTW, YouTube removed our video Kamala is an illegal alien posted on one of our patriot sites. Here is the raw audio file for you to upload on your channels. We suggest that you modify the title so that it doesn’t stick out so obvious. They do not want you to know that Kamala is an illegal alien…just like they didn’t want you to know that Ruthie has long been dead.


Undercover Huber tweets a phenomenal list of nominees and the days to confirm from their nominations. Open the thread here.

A total of 61 SCOTUS justices have been nominated and confirmed to the Supreme Court since the turn of the last century (1900) 70% of these (43 Justices) were confirmed in *under 46 days* (the amount of time remaining until the Nov 3 Presidential election)


We have already presented the video below (re: children in school) to you in a previous Cat Report, but it circled back to us from several of you, so we re-post it, now in light of the video from Arthur Firstenberg, The Invisible Rainbow.

VIDEO: Don’t put your children in school


Douglas started reading this book last week and hasn’t put it down. As he lifts his head to tell me what he is reading, I am shocked. You will be, too. The book is highly technical and dense so he is reading it to summarize for us. Afterwards, he will be discussing what he found. While we are waiting for his report, you can get started by listening to Firstenberg discuss viruses, flues, and electromagnetic frequencies. This audio was uploaded in 2017 – keep that in mind as you listen to his words and think about the Queen’s Pirbright coronavirus and 5G.

You can order his book at: We need AIM patriots everywhere to push this info into their downlines. This technology, in the hands of the evil globalshits, will be used to wipe out all of humanity.

Arthur Firstenberg – “The Invisible Rainbow” – The Hidden Dangers of Wireless & Cell Phone Radiation

Chillax, patriots, on how President Trump is handling Tik Tok, Oracle, Wal-Mart-China, Zoom, DanceByte. He has good intel on all of these subjects and is currently herding these stupid globalshits into a tight spot for his grand post-election move that will be as spectacular as the fireworks we saw during the Republican convention. It going to be a real “stinger” when they find out that on top of being royally slammed by We the People, they have to spend $5 billion on patriot education! Stay tuned and trust that there is a stable genius at the helm.

Donald Trump Approves TikTok Deal With Oracle And Walmart, Wants The App To Support Pro-US Education Program



VIDEO: Judge halts Trump administration’s WeChat ban


Many folks are asking: What’s the big deal about TikTok?

It uses artificial intelligence to create psychological profiles of the [MOSTLY YOUNG] users that can be used for social engineering and also has a backdoor into the user’s phone that can be exploited by the Chinese government.

— indexter


Y’all remember that story awhile back where the post office wanted to send out five (made-in-China) face masks to every America home but the White House put a kibosh on it? Maybe this is one reason why:

UNCONFIRMED: face mask has GPS tracking device within

We had the AFI team watch this video and they responded: “The wire part lost us. Also, the tracking locations could have come from anywhere. Without power, this is unlikely. The USB wiring is weird too. USBs are dumb devices. One would collect this data wirelessly, not on a USB stick.”



Why Aren’t We Allowed To Talk About George Soros’s Plan To Remake America?


George Soros has visited the White House 5 times



AIM Patriot @KazimirRampant has been placed on Jack Dorsey’s censorship list for a time, so Martin Burbridge is coming in for the save and putting traitor Lisa Page on notice. It really freaks the SES out when you start naming them personally to be executed for treason, sedition, and/or espionage. Hope to see more of you calling them out in the public social media square. This crazy bitch below was harming our beloved President. Don’t stand by like a bunch of pussies and let her get off the hook. Get in there and take her down with truth words.

Demand law and order! Demand her execution for treason.

The tweet



It was a beautiful weekend in many parts of the country – boats and cars everywhere showing their support for President Trump and his A-team. Cubans for Trump Caravan in Hialeah, Florida

Meanwhile, the DemonRats are still concerned about Russian interference in the election.


Former leader of UKIP

The tweet


VIDEO: London Protest, Trafalgar Square, 19th Sept 2020


Joe Biden: Over 2 Hundred Million People Have Died of Covid


Mic’d Up Report — The Devil in Hollywood

Not just the media, but our classroom textbooks are filled with FAKE HISTORY – so bad, you can’t believe it. The Pilgrims Society controls all the major textbook publishers and put their propaganda inside our American history and government books, and your country’s as well. Over time, they nudge one generation after another into their New World Order agenda.

President Trump on the Fake News: “It’s gotten to a point where they’re stone-cold dishonest”


Remember that government book that we showed you the other day that taught American school children that executive orders were “informal amendments” to the Constitution? The globalists were already priming audiences in 2014 with the idea that DACA executive orders are acceptable and can be used to bypass Congress. Once we get an honest Supreme Court, we can throw out these unconstitutional orders and agreements. All illegal aliens, including Kamala Harris, need to go back to their birthright countries.

How a Bill Does Not Become a Law – SNL

VIDEO: Kim Klacik’s Baltimore Campaign Ad Part 2 “The Plan”


A few of you wrote recently and said I am not putting enough memes on the Cat Report. Sounds like your info arsenal is running dry…so here are a few. Attention: TEAM 48 needs to drop down to the last video and learn about Lucifer’s incarnation in Asia and Ahriman’s in the west.



AIM Patriot Martin offers this meme to the kitties:





Betsy now knows why she can’t find her favorite grilling mesquite in the stores – one of its ingredients is paprika. If you know real southern girls, an outdoor grill is a primary cooking appliance and mesquite is a favored spice for chicken and ribs. Fish tastes better with a blend of adobe and lemon pepper. What are your favorite grilling spices?

So what happened to all the missing paprika on the store shelves?


LETUSWORSHIP – Sean Feucht – Chicago, IL



This video is so cool. It was sent in by AIM Patriot Cottgard. Pennsylvania man captures all walks of life crossing log bridge. And LOOK! There’s a big kitty in the thumbnail.


Team 48 will enjoy listening to this lecture given by Rudolf Steiner. The Incarnation of Lucifer in Asia in the Third Millenium B.C . The lecture comes from From “Understanding Society through Spiritual-Scientific Knowledge (CW 191)”, fifteen lectures given in Dornach between 3 October and 15 November 1919.

Keep in mind that during this time the term “nation state” and “nationalism” referred to the rising state of what would later be known as the Nazis, but was apparent then as national socialism. Don’t judge Steiner’s words in 1919 to our contemporary understanding of globalism that wishes to destroy the nation state.

Inside you will also learn more about the incarnation of Ahriman who was to incarnate in flesh-form at the turn of this century – 2000. Steiner discusses the forces that had gathered in his day that would lead to Ahriman’s eventual incarnation. Advanced AIM students will recall the Empire Press Union in 1902 and other similar Cecil Rhodes activities at the turn of the century as well as other nefarious globalist activities, like the Jekyll Island federal reserve-banker meeting in 1910. All of these activities laid ground work for what we see today with the Pilgrims Society’s re-organizing human life on the planet.