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Lord Mark Malloch-Brown: Full Bio & Timeline with extensive bibliography





AIM Cats always check Trump Tweets daily.



Look inside and see 138 pages of Molloch’s rat lines, including Dominion, Smartmatic, and the Privy Council.

Lord Mark Malloch-Brown: Full Bio & Timeline with extensive bibliography



South Australia Police: ‘You Cannot Leave the House to Walk the Dog or to Exercise’


States have different deadlines for certifying votes. The site below lists each state’s deadlines. What is the certification deadline for your state?

Election results certification dates, 2020



Smartmatic – Enriching the Election Experience





Then the deplatformers came for Dan Bongino

Outbrain advertising service cuts off Dan’s websites.


Detroit schools to offer learning hubs during shutdownTranslated – Childcare and meal service will be provided as you wait for your state-mandated Vac-Termination.


New York City, on the other hand, gives up on the pretense of education and just shuts down the entire operation. Slaves have no use for reading, math, and education.


“What Happens If President Trump Does Not Concede The Election”


US Army Special Forces | Green Berets | Quiet Professionals. We need to round up the domestic terrorists in our country like John Brennan, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Gina Haspel, Adam Schiff…and hundreds of other puppets and proxies for the Pilgrims and other foreign influence agents. Plus, there are thousands of bottom feeders in the swamp that will have to go as well. Let’s take a look at how these quiet professionals work as we imagine that those helicopters are hovering over the Clinton and Haspel residences today…tomorrow Peter Strzok and Robert Mueller’s hidey-holes.

Here’s area some traitors sweating the coming JUSTICE that will be served. Blitzer the propagandist and Brennan the traitor. Let’s drop inside the enemy camp and see what’s on their minds. Why ex-CIA chief is more worried about Trump now

forsh posts: “It is a coup and Trump should arrest and seize the assets of everyone suspected to be involved due to a national emergency and do this swiftly as soon as possible. This coup/sedition/treason is as serious of a crime that can exist. We’re talking about the entire country being lost to an un-elected government.

The media, big-tech, social media, foreign entities. Trump is the Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. military and (not sure if this can be done) has more power in force than any of these entities when he deploys this military into action. It’s preventing the country from being lost to these people and interests.”



Other patriots are watching for flights to Guantanamo Bay. We marked the site below as being one that seems straight-forward. To those on Betsy’s Team, please keep an eye on this site and others like this and report in when you see something substantial happening at GITMO. Flights Into Guantanamo Bay Cuba This Week.

Leftists Suggest “Re-Education Camps”, “Firing Squads”, & Banning Talk Radio To “Deprogram” 75 Million Trump Supporters


TheTrooper424 has a solution: “I’ve had to cut out so many friends these past few years. Think it’s about time to link up with my state’s Proud Boys chapter and meet up with some real MAGA pedes.”


Carlson was always an enemy of the people. He knows he is a puppet of the corporate media and has consciously chosen the side of the enemy, not of the Republic. Looks like he is trying to pump Powell for some opp research for the treasonous intelligence agencies which work with the Brits to overthrow Donald Trump.

The next time you hear someone singing the praises of Carlson or his compadre Marie Bartiromo from the World Economic Forum, educate them that they are both globalist presstitutes who are paid to spew propaganda.

Fake News FOx Pravda Tucker Carlson Targets Sidney Powell


jonsnow1 posts: “Tucker actively participates in betraying this country. He is mainly acting as controlled opposition. Now he has unmasked his true side, we should deal him what he truly deserve. A fate fitting for a traitor for the American people.”


Is Fox News Becoming Controlled Opposition? No, it has always been controlled oppo.


If you like to get involved at a local level in Restoring the Republic, look no further than public libraries and schools and start a campaign to identify and eliminate books that espouse fake U. S. history. Create a VLOG of your findings, similar to what you see below and send us your findings. Brainwashing and Indoctrination of Our Children- US History

In the Beginning… – Noah’s Ark Hold on, patriots. Dry land has been spotted.

Reader note: Yes, we have noticed that many of the VIDEOS embedded on the Cat will no longer play on the landing page from pads, tablets, and phones. The viewer has to sign in to Big Brother YouTube and watch from their platform. This way they know what patriots are watching and how they are learning so much. This is another form of censorship and until President Trump lowers the boom on social media, there isn’t much we can do about it. However, we have noticed that this is not the case when viewing the Cat on a PC. We are sorry that it infringes upon your reading pleasure of the daily Cat. Meow.


Why we are not seeing this chart in more of our information fishing holes? Start pushing this easy-to-understand chart so that folks can see the connection between the swamp and the election rigging. This effects elections worldwide and is how the British Imperial Empire and Lord Mark Malloch-Brown keeps control over countries around the world.


What a computer expert said about voting results in Michigan



‘We love this nation’ | Pro-Trump supporters rally in Atlanta

Why is COVID-19 being disproportionately hyped as such a dangerous threat, when the reality of the statistical danger is much less than the intense level of hype?… That is the key question.

The answer is… social changes under the guise of COVID-19 mitigation, are the entry point for the goals and aspirations of the political left on a national and global scale. COVID-19 is a virus, but also a very important political weapon, and we are about to discover exactly what the purpose of the hype is all about. What follows will help understand; and when you encounter the fear it will help to reconcile what people cannot figure out.” Read more….


Vivas Veritas

Rise and shine, keyboard warriors. Another day, another info-bomb.


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