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3150 People Paralyzed After COVID-19 Vaccine “Unable To Perform Normal Daily Activities”


Joe Biden brags about having “the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD organization” in history.


At this point, we don’t even know if President Trump really tweeted these messages, or whether they are coming from Jack Dorsey’s back room in his continued interference in our election. This image below came from Jim Stone.

Tweet #1. Tweet #2.

Jim continued with these remarks:

Very suspicious circumstances surrounding Trump

1. Nancy led a fake raid on the capitol that she did not inform everyone about beforehand and this is guaranteed because her son-in-law was one of the organizers.

2. As fallout from the raid, Twitter suspended Trump’s account only to have what may be a deep fake of him speaking be the only thing posted since “he was allowed access” It is a good deep fake but it lacks the clarity of original video. People have dissected this quite well, and have found where the video repeats the exact same facial expression with the body in two different positions. It does indeed look sketchy and it would be expected during a communist coup.

The following shows two different frames from his “concession video” that were spaced about a minute apart and I agree, this does not look right.


It does look like a deep fake video to us – Message from President Trump

Just a reminder how good these deep fake videos are becoming. Deepfake: Queen Elizabeth Trump


Note to our information warriors out there. It really isn’t that difficult to take out the HEAD OF THE SNAKE of the Pilgrims. Just look at the Great Hall of China mug shot. All these people need to be arrested – all at the same time.

Missing from this mug shot are James W. Breyer and Mark Malloch-Brown who also needs to be arrested, along with international criminal Joe Biden and Jamaican citizen Kamala Harris. Take these dozen of folks out and it will totally cripple the the enemy.

Then we can start taking their proxies and puppets out, layer by layer over the next few months. Top tier first, layers underneath next…until patriots squeal with delight with so much winning.


3150 People Paralyzed After COVID-19 Vaccine “Unable To Perform Normal Daily Activities”



Mark Malloch-Brown, the Privy Council, and the British-American Pilgrims will destroy Ms. Powell. Does she know who the enemy is?

Dominion Voting Systems Sues Sidney Powell for Defamation Following Election Fraud Claims


Leonardo tied to IBM Eclipse Foundation, Chandler, Internet of Things and … Eurotech SpA, Ltd.—It’s a British Pilgrims Society operation likely directed out of the Pirbright Space Port via QinetiQ and SERCO. Read details inside link.




Washington DC Rally January 6, 2-21


Lindsey Graham just made the mistake walking by me and a mass of angry patriots at the airport in DC.

All America wants is for you to AUDIT OUR VOTE and purge this election of this massive corruption…and you won’t do it. We’re not letting this “slide” so expect more of this.

I think my Massachusetts just came out… 😂

Originally tweeted by Mindy Robinson 🇺🇸 (@iheartmindy) on January 8, 2021.






He proudly admits they were the ones to break into the capital

Video: 0:58


This guy is an ACTOR, not a Q-follower or patriot.



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