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Has anyone called the Marines? America could use some help here!


Has anyone called the Marines? America could use some help here!

Here’s a reality check, AIM Cats….this stock’s future doesn’t look good. You might want to check your portfolio and exit out of any investment funds that have Twitter, Facebook, Google…maybe even Amazon. Since those are the companies propping up the stock market, you may want to consider a sideline position or safe haven while the demolition takes place.

Once you take care of your portfolio, please help those in your downline understand what all of this means. We want patriots protected from these collapsing companies!

Keep an eye on Twitter stock here.

As of January 8, 2021


Technically FAANG is short for Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google.




If you are looking for a Trump Tweet Archive, use this link:


ABC is inciting violence.

Here’s an older archive saying “cleansing”:


Our AIM app developer sent us this note.

“I just wanted to let you know that the Aim 4 Truth Mobile app is down at the moment. There is an unknown (at this time) issue. It is affecting all apps not just yours. I will let you know when we have things figured out. 

It is atrocious, but this is affecting 500,000+ apps that include retail, restaurants area guides, country clubs and others. As far as I know, it has nothing to do with the app stores or the content of the apps. It is a problem with the platform I use.  It is affecting the Web Apps too which have no connection to the app stores.

I am very sorry for this inconvenience.”


A friend of ours dropped by today and wanted us to answer some questions for the Paradigm Shift folks in North Carolina. Our friend recorded this on her Ipad so the sound quality isn’t the best, but we think you will appreciate the dialogue.

WARNING: Betsy is hot under the collar because she previously wrote (see below) about this Simon Parke dude who is pushing British propaganda.

Raw audio file:


“If fascism ever comes to America, it will come in the name of liberalism.” – Ronald Reagan @jack

Originally tweeted by Margaret Thatcher (@MrsMThatcher) on January 10, 2021.


We are in the middle of a George Soros Color Revolution. Read a message from former U. S. intelligence operators.


Mozilla Chairwoman: ‘We Need More Than Deplatforming’

According to the essay, additional “precise and specific actions” that platforms should commit to include the following:  



KazimirRising sends us this note: “This bitch is practically saying throw DJT supporters into concentration camps. I wondered if she was worried about something and look where intuition led me!

The tweet


For all you AIM Cats that are sending these videos of Simon Parks, please consider he is BRITISH and most of his videos are filled with disinformation, along with scattered truths to confuse the listener. He is scant on original sources and documentation. He is what we call a bloviator, a bad storyteller. Do what you will with him, but for finicky AIM cats, he is not of interest to us – even for boredom.

Here’s his latest video. Listen from start to finish with critical thinking skills: 10th January Update Current News. Now why in the world would a British-speaking YouTuber want to keep PATRIOTS from looking at who the real enemy is? He even adds a cat in the video so you think he’s an AIM cat. He is a ….


Note to Simon: Yeah we know your privy councilor Richard Dearlove would love Michael Flynn to be President Trump’s VP…but we have advised the President to stay away from that bad idea. And you mentioned DOMINION in your video – why did you conveniently leave out that other British pesky detail that Mark Malloch-Brown is at the helm of worldwide election rigging.


And for all you pussies that say I am being too mean to folks like this that I call out here and there, buck up. This is information war, not a coffee klatch. These kinds of bloviators and puppets are here to distract you from AIM precision in taking down the enemy.

Kare508 posts a sentiment that we see in other comments:

If PDJT fails to save the Republic in these final moments, it will be God’s will.

Reality is we — most Americans– have looked the other way as our nation declined into … debauchery and atheism.

God, The Father, has held back his hand — of justice–for a long time.

We — faithful Christians & Jews– may well be facing, soon, another holocaust, God forbid.

We must all pray for WISDOM, humility and the courage to face the future as the faithful children of God, knowing this will not be easy and it may well be quite terrifying at times.

To do that, we must know the Bible– the Word of God– which is the instruction manual God gave us to “to fight the good fight” here on the earth. We have all been chosen for this moment.

We will need to all pray and seek God’s instruction for each of us individually, without asking for specific things… but instead to LISTEN (in prayer) to what God asks us to do, individually and then collectively. He will reveal it. And I have no idea what I am supposed to do, personally… bc I have NOT listened well to God’s voice. Humility is part of wisdom. Reverting to a bunch of half-cocked Barrabas’ will be a mistake and not of God.

Maybe WE are the generation that will face Armageddon?

No Christian should presume he/she will escape this trial, this battle between good & evil (via Rapture). We will not escape. We will be required to do and suffer as the first christians were required to do & suffer. Even logically, all of us should recognize we do not deserve to… escape trial/the test.

Our Lord did not suffer and die (in this temporal/physical world) so that WE would not have to do the same. He showed us HOW to be faithful unto death. We ARE saved by the “Blood of The Lamb”… but that refers to our souls… b/c “the flesh is nothing.” And, “being saved” DOES mean remaining faithful to the end. Be prepared to be put to the test. Those WORDS: “I accept Jesus Christ as my personal savior” must be LIVED, acted upon, faithfully until the end… of each of our lives, whenever that may be. Reciting WORDS is not enough because “Faith without works [action] is dead [faith].”

Disclosure: I am not a Protestant. I am a Catholic so this is the Catholic perspective. Take it for what it’s worth.

IF our President prevails in these final moments, we must praise God! We must change our lives, return to God and be grateful to Him for deigning to bestow His Mercy upon us– America– once again, humbly recognizing that we do not deserve His mercy.

May God bless America and may He have mercy upon His wayward children, once again.

“St. Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray, and do thou, o Prince of the Heavenly Host, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.”


MMY1E6 Gerard de la Vallee – Longinus piercing Christ’s side with a spear



Our reply to Kare508, we happen to know how this story ends and it is all good. See through the veils of lies and propaganda of Satan and you will see TRUTH. The Gabriels and Michael have been with you all the while.

The Spear of Antioch is now the Holy Lance of Love.


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