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Espionage of the Highest Order

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The CrownGate Twitter Threadreader

Join Conclave member John Barnwell on Twitter as he rolls out the case for Crowngate and the British involvement in the overthrow of Trump and the United States. How far back does Crowngate go? What was the British involvement in 911, the assassination of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, and the propaganda wars that have been raging around the world since Cecil Rhodes set out to rule the world with his 200-year world-domination plan?

Make sure to connect with John on Twitter and help him deliver truth all around the world. The faster we all get up to speed and know who the enemies of humanity are, the sooner we can make our planet great again and get back to a world full of wonderful sovereign nations full of free energy.


Trump criticizes Venezuela’s Maduro, calls Mueller probe ‘political game’


Eulogy to the Witch Hunt


Are British leaders getting nervous?

Lord Speaker Slams Commons Speaker Snubbing Trump as Insult to U.S. D-Day Vets


Silly, Nancy, thinks we don’t know that it is legal to lie in Congress.

Pelosi accuses Barr of committing a crime by lying to Congress

It’s legal to lie in Congress


Nellie Ohr’s ‘Hi Honey’ emails to DOJ about Russia collusion should alarm us all


Chaos Breaks Out During House Judiciary Hearing On Mueller Report 5/1/19


FBI Admits Using Spies Against Trump Campaign


Obama knew


AIM Patriot William S. sent us a note:

Just want to say I love you guys.


Read about Nellie’s DOJ criminal referral


Nice tweet, AIM Patriot Matt. You understand how a good information bomb is created and launched. Short and sweet with some upbeat music to give it fuel for long range firing. It’s got legs, baby!


Covington Catholic teen Nick Sandmann sues NBC for $275 million


Nolte: Poynter Institute Wants 515 Outlets Blacklisted, Including Breitbart News


It All Depends on How You Interpret It – Not!


Millard_Filmoar posts:

We now have a large body of empirical evidence to prove that Islam, a POLITICAL religion, is incompatible with the secular, liberal societies of the West. Governments should write laws into their constitutions to outlaw ALL Political Islam and repatriate those who follow the tenets into an Islamic country. It’s the only logical thing to do.


VIDEO: Forced to ‘shut up & go away’? UK defense minister sacked over leaking govt plans on Huawei


This is a good summary that people in your network might find beneficial as a “catch up” of what’s happening. It may be old news for our regular audience, but keep in mind that there are many who haven’t been paying attention.

Russia Investigation Timeline – What Really Happened


Grassley Drops The Mic: “Here’s where we are. The Democrats and you folks in the media are not concerned about the report. I think you’re concerned about the results weren’t what you expected. And I think we’re finding out that everybody was sold a bunch of snake oil, and now the jig is up!” Watch video


Singer and Songwriter Moby Says CIA Asked Him to Post Anti-Trump Message



Danske brenner koraner innbundet i bacon (Danish burn Korans wrapped in bacon)

Å brenne koraner innbundet i bacon utgjør ikke bare en trussel for provokatøren selv, men for hele Danmarks sikkerhet, advarer tidligere sjef i etterretningspolitiet.

Burning the Korans bound in bacon is not only a threat to the provocator himself, but for the whole of Denmark’s security, warns former chief of the intelligence police.


US natural gas exports to Europe surge nearly 300%

     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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Jacob Engels is a pathetic reporter and Gateway Pundit is FAKE NEWS.



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