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Pentagon: 2,100 more troops headed to U.S.-Mexico border in Texas

liz dick cheney

The DEMON SPAWN SPEAKS! Do not be fooled by Rep. Liz Cheney, daughter of American traitor and 9-11 murderer Dick Cheney. Her job right now is to make you think she is all ‘warm and fuzzy and pro-America’. She is not. Just like Hillary Clinton who learned early from her mob boss father Hugh Rodham how to con and hustle the American people, Liz Cheney has also learned her evil craft from daddy dearest – Richard Cheney.

Every time you see Demon Spawn Liz on the national stage, call her out as who she is. She has a lot of people fooled and we need to remind patriots what her daddy did to thousands of our fellow citizens.

Liz DEMON SPAWN Cheney. Let’s hope daddy’s plan of getting her elected from Representative to U. S. Senator of Wyoming and then vice president or president – FAILS.

If you don’t know how Demon Dick murdered Americans and is still living large, catch up on the real truth of 9-11 treason.

Treason: Who Terrorized Americans and the World on 9-11?

…just another reason not to give your 2020 MAGA campaign donations to the RNC where Mitt Romney’s niece Ronna will share a portion of your donation with turncoats like Liz Cheney who shows us with her voting record that she is no friend of MAGA.

Send all 2020 campaign contributions to or the MAGA KAG candidate of your choice. Patriots need to flush the RATS, RINOS, and ROMNEYS out of the RNC before we ever give to them again.


Bill Clinton Supports Secure Borders and Says We are ‘A Nation of Laws’!

“All Americans, not only in the States most heavily affected but in every place in this country, are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country. The jobs they hold might otherwise be held by citizens or legal immigrants. The public service they use impose burdens on our taxpayers. That’s why our administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders more by hiring a record number of new border guards, by deporting twice as many criminal aliens as ever before, by cracking down on illegal hiring, by barring welfare benefits to illegal aliens….

……we will try to do more to speed the deportation of illegal aliens who are arrested for crimes, to better identify illegal aliens in the workplace as recommended by the commission headed by former Congresswoman Barbara Jordan. We are a nation of immigrants. But we are also a nation of laws. It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years, and we must do more to stop it.”


Trump Hears Horrors Facing Muslim Uighurs in Chinese Concentration Camps


AIM Patriot Robert says: Put this guy on a national watch list…!


Dennis Prager Testifies Before the Senate – Listen to his summary
Dennis references: Video on the Ten Commandments
Dennis Prager testifies in front of Senate Judiciary Committee


Senator Hawley Grills Google Exec During Judiciary Committee Hearing


US Lawmakers Call for End to 20 Year Long Persecution of Falun Gong


Buyer Beware – AOC Challenger Candidate Launch Has Familiarity

“BEWARE – Having watched this type of political scheme for several years; and accepting people for what they do, not what they claim to be; in my opinion Murray is likely in place to protect AOC in the 2020 race.  This perspective is bolstered by how the launch/roll-out was also timed and scheduled by Fox News.”


Ilhan Omar Happened Because Media Chose to Lie to You


The real reason why Trump distanced himself from ‘Send her back’ chants?


Ilhan Omar’s Brother is GAY, She Married Him Anyway. WTF? GAY MUSLIM?



Trump to nominate Eugene Scalia for labor secretary


President and Mrs. Trump welcome the US Special Olympics Team to the White House


Pentagon: 2,100 more troops headed to U.S.-Mexico border in Texas


AIM Patriot dx gives us an update on Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s appearance schedule. If you happen to be in the area, please go and take video evidence that she is alive. Take good close-up shots so we can determine if it is Ruth, a double, a holographic image. Thanks, dx!

RBG is scheduled to appear this coming September 3 in Little Rock. The Clinton Foundation is putting on the event.

Also, she’ll be appearing the previous week in Buffalo:

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will visit Buffalo in August, the University at Buffalo announced Thursday.

Ginsburg will engage with students at UB’s Law School and address the local legal community at Kleinhans Music Hall on Aug. 26. Event and ticket information for the Kleinhans program will be announced later.
Then on August 31st, she’ll be at the 2019 Library of Congress National Book Festival:
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will be among the featured speakers at the 2019 Library of Congress National Book Festival, along with dozens of best-selling authors, novelists, historians, poets and children’s writers, the Library announced today. This year’s festival will be held Saturday, Aug. 31, from 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C

That’s a busy schedule for someone her age with her health concerns. Of course, a somewhat younger body double made up to look older could handle it …

Note to AIM Community: For our on-the-ground information warriors, AIM can reimburse your local costs to attend these events and take pictures for us. Please contact us before hand so that we can approve the amount that we are able to provide you. As some of you know, we have a fund set aside for indie journalists and photographers. When we can, we support your efforts to bring truth to the AIM community.



Globalists and their puppets stick together:

Angela Merkel, Justin Trudeau Back ‘Squad’ After Trump’s ‘Go Back’ Tweets


The Media Protecting Ilhan Omar’s Obviously False Presentation of Family is a Gift To President Trump


The Fightin’ Side of Me – #IStandWithPresTrump


Judicial Watch: Emails Show Dossier-Connected Top Obama State Department Officials Set ‘Face-to-Face’ Meeting on ‘Russian Matter’ in NY in September 2016


Obama-Rice-NetFlix Price Stumbles

“Netflix shares plunged more than 10% after the streaming giant reported a surprise loss in U.S. subscribers coupled with slower-than-expected international membership growth. Those metrics — which are key for Netflix — offset a better-than-expected earnings per share result for the previous quarter.” Source

Netflix is Losing Subscribers in the US: The Untold Reason

With shows like the ones below, no wonder Americans are tuning out of Barry and Mike Obama and Susan Rice’s newest form of propaganda.


Kamala’s own father proves that Snopes is lying:

Brent Scher. (Jul. 09, 2019). Kamala Harris’s Ancestors Owned Slaves, Her Father Says – Presidential hopeful’s Jamaican father wrote about his slave-holding ancestor. Free Beacon.

Editor. (Jan. 13, 2019). Kamala Harris’ Jamaican Heritage – Updated – 14.01.2019. Jamaica Global Online.



Michelle Obama is ‘most admired’ woman in the world, new propaganda poll says…keeping Big Mike’s image fresh and positive just in case there are no contenders to run against Trump




If women are upset at Trump’s naughty words, who in the hell bought 80 million copies of 50 Shades of Gray?

Watching the left come up with schemes to “catch Trump” is like  watching Wile E. Coyote trying to catch Road Runner.

President Trump’s wall cost less than the Obamacare website. Let that  sink in.

We are one election away from open borders, socialism, gun confiscation, and full term abortion nationally.

They sent more troops and armament to arrest Roger Stone than they  sent to defend Benghazi.

60 years ago, Venezuela was 4th on the world economic freedom index.  Today, they are 179th and their citizens are dying of starvation. In only 10 years, Venezuela was destroyed by democratic socialism.

Russia donated $0.00 to the Trump campaign. Russia donated $145,600,000 to the Clinton Foundation. And Trump was the one investigated?

Nancy Pelosi invited illegal aliens to the State of the Union. President Trump Invited victims of illegal aliens to the State of the Union. Let that sink in.

A socialist is basically a communist who doesn’t have the power to  take everything from their citizens at gunpoint …Yet!

How does a parent walk 3000 miles with small children across Mexico,  without food or support and show up at our border 100 pounds overweight with a cellphone, when they know they are NOT legally allowed in the US?

“The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.”— Margaret Thatcher

Trump — “They’re not after me. They’re after you. I’m just in their way.”



Billie Eilish – bad guy (Donald Trump Cover)


     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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