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U.S. Unleashes Military to Fight Fake News, Disinformation


Tuesday, September 2, 2019

What is the the meaning of Labor Day?


Sep 1, 2019 07:58:43 AM – “James Comey has been rebuked at the highest level, with much more to come. An IG Report doesn’t get any stronger, calling him dangerous, insubordinate. THANK GOODNESS THAT DONALD TRUMP WAS ELECTED, BECAUSE IF HE WASN’T ELECTED, THESE PEOPLE WOULD STILL BE IN POWER. Two more…..


Sep 1, 2019 07:58:44 AM – ….reports are coming. Comey very vulnerable. But where is the Supreme Court. Where is Justice Roberts? If you lie to a court, you should be held in contempt. So, if you abused the FISA, you must be held accountable. I hope Justice Roberts will take action.” Jason Chaffetz, Fox


Sep 1, 2019 08:03:11 AM – “Comey and McCabe (and more) are Dirty Cops.” Joe DiGenova


Aug 31, 2019 03:14:14 PM “The vindication belongs to the President for firing James Comey. It was clearly the right thing to do. You don’t want an FBI Director with Jim Comey’s ethics.” Jason Riley, Wall Street Journal 



The CIA Lies To Itself In Order to Control The National Discussion and Steer The “National Interest”

“Outing Sara Carter as a lambda is my research for example. If you’re gonna be a actorspy don’t graduate from the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts (LAMDA) and then immediately become a circa news war correspondent embedded with CNN in Iraq or whatever (sorry some of those details may be off but you get the idea), as your FOX news multi-summer internship. She goes from being a self professed “thesbian” to a war correspondent journalist in one hop.”




Evil Eric Schmidt and His Plan for Prison Planet



Recommended by an AIM Patriot Chris, a former Brit, now an American patriot.


Great video in the comment section of the last video from AIMPatriot ezduzit63. It’s on the social credit score system. Here’s the link for the comment section. We really appreciate this kind of participation in the comment section as it enriches the community experience in seeking truth.


Sanders Unveils Plan To Cancel $81 Billion Worth Of Existing Medical Debt



This Yahoo piece is worth a review.

U.S. Unleashes Military to Fight Fake News, Disinformation


This email came to us from fellow truth seekers over at Moon Rock Books.


I Vote We Rename the Petrodollar the Pedodollar.


We literally found the FALSE SONG of GLOBALISM. Take a moment and listen and read the words to this hymn. Creepy.

Hymn of the United Nations


Here’s an antidote to that globalist propaganda poison you just heard:

Battle Hymn of the Republic


How CIA-Backed Palantir Is Helping Police Root Out ‘Thought Crimes’



Big Pharma is America’s new mafia whose chemical warfare on humanity dwarfs the number of victims killed by all the world wars and acts of terrorism combined. While drug companies profit billions, people are dying by the millions. It makes you wonder if Pharmageddon is upon us with the next set of mandatory vaccinations planned by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) for the profit of drug companies.

There is a war raging for control of your bloodstream and it is led by the FDA, CDC, WHO, and Big Pharma, and it looks as if they are winning.

Over 70% of Americans are on some form of pharmaceutical drug that often brings negative side-effects, including death. Iatrogenic death, or “death by doctor”, is considered the third leading cause of death in America, conservatively speaking. Some experts interpret the data to read iatrogenic death as the number one cause of death, and they have a great deal of evidence to back up the claim. These statistics suggest that we should change the name “health industry” to “illness industry.”



Everyone Must Know This! ALERT MESSAGE



Prager U vs. YouTube




…or Deep State deep fake or body double? Inquiring minds want to know.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: I’m Alive and ‘on My Way to Being Very Well’ After Cancer Scares




HAVE A GREAT DAY! Labor Day Inspiration


We have received questions about piezoelectricity as Douglas speaks about this often. Did you know that this is the “battery” that operates our Qube?

Piezoelectricity – why hitting crystals makes electricity


What is a Qube?



By Douglas Gabriel:

The War in Heaven as the Quest for the Grail


     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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