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Trump: Not an impeachment. A coup.




It’s more than a coup. It’s more than a British attempt to overthrow the President. It is all out war on humanity by the Pilgrims Society. If this doesn’t mean anything to you, then your public school indoctrination worked and your head is filled with globalist propaganda history – not real history. Time for patriots to teach and preach the real truth of our history on this planet!

If you are a student of history, maybe even a PhD history or poli-sci candidate looking for a dissertation topic, this is history that has never been told and is waiting for real scholars to expose:

Ancient Oligarch Families Keep Humanity Steeped in Ritual Sin and Murder


The Radical Democrats Have Declared War on our president and our nation.


Why won’t Stephen Miller and the Trump administration call out the bureaucratic Deep State what it is? We know the media will never do it as they are ALL part of the same Crown Agent operation from the Privy Council and Pilgrims Society. Make sure your circle of influence knows about America’s domestic enemy – the Senior Executive Service.


Stephen Miller: The Democrat Party Is a Socialist Marxist Party


Rynn69 posts:

Every clear-minded person knows this – the Democrats are now full-on Communists in every way. If you cannot see this, you need to evaluate if the following applies to you:

  1. You are uninformed, obtaining information from biased sources as fact without doing your own research
    2. You are indoctrinated (most millennials fall in this category)
    3. You have TDS
    4. You are a useful idiot
    5. You are a rabid ideologue, lacking critical thinking skills or worse – knowing and not caring



Pervert Pedophile Pope

What would Jesus say?

What are ‘good Catholics’ doing about the Jesuit take-over of the Church?


Trump Administration Moves $34M from Planned Parenthood to Non-Abortion Providers



Trump Jilts Google in Copyright Dispute at Supreme Court


McCarthy, Nunes, Jordan Demand Answers on Whistleblower Complaint Form Changes



Ukrainian Arms Dealer’s Ties to Pelosi and Schiff



If you are new to the Cat Report, we highly recommend our Venetian Banking series. This explains the history of early banking and gives you the necessary truth history to understand what is going on with the UK, Privy Council, and Pilgrims Society.

Venetian Takeover of British Banking



Confirmation – Bill Barr and John Durham Listened to Mifsud Audio-Tape Deposition in Italy


Do it yourself eugenics

This type of self-inflicted eugenics rids the world of Democrats and libtards. This will be known as the lost generation. They failed to reproduce – no one knew what sex they were. They failed to education themselves about truth – so they stayed forever brainwashed. What children they did have, they aborted for blood, tissue, and body parts that the elite that rule them need for longevity. They failed to get jobs after spending ginormous amounts of $$ to be indoctrinated by liberal university professors.


Rashida Tlaib has promoted four viral racial hoaxes in 2019

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., has promoted at least four racially charged hoaxes or debunked stories on Twitter in 2019 and failed to issue statements retracting or correcting her comments.


George Soros Responds To Giuliani’s “Ranting”




State Department reportedly ramps up probe into Hillary Clinton’s email server




The globalists love to hide behind the skirts of women…and not just Democrat skirts. Look at all the RINO RAT Globalists in the RNC – Nikki Haley, Liz Cheney, Ronna Romney McDaniel, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Shelley Capito, and possibly Joni Ernst (who is not impressing us at all).



This is the logo that the Pope is advocating. It is a religion called Chrislam, combining Christianity and Islam.

It’s a one world religion that is more compatible with Communism. Headed by the Roman Catholic pedophiles – the Pope and his merry group of horny Jesuits.


     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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