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It’s a foreign-backed coup


What the hell is the U.S. military doing about this foreign-lead overthrow of our President and U.S. Constitution?

What are YOU doing about this, patriot?

Are you contacting your elected representatives – daily? Are you attending their townhalls and gatherings to ask the deep questions that the media refuses to ask?

Why are Crown Agents (Senior Executive Service and SERCO) running our government and military-industrial operations. Why is FIVE EYES spying on Americans?


The True Meaning of Patriotism



Brutal wipeout for Democrats in Louisiana, and the press trying to keep it quiet



Judicial Watch Bro Claims Ukraine Ambassador Was Monitoring AMERICAN Citizens


No, we aren’t posting the ABC FAKE NEWS video on Hunter Biden. We don’t push propaganda narratives from the Deep State that strengthen their position on the information battlefield. Same reason you aren’t seeing the Project Veritas CNN-CIA video here, except for the historical record below.


The AIM target is the Pilgrims Society. Don’t let the PROPAGANDA MEDIA distract you with low hanging fruit like CNN, Jeff Zucker, Fox News, blaa blaa blaa. It’s ok “news” for people who aren’t as informed as you, but YOU know all this stuff. For YOU these storylines are nothing more than spin zones.

We are fighting the Great Information War. We need frontline patriots who are willing to strike the head of the beast and remove it from the face of the Earth.

Stay focused. Does anyone here happen to have a spear we can use for the job? (Wink)



There is a bill in Washington that has been quietly introduced by Senator John Thune (R-SD) called the “STREAMLINE Small Cell Deployment Act” (S.1699).

If passed, it would codify a series of overreaching FCC orders designed to eliminate the ability of state and local governments to control the deployment of wireless infrastructure within their jurisdictions.

The wireless industry is busy pushing S.1699 in Washington. That’s why we need you to let your Senators know that you oppose S.1699. Local governments should be able to decide how to best implement new technologies in their own communities- especially those that pose public health risks.

Please call your Senators today and tell them to oppose S.1699. Find your Senators’ contact information here.


State Department Protects Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton or Her Staff Were Warned SIX Times for Illicit Email Usage



Hillary Clinton: Could a Satan Worshipper Really Become President?



LeBron Bows to Communist China


Instead of a movement of UNITY, the Dems are a movement of total DISUNITY. Each person has his/her/their/xi/whatever-pronoun own special identity and is incapable of stepping outside of themselves to see benefits in joining alliances for their greater good.

Of course, you have to have a ‘greater good’ to create lasting change.

On the PATRIOT side, we unite to Keep America Great.

On the GLOBALIST side, they seek to destroy everything in their path to achieve total world domination by the Pilgrims Society.

Our choice in 2020 is that clear and simple.

Freedom or Tyranny.

Everything You Missed From The CNN LGBTQ Town Hall OR a Republican 2020 ad???



Elizabeth Warren and the Federal Reserve: Dual Faces of Socialism



AIM Patriot Jodi writes:

It’s time to call up ALL Americans. A revolutionary war mindset must be taken by the American people. If the DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA are too corrupted to handle arresting and prosecuting the traitors, then We the People must step up and do so. Per our Constitution, when a government becomes this oppressive and has taken away the freedoms and liberties of the American people, they must be removed from office.

Our Reply: We have offered several suggestions on today’s Cat Report, Patriot Jodi, of ways you can act locally to help out the Patriot Team, whether it is making phone calls,  attending a rally, or writing a letter to a Senator. Each one of us can do something every day to Restore Our Republic. Our president works every day for US. We can do the same for U.S.


Biden, Inc.


AIM patriots are asking if there is a way to save our web pages off-site. We suggest For example, we took this article:

We ran it through the webpage capture and an archive page is created: For those of you that want to hold on to our reports so that our content is never lost, this would be a great project to offer to the community in an Excel spreadsheet format.


The #MarchforTrump is scheduled for October 17th in DC and at local congressional offices across the country.

Stay updated at

Please spread the word we will #StandWithTrump on OCT. 17th!#TrumpMarch #WomenForTrump #KAG #MAGA

— Women for Trump (@WomenforTrump) October 3, 2019


Eric Spracklen. (Oct. 14, 2019). PART 1: CNN Insider [Cary Poarch,CNN, Washington D.C. Bureau] Blows Whistle on Network President Jeff Zucker’s Personal Vendetta Against POTUS. Project Veritas. (Raw *.mp4 video file).[Cary-Poarch,CNN-Washington-DC-Bureau]-Blows-Whistle-on-Network-Pres-Jeff-Zuckers-Personal-Vendetta-Against-POTUS-by-Eric-Spracklen-Project-Veritas-Oct-14-2019.mp4


AIM Patriot Ken drops us this note:

After hearing from AIM about the privy council and pilgrim society this speech by the queen of England is a little scary especially when she talks about digital and 5G without coming out and saying the words 5G.


This… is a RACIST #CNN



AIM Patriot Paul (Australia) is paying attention:

Took my son on a bike ride on the weekend and we stopped for an ice cream. Asked for the flavours and was directed to their selection board. To my disgust, I took notice of the logo of ‘Streets’ Ice cream. A heart within a heart.I said to myself, “Is this not a recognized sign for girl on girl pedofilia?”

I did a search on-line and there it was – the same logo.
Searched ‘Streets’ and it turns out that they belong to Unilever – a Dutch/British venture in Australia. Must just be a coincidence. They’ve been around for decades. I have photos but you can see the logo here:


Weep For Catalonia – Separatist Leaders Handed Vicious Prison Terms


Ronald Regan Patriotic Speech



This glass bead (video below) was posted by AIM Patriot Ron in a comment under yesterday’s Cat Report. If you didn’t see his insight, it’s worth a trip back to read at the bottom of the page – here.

Learn how to feed your angels


Secrets of the pineal gland. Here is a companion piece.


     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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