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More than 1211 days since the Deep State ILLEGALLY started Crossfire Hurricane and not a single person is in jail


Enjoy our slideshow of Obama treason memes.

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Rudy Giuliani Sends Letter to Senator Graham Outlining Ambassador Bill Taylor Efforts to Block Witnesses




White House’s Pam Bondi on Impeachment ‘Sham’: ‘We Have the Truth on Our Side’


Adam Schiff will be compelled to testify should the Democrats decide, despite the fact that my presidential conversations were totally appropriate (perfect), to go forward with the Impeachment Hoax. Polls have now turned very strongly against Impeachment!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 23, 2019



“Not since Hoover opened FBI investigations into anyone who criticized the government and blackmailed presidents and members of Congress has the FBI so outrageously abused its authority” — in this case, against @RealDonaldTrump.

— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) November 23, 2019


MSM scrambling to minimize importance of Horowitz Report criminal referral of FBI lawyer



F  L  A  S  H  B  A  C  K


Chinese State Councillor Wang Yi: “There is no way out for the zero-sum games of the United States. Only win-win cooperation between China and the United States is the right path”




NEW YORK POST EDITORIAL. “Worse Than Pointless. All those hours of televised testimony plainly failed on their announced goal: to change American’s minds. Part of the problem is that Democrats already leaked the best evidence they had. More important, NOT ONE WITNESS OFFERED…..

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 23, 2019

….Sondland said Trump told him. None of this will move the needle for anyone. And now Dems in Swing Districts head home for Thanksgiving to hear from voters. Pelosi & Co. are putting on a show to appease the Democratic base instead of doing the work ALL Americans need done.”

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 23, 2019



Quid Pro Joe seems to be offering a trade of sorts…I won’t imprison YOU, if you don’t imprison ME. Joe Biden Says He Wouldn’t Lock Up Trump If Elected


Twitter Will Let Users Hide Replies to Protect Feelings

So will President Trump be able to hide all those annoying trolls commenting on his tweets?


Stunning, if true



Kevin Clinesmith, is FBI Lawyer Who Altered FISA Application


FBI Employee (probably SES) that texted with Clinesmith.


Mr. Attorney General, did anyone do a DNA test on the body that was autopsied? What about the second autopsy that showed the body was strangulated? Sorry, Bill, the people aren’t buying your conclusion. You need to put a lot more meat on this bone for us to satiate our appetite for truth.

Barr Ends All Conspiracy Theories: Jeffrey Epstein Killed Himself In “Perfect Storm Of Screw-Ups”



The Seven Rules of Bureaucracy

Rule #1: Maintain the problem at all costs! The problem is the basis of power, perks, privileges, and security.

Rule #2: Use crisis and perceived crisis to increase your power and control.

Rule 2a. Force 11th-hour decisions, threaten the loss of options and opportunities, and limit the opposition’s opportunity to review and critique.

Rule #3: If there are not enough crises, manufacture them, even from nature, where none exist.

Rule #4: Control the flow and release of information while feigning openness.

Rule 4a: Deny, delay, obfuscate, spin, and lie.

Rule #5: Maximize public-relations exposure by creating a cover story that appeals to the universal need to help people.

Rule #6: Create vested support groups by distributing concentrated benefits and/or entitlements to these special interests, while distributing the costs broadly to one’s political opponents.

Rule #7: Demonize the truth tellers who have the temerity to say, “The emperor has no clothes.”

Rule 7a: Accuse the truth teller of one’s own defects, deficiencies, crimes, and misdemeanors


Y’all remember the crown’s propagandist – Sara Carter. Her job as an actress is to pretend to be “news”, but to keep the narrative from spilling over the to Royals, Privy Council, the Pilgrims Society. This note below from the Conclave:

So, this Sara Carter/Bad-Fox spin on Stefan Halper, DoD Office of Net Assessment, Highlands Group and Andrew W. Marshall to protect the Queen, Mueller, Arvinder Sambei, Alison Saunders (Dinner with the Ohrs), Pilgrims Society will be interesting.


Don’t forget the other Cecil Rhodes, Soros propagandist. They are positioned at Fox News to keep patriots from discovering the real origins of the coup.


The TRUTH about the involvement of the Brits in the overthrow of President Trump will not go away, Sara and John. Why don’t you step up and show us that you are better reporters than two retired school teachers in their pajamas, with a Conclave full of kitties and cheesecake? You can’t…because you are propagandist scum, enemy of the people and of humanity for your lies and obfuscations to protect the Royals and their conspirators.


The Real Origins of the Coup


Soros and Clinton Connections of Extreme Neocon Globalist Fascist Fiona Hill


Share the tweet and wake up a few folks as to who Fiona Hill really is – a George Soros globalist operative pig who is trying to take down Roger Stone and the Republic through their red – white – blue (mixed together is purple) color revolution .


littleflower481 posts:

I was doing my marathon grocery shopping day this week and while standing in the produce department in Trader Joe’s, I ran into a person I have known for awhile. She is someone I would call a friendly acquaintance. We were chatting along and sharing some stuff from our lives (both back to the land hippies, she lived in Berkeley for 30 years, I lived in Maine for 30 years, etc). Oh, she is New York Jewish/liberal.

So, I am not sure how this conversation came around to where it came but I said, well, I’m more of a small government person, you know, the old hippie motto, do your own thing as long as you don’t hurt someone else…and she looked at me and said, “have you heard about the walk away movement?”

To say my jaw dropped is a mild way of putting it. Well, it turns out she has walked away from the Democrat Party!!! I could not believe it. I said well I thought you were a liberal Dem and she said she thought the same about me! She said the Dems have gone way too far over the line left. She has come to see Trump as well, a really special person, and that we need someone with his ego, his personality to withstand what he is doing. She said, “I’m a patriot”.

Talk about totally blowing my mind. In addition, she told me there is a group that meets every other Sunday afternoon and they are all walk away/Trump supporters!! They are meeting tomorrow and I am so excited about going. 

The name of the group is the paradigm shift and it was started by someone involved in a spiritual group … providing an entry to supporting Trump and understanding what is going on right now. For me it doesn’t matter how you get here, but just as long as you get here. She used the word woke to describe her awakening.

This is in deep blue Asheville NC!! If it is happening here, it can happen anywhere. I am so psyched…can’t wait.

To AIM readers: We found this post tucked away in a comment box and share with you because we happen to know about the Paradigm Shift group in Asheville N.C. We hear they meet occasionally in Nina’s biodome and are fans of the ‘Betsy and Thomas’ show. Would love to have a video update from our AIM friends in Asheville. For those of you in Asheville, get connected with your tribe – see Nina at the Biodome for all kinds of great events.


The Vortex — The Soros Swamps. He is not as well-informed as this audience who knows that the swamp also includes the City of London, the Privy Council, and the Pilgrims Society. He also neglects to call out the Deep State by name – SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVICE. But still a good message to pass along your network.


This poster for sale here.


Ruth Bader Ginsburg Hoax Continues

Here some of our favorite Where’s Ruth memes. Stop the slideshow to snip and share your favorite ones.

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The ‘Royals’ – Time To Face Facts – David Icke





What Are the Benefits of Hugging?


     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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