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FLASHBACK 2017: The campaign to impeach President Trump has begun





Media to Americans: Of Course the Trump Dossier Is True!


The fake news propaganda industry has become a mortal threat to the Republic.

The mainstream media is an enemy of the people. It is a national security threat. Please let President Trump know that we support big, bold moves against our enemies, foreign and domestic, of the United States of America. Drop him a note here:

Contact the White House

Then make sure your social media network is up to speed on fake news propaganda. As we have been telling you for quite some time:

Yellow Journalism: Globalist Weapon of Mass Deception


We also showed you how the British have been waging a propaganda war for over 100 years on the entire world so that the military industrial complex, banksters, and corrupt politicians and monarchs (i.e. the Pilgrims Society) can rule the world with terror, while they amass their enormous wealth.

Citizens around the world are called to action to educate everyone we can about the history of propaganda and how the Pilgrims Society keep patriots under their control while they attempt to dominate the world in their Cecil Rhodes-Alfred Milner One World Order.

Patriots Expose the 100-Year Anglo-American Propaganda War That Has Terrorized the World with War, Strife, and Poverty


Keep your focus on the target, patriots. The Pilgrims Society is the head of this global beast. We all must work together to expose the members and operations of these would-be-rulers of our future.

Our history books are silent about the Pilgrims Society that has controlled mainstream media with lies for 120 years


We are fighting a war. It’s not a war on the ground with tanks and guns like they show you in the movies. This war exists between the realm of man and the angels. It exists in our consciousness where our thoughts and images of the world shape the very world in which we live. The enemy wants to keep us from evolving as human beings, so puts obstacles in our path towards truth and full disclosure. The obstacles are confusion, lies, deceit, obfuscation, omissions, and propaganda.

The Father of Lies keeps you from seeing truth. This is information warfare.  It is a war for your mind. Information warriors fight propaganda with the sharp sword of truth. YOU are an information warrior. Start speaking the inconvenient truths, patriots.

Betsy and Thomas discuss how the Pope and Vatican were involved in the overthrow attempt of President Donald Trump. Reference materials: Friday 13, Templars, Jesuits, and Sophia

Friday the 13th and the Dark Secrets of the Vatican

Folks, it was a PLANNED and COORDINATED attempt to overthrow the President of the United States. These were crimes against each and every one of us in the United States.
The perpetrators of treason and sedition, from those warm and fuzzy TV personalities that pushed this fake crap on us to the “lovers” Strzok and Page, need to receive the fullest penalties of the law. Nothing less will suffice at this time in our history.

FLASHBACK 2017: The campaign to impeach President Trump has begun


While we are at it, why isn’t anyone talking about this meeting between Alison Saunders and Bruce and Nellie Ohr, four days before Robert Hannigan assisted John Brennan in WIRETAPPING Trump Towers?


“Because FISC meets in secret, and because only government lawyers appear before it, we have a dangerous recipe: Secrecy and no defense counsel produce tyranny. That combination has the standard for issuing search warrants sliding even further down the slope of tyranny and absurdity.

FISA established probable cause of foreign agency as the standard that government lawyers must meet. That morphed into probable cause of foreign personhood. That morphed into probable cause of speaking to a foreign person. And that morphed into probable cause of speaking to any person who has ever spoken to a foreign person. All of this happened in secret.” Source


FBI surveilled General Flynn during Trump campaign






Rod Rosenstein is Senior Executive Services



With this SES bitch out of the DOJ (Jessie Liu pictured below), why are we still having problems getting records on Imran Awan and traitors like ‘Noodles’ who committed grave crimes against the Republic? Watch out, Treasury Department, Jessie Liu is SES and will be protecting the swamp from their crimes of terrorism and finance.

Is Bruce Ohr and the DOJ SES 500 holding up the process?

DOJ Refuses To Release Records On Imran Awan, Citing ‘Technical Difficulties’ And A Secret Case, Court Docs Show




Lawsuit: More Than 2.5K Dead People Are Registered to Vote in Detroit



Globalist Scumbag John Roberts is Responsible for All 11 FISA Court Judges and for the Illegal Spying Conducted on Trump and other Americans





Oakland, CA, Considers Moving Homeless Onto a Cruise Ship


Deep solar minimum on the verge of an historic milestone



GLOBALIST INDOCTRINATION – cultural Marxist programs – passing as “education” in our public schools while billionaire globalist Secretary of Education Betsy deVos DOES NOTHING to dismantle the globalist’s central indoctrination center housed at the Department of Education.

Instead, she fights daily to maintain the status quo so her billionaire Pilgrims Society colleagues can continue their cultural war and mind-poisoning against YOUR FAMILY, YOUR CHILDREN.

The U.S. Department of Education is unconstitutional. Nowhere in the Constitution is the federal government given the powers to educate our children. Betsy deVos has one charge from the American people and she is doing a LOUSY job so far.


New ‘Woke’ School Curriculum “Deep Equity” Deeply Racist and Divisive


Alternative Math | Short Film




Nationalist Populists are TAKING OVER Mainstream Conservative Parties. Start Steve at 1:30



MW23232 asks:

Why are they allowing MICROSOFT to bring in a software program that can supposedly track your vote all the way from the polls till when it is counted, etc? Invented to sound like a great idea but a patriot WARNED US it is a trick TO ASSIST THE LEFT, and is not going to help make sure of anything — except the Left has another way to allegedly rig the vote & cheat to ensure that they win!!!!

We have to wake up and fight this cheating. That is allegedly the ONLY reason the Left is in the Majority in the house right now.  THE ONLY REASON. Every seat that flipped in 2018 is suspect, probably stolen, and my rep’s was stole, and she believes that.
We were were warned 3 years ago MICROSOFT would step in with their “GREAT IDEA”, and do this, and this finally was revealed this past May.



Our reply:








Spiritual Science is given to the world today because it is a necessity for humanity; but in it lies the great danger that — if it is cultivated without the Christ Impulse, without the Impulse of love — men will only increase their egoism, will actually breed egoism that lasts even beyond death. From this the conclusion must not be drawn that we should not cultivate Spiritual Science; rather we must learn to realise that understanding of the essential nature of love is an integral part of it.

Source: Rudolf Steiner – GA 143 – Love and Its Meaning in the World – Zurich, 17th December, 1912


Independence Day


     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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