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VERMIN ALERT! Senior Executive Services are crawling all over D.C.


“The Second Amendment protects an individual’s right to possess a firearm, unconnected with service in a militia, for traditionally lawful purposes” (District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 2008)


The Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding, and that this Second Amendment right is fully applicable to the States. (Caetano v. Massachusetts, 577 U.S. 2016)


The Second Amendment was incorporated against state and local governments, through the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. (McDonald v. City of Chicago, 561 U.S. 742 2010)


“An unconstitutional act is not a law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation as inoperative as though it had never been passed.” (Norton v. Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425 1886)


“Congress does not have the power to pass laws that override the Constitution.” (Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 1803)


It is unconstitutional to require a precondition on the exercising of a right. (Guinn v US 1915, Lane v Wilson 1939)


It is unconstitutional to require a license (government permission) to exercise a right. (Murdock v PA 1943, Lowell v City of Griffin 1939, Freedman v MD 1965, Near v MN 1931, Miranda v AZ 1966)


It is unconstitutional to delay the exercising of a right. (Org. for a Better Austin v Keefe 1971)


It is unconstitutional to charge a fee for the exercising of a right. (Harper v Virginia Board of Elections 1966)


It is unconstitutional to register (record in a government database) the exercising of a right. (Thomas v Collins 1945, Lamont v Postmaster General 1965, Haynes v US 1968)


“If the State converts a right into a privilege, the citizen can ignore the license and fee and engage in the right with impunity.” (Shuttlesworth v. City of Birmingham, Alabama, 373 U.S. 262 1963)




Things in Virginia are far worse than what some realize. 

The tension is at a boiling point. We went through a period of about two weeks where things accelerated from “yea the dems are talking about gun control again” to “holy shit, they’re literally pushing out bill after bill after bill to create felons out of conservatives, threatening the NG to enforce their bullshit when the sheriff’s refuse, and are now creating retribution legislation in response to 2A sanctuary counties, so that they can simply fire/remove (at least in their minds) any sheriff, DA, deputy or any other government employee who refuses to enforce their unconstitutional bullshit, and bar them from public service —- All at the speed of light… 

Like, the shit accelerated so fast, the water boiled so quickly… A lot of people are still on absolute edge, and there’s no sign it’s slowing down. 

They came back with a tiny fraction of a “compromise” that on it’s surface, was hoping nobody would actually read the compromise, and then the patriots in VA figured out it was just an outright registration -effectively WORSE than what was before. 

All indications are that they are going through with their plan, so we have about a month before the session begins… And we’re sure they’re going to fast track their agenda, it won’t be one of those sessions that drags out. 

They’ve got full control now, so they’ll get in, pass the laws, and get out within probably 3 or 4 days of starting. 

Virginia is saying that the laws WILL be enforced (literally stated by the AG) come hell or high water, and have already publicly stated the 2A sanctuaries will do nothing to stop them, and if anyone tries -they have said there will be “consequences”, at which point the idea of mobilizing the national guard got floated. 

There have even been some rumors/floating speculation that there are even more extreme plans to make all of this happen, including cutting power, internet, and cell services to offer a blanket of chaos to operate under.



Democrats’ Election Win in Virginia Yields Gun Confiscation Registration Proposal


Over 90 Virginia Counties, Municipalities Declared 2A Sanctuaries


RandomName1535 posts:

The threat of massive fines and prison time if caught with an unregistered gun is the plan.

Hunters and people that go to the range will comply because they can’t risk losing their families.

Those that have guns at home will simply not register and when they move will hide them very well during the move.

Its to turn law abiding conservatives into criminals is all.

“Do you have the paperwork for that weapon sir?”

“Yes” – <points to the constitution>




Speaking of Ayn Rand….We are honored to offer a FREE 1,300 page PDF book on the History of GALT in America. In our prior posts about GALT, we only had portions of this book to share with you. We cleaned up the formatting and pulled the document into one shareable link. THIS IS IMPORTANT TO DOWNLOAD TO YOUR PC.

AIM Conclave Patriot Condor spent decades of research, waiting for a time in history where it could be shared wide and far, instead of being horded and controlled by Pilgrims Society publishers. Condor leaves this amazing document as his legacy to humanity. It has thousands of hyperlinks, all in working order. Great pictures, graphics, and content.

Kid Atlas and the History of GALT in America



IG Report Reveals Previously Unknown FBI Investigation Of Alleged Dossier Source




AIM Patriot Giorgio was watching the news and caught this screen shot where MSM is finally showing the name:


Y’all remember Arvinder, Bob Mueller’s British espionage buddy since 9-11?


Giorgio also created a premium meme for us. Isn’t he the best? Now y’all do your part and push it out. Folks all around the world will love this one as it speaks the real truth about Killary the Mobster.



Citizens demand James Comey’s immediate arrest and imprisonment as he awaits a trial for TREASON, whereupon when found guilty, we demand nothing less than the full extent of the law to be applied…even if that is EXECUTION.

All traitors must be imprisoned, if not EXECUTED. NO EXCEPTIONS!!

Had the coup been successful, each and every American would have lost their country to these Senior Executive Services vermin who are Obama’s secret army that work to destroy America from within. We must send our ‘call out’ to future generations, that THIS generation stood up to these traitors and the result was their imprisonment and/or incarnation terminations.

There is no other way to rid this country of these traitorous VERMIN. Then we need to come for the bigger roaches and rats that committed even BIGGER crimes – George Bush, Dick Cheney, Mitt Romney, Susan Rice, Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, James P. Chandler, III, James Clapper, John Brennan, and all the other vermin we have been showing you for quite some time.

BTW – You want to know the real reason Virginia is trying to grab guns in every county? Virginia is residence to most of the D.C. swamp – Senior Executive Services operatives who use their big fat government SES salaries and bonuses to live lavishly in Virginia suburbs, just outside of their offices in D.C.

Are the SES roaches and rats getting nervous that patriots know who they are, where they work and live?  Geographically, they are so easy to find. All nested up in the D.C. corridors with their leader Valerie Jarrett running overthrow ops inside Obama’s D.C. residence.

This article is still trending hard inside our WordPress dashboard so we know that THEY know WE know: Obama Foot Soldiers Hiding in Plain Sight


James Comey testified under oath that there was no surveillance of the Trump Campaign. He lied. It’s time to hold him and all the other LIARS and LEAKERS accountable. LISTEN HERE




“….The problem is that the so-called Commission on Presidential Debates is stacked with Trump Haters & Never Trumpers. 3 years ago they were forced to publicly apologize for modulating my microphone in the first debate against Crooked Hillary. As President, the debates are up…

….to me, and there are many options, including doing them directly & avoiding the nasty politics of this very biased Commission. I will make a decision at an appropriate time but in the meantime, the Commission on Presidential Debates is NOT authorized to speak for me (or R’s)!”   Thus spake ZaraTrumpstra


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TRANSCRIPT OF INTERVIEW – U.S. Trade Ambassador Robert Lighthizer Explains “Phase One” of U.S-China Trade Deal

Robert Lighthizer Talks with Margaret Brennan About USMCA




NABU is the National Anti-Corruption Bureau for Ukraine, supervised by (drum roll here please) GEORGE KENT.

What do we know about the US Deputy Chief of Mission in Ukraine George Kent, also called a supervisor of anti-corruption agencies in Ukraine?

Read here from a Ukrainian point of view


Madame Toussuad speaks:

Make sure your family and friends see the evidence for themselves:

The president asked a foreign power to interfere in the 2020 election for his own political gain.

Americans deserve free and fair elections. He must be held accountable.

— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) December 12, 2019


In the meantime, Hillary is still trying to figure out how she lost the 2016 election




meteorknife adds this comment:

“The WTO action was brilliant. The US is responsible for appointing judges to the WTO appeals court. A court that largely sabotages diplomatic effort to resolve conflict by deeming trade decisions on “fairness”, forcing countries into military conflicts.

Trump couldn’t disband the appeals court, so he just stopped appointing judges. And no decisions can be appealed now because there’s no legal capacity to resolve them.”



Mike Robinson weighs in:

To Washington DC criminals, easily the two most frightening things to have happened very recently are: (1) that the Ukranians elected a brand-new government based on “drain the swamp,” and (2) one of the world’s most-capable attorneys went to Ukraine to ask questions and didn’t wear a wire. Even though the United States ratified a treaty pledging law-enforcement cooperation between these two countries, no one in DC ever dreamed that anything serious would ever come of it.



Trump says he caught the swamp



Watch the video. Share the tweet.




Here’s a CIA COCKROACH that needs to have some light thrown on her:

Trump Supporters Erupt At Democratic Rep. Slotkin Town Hall After Coming Out In Favor Of Impeachment

“Slotkin, who was undecided on impeachment until Monday, after taking the weekend to make up her mind on how she would vote, said she has came to the conclusion that she will vote to impeach Trump after reviewing the two articles of impeachment passed by the House Judiciary Committee.”


Abortion Group Thinks It’s Hilarious to Offer ‘Abortion Is Magical’ Prayer Candles to Mock the Birth of Christ



VIRGINIA. Where lovers make love for nine months and then kill the baby.


Many Senior Executive Services operatives, like these two TRAITORS pictured below, live in Virginia where they comfortably afford high-living with their fat government salaries and their annual bonuses doled out by SES DOJ Paymaster Bruce Ohr. Now Virginia wants to be a gun-free zone…Gonna make it much so much easier for the vermin exterminator.

Former AG Michael Mukasey Outlines FBI Conspiracy, Explains Why Lisa Page is Suing DOJ and Why FBI Refuses to Unreadact Text Messages


You know where most of these SES vermin live? Just outside of Washington D.C. in VIRGINIA. Have you done your patriotic duty to educate and enlighten your audience about the domestic enemy in America – Senior Executive Services?

No, Dan Bongino, it’s not just a “pay grade.” It’s a paramilitary operation to obstruct the President and destroy America from within.


Human beings don’t always make rational decisions. But making irrational decisions is precisely what makes us human. These decisions, based on an impulse or a feeling, often lead us to those perfect moments when it feels great to be alive.

The Beauty of the Irrational” follows Ryan Sandes, a South African Ultra-Runner, as he returns to the Fish River Canyon to run the 5 day, 84km, Fish River Canyon Hiking Trail in the fastest time possible.


Some extra memes for your information arsenal.







     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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