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Nunes Calls for the FISA Court to be Shut Down: It’s ‘Culpable in this Madness’



Randy Quaid – Guess Who Knew Everything!



The spending bill the Senate is voting on tomorrow is lobbyist boondoggle that belongs in an ashtray.

— Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) December 19, 2019



Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA)



Actually, Tom, a better word would be OVERTHROW….by a foreign country, namely the Brits – Richard Dearlove, Geoffrie Pattie, Andrew Wood, Mark Malloch-Brown, George Soros, Arvinder Sambei, Alison Saunders, Robert Hannigan, and the Privy Council, along with the Pilgrims Society and the Vatican, in collusion with Obama and the Senior Executive Services.

When You Hear “Impeachment,” Substitute it for “Coup”–The Senate should REJECT this Act of Tyranny!


Nunes Calls for the FISA Court to be Shut Down: It’s ‘Culpable in this Madness’


Devin Nunes Says FISA Court Did ‘Absolutely Nothing’ When He Warned of FBI Abuse Last Year



Impeachment as a Means to An End, and Not The End Itself


The day after impeachment, lefties wake up and….



Trump Turns Court Red — Adds 10th Judge to 9th Circuit Court

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Lindsey Graham: ‘I’m going to tell the president no to his witness request’


Video clips from a Fox News show that is to air this evening on Fox News, December 19, 2019:

Barr on the broad scope of Durham’s investigation

Barr on Comey saying he was ‘seven layers’ above the investigation





For an ENTIRE century, South Africa has been the world’s largest gold producer, by far and bar none! SA has also been in the top diamond producers. How much is it and where has it all gone?

THIS Will Make ALL South Africans The Moer in!


Ancient Oligarch Families Keep Humanity Steeped in Ritual Sin and Murder


Diverting attention away from the Pilgrims Society! Blaming Latin America for the corrupt bureaucracy!

Mario A. Duarte: Chronicle of an Impeachment Foretold – How the Left’s Weaponization of Bureaucracy Has Its Roots in Latin America




Lots of interest in Condor’s book release which is free to all and a whopping 1,300 pages. Have you downloaded it yet? Shared it with a friend?

Kid Altas – The History of GALT in America

We asked Condor to introduce himself and briefly explain to AIM patriots what prompted him to release the PDF file to the world, at this important time in history.

Condor writes: 

“I have been releasing bits and pieces of my ongoing research on Thorium over the last eight years. I have been working closely with the American Intelligence Media (AIM) over the last three years, under the name, Condor.

AIM began a major push on Thorium in recent weeks attempting to help support the Thorium movement globally.  After a lengthy three hour conference call with AIM, I made the decision to release the “Kid Atlas” energy encyclopedia manuscript, copyright free, as is. It would take another year to clean it up but I decided the most important election in our lifetime is less than a year away.  Each additional voter who discovers the true nature of the enemy President Trump is fighting might bring us one vote closer to victory in November, 2020.”


IG Michael Horowitz: ‘Text Messages’ Contained Evidence of ‘Political Bias’ at FBI




Will the Supreme Court Make Google Too Big to Fail?

“Google is currently involved in a lawsuit that, if successful, would catapult the tech giant’s economic influence into the stratosphere. Google v. Oracle is a case headed for review by the Supreme Court. There, the nine justices will be asked to decide whether privately-owned digital information — in this case, software code — is subject to the protections provided by copyright.

Google, having previously copied a portion of Oracle’s proprietary Java software, is arguing that copyright protection doesn’t apply in this instance. Sections of code, they claim, aren’t inherently copyrightable — so Google was within their rights to replicate the code for their own ends.

If the Supreme Court were to rule in Google’s favor, not only would the tech giant escape an $8.8 billion fine, but it would also be given free rein to copy other code as well. Unencumbered by copyright restrictions, Google would be able to replicate the software of its potential competitors.”


Note from Michael McKibben who believes this case is a show trial designed to further scramble long held invention property rights precedents in ways the Senior Executive Service (SES) and their British Pilgrims Society masters believe will further destroy Constitutional patent property rights.

Oracle/CIA “bought” Java once its use got out of hand for them. Google uses Oracle. Both stole their base social inventions from Leader Technologies via the IBM Eclipse Foundation which also used Java.

It will give the MSM/CIA and their propaganda masters even greater ability to seize Internet inventions with impunity.

McKibben believes this case has nothing to do with Oracle and Google since these Pilgrims Society state-run monopolies are essentially one and the same anyway. McKibben said its like “moving the deck chairs around on the Titanic”

He believes the case is designed to deceive the public into giving up more rights in convoluted legalese concocted by morally bankrupt globalist lawyers, judges, politicians, corporatists and DOJ.




Leftists FREAKOUT as Nationalist Viktor Orban Transforms the Arts




Why Beauty Matters? (Por que a beleza importa?) Roger Scruton



Join the Cosmic Dance

The aspirant learns to nourish the soul by transforming earthly soul forces into spiritual organs. The initiate’s offerings of daily Imagination, Inspiration, and Intuition feed the angels and light up the dark polar skies with a new human glow made from the suns of human hearts. This “earth-light” rainbow also bathes the third eye of the initiate and creates a golden glow about the head, known as the halo.

The combined forces of thinking, feeling, and willing lead to Intuition. Proper synchronization of these forces creates a divine resonance that morphologically changes the shape, or grail, that the initiate offers the spiritual world to fill with the downward-flowing divine nourishment known as love, grace, mercy, faith, joy, bliss, and the many other blessings associated with this filling of the grail.

This spiritual nourishment is what we are seeking because it brings peace, gratitude, and the other heavenly virtues. All the angelic hosts love to join in singing and moving together in the harmonies of life as we join in this cosmic dance. We are spiritual sky dancers, like the angels, when we become unencumbered by the weight of earthly desires. Divine pleasure lifts us out of this world into a place the ancients have called the Temple of Wisdom, where we find divine pleasures of communion with higher beings. Read more

Read more



Hmmm. No mention of the Mar. 05, 1946.

Pilgrim diversionary propaganda dressed up to look respectable.


     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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