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Nancy Pelosi Threatens Armed Conflict Against U.S. Department of Justice


Nancy Pelosi Threatens Armed Conflict Against U.S. Department of Justice


Not a farfetched threat from this globalist leader – Nancy Pelosi – when you recall that the EPA, which is under control of the Senior Executive Services and SERCO, is armed to the hilt!


Armed EPA Agents? The Truth Is Way Out There



New U.S. Airstrikes North of Baghdad – Three Vehicle Convoy of Iran-backed Shia Militia Leaders


#BREAKING: Thousands of US troops have reached Kuwait (at least 3500). US tanks are heading to Iraq from Kuwait. It is very clear that President Trump no longer cares what Congress has to say or think. He is determined to not allow the Ayatollahs to dominate the Middle East.

— Imam of Peace / Pray for Peace… (@Imamofpeace) January 3, 2020



Shout out to our PATRIOT military (not to the SES scumbags and private contractors that work for the Queen and the Pilgrims Society that have infiltrated our military to attempt to overthrow America) for a job well done. Now, can we launch the same missiles into Valerie Jarrett’s bunker in D.C. where she runs the coup operation out of one of Obama’s houses? With that amazing precision weaponry, we could take this Iranian spy out of commission without harming any cherry blossoms in the neighborhood.

Toby Keith – Courtesy Of The Red, White And Blue (The Angry American)


To the U.S. National Security team: Time to take out the enemy’s communications network!

Hillary Clinton’s super secret email found


Leaked phone call from Qasem Soleimani right before the airstrike.


17CatsInTN posts:

It is beginning to feel like President Trump is no longer shackled by ANY political maneuverings. They have hit him with every weapon in their arsenal culminating in a sham impeachment and he is not only still standing towering over them, but gaining in stature and strength. Something tells me the REAL fight has now begun


Who was Major General Qasem Soleimani?



The Death of Soleimani and Trump’s Nationalist War on Islamic Globalism. Dr. Turley gets started around the 2:06 mark



What about those conversations and meetings John Kerry had with Iranian leaders – AFTER he left his position as Secretary of State? If the Logan Act isn’t applicable to Kerry in this instance, then anyone can negotiate on the behalf of the United States without legal repercussions.

It’s a Logan Act free-for-all!

Citizens demand that John Kerry be arrested for his blatant violations of the Logan Act.

T R E A S O N.

Imam of Peace: Thousands of US troops have reached Kuwait (at least 3500). US tanks are heading to Iraq from Kuwait. It is very clear that President Trump no longer cares what Congress has to say or think. He is determined to not allow the Ayatollahs to dominate the Middle East.” Watch the video tweet

Meanwhile, Kim watches events from afar….



More on the NYT author of the Salami tip off piece from an AIM Patriot who writes:

Steven Simon who the NYT describes as an analyst at the Quincy Institute and teaches international relations at Colby College.

What the NYT left out is that Simon was Obama’s former senior director for the Middle East and North Africa on the National Security Council.

Simon is an adjunct senior fellow for Middle Eastern studies at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), as well as an adjunct professor of security studies at Georgetown University.

He was also a Goldman Sachs visiting professor of policy at Princeton University, as well as the deputy director of the International Institute for Strategic Studies and a senior analyst at the RAND corporation.  Read here for source links


The List: 17 GOP Governors Approve More Refugees for their States


Scheduled for January 5. Mark your YouTube settings for:

Leo, Roseanne Barr and The Boys discuss Education on The Leo Zagami Show


Actually…he hasn’t been impeached by anyone except in the deluded minds of crazy pedophile DemonRats and Nancy Pelosi.



About that vase, Mr. President…


Kevin Clinesmith & the $10,000 Setup


This is an actual prank call recording. Prank with Maxine Waters (Stars Save the Earth #1)


5G mini-documentary that warns humanity about the imminent danger of 5G cell towers




“Creepy”, Mysterious, Unexplained Drones Are Flying In Precise Formations Over Colorado, Nebraska


Make sure you know about these lying Muslim operatives and their doctrine of taqiyya.


United Methodist Church Plans to Split over Same-Sex Marriage, Gay Clergy


Super Elite Lt. Col. Covfefe999 posts:

The American Psychological Association is now using “they” as a singular pronoun for the snowflakes who don’t want to admit they are male or female. How awkward is this?

Casey is a gender-fluid person. They are from Texas and enjoy tacos.

Notice the iidiot APA writer used “are”, but that’s plural! Idiot should have written “They is” if he/she wanted to be consistent. But the person stopped short of writing “They is” because that would look obviously stupid.

Ridiculous. So ridiculous. Why is this happening?


Look no further than Tavistock and the Frankfurt School, Super Elite Lt. Col. Covfefe999,  to see who is behind the cultural demolition of Western Civilization. Call out their cultural bullsh*t and refuse to accept their evil narratives. Hat tip to Alexandra Bruce and her Forbidden Knowledge TV for posting this video inside an article of the same topic.

Proudly Serving A One-World Government- The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in England


German Cultural Marxists Destroying Society with New Video: Schoolchildren Sing About ‘Grandmas Being Environmental Pigs For Eating Meat’


Many folks write us, asking questions about the Qube and how it works. Over the next few Cat Reports, we will be offering videos on crystals, piezoelectricity, resonance, vibration, etc. to help folks understand the basics of this type of energy. Later we will post another discussion on the Qube and sigils.

How do crystals work?


For those that don’t know what in the heck we are talking about, giddy up with this post, which includes a video from Douglas about the technology inside the Qube:

The Qube: A Powerful Scalar Antenna





Ready when you are, Nancy!


This last video is pure silly…but one that the Conclave kitties will love because this week we all went on a mouse hunt to find out what had been nibbling on our cheesecake in the middle of the night. AIM’s VERY SMART researchers used their skills and talents to trap this mousey muncher…only to discover that he had a family of a dozen who were also happily nibbling at our bountiful snacks. We are happy to report that all mice have been deported to a field far away.

Mouse Hunt


Today’s featured kitty comes from Condor – just in time for Nancy’s threat of civil war:

…which reminds us of this little kitty in the Oval Office…wink


     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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