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15 House Democrats Call to Replenish Small Business Relief Fund Despite Pelosi’s Objections

fortune cookie


Trump Announces $19 Billion Relief Program for Farmers, Ranchers


15 House Democrats Call to Replenish Small Business Relief Fund Despite Pelosi’s Objections




Watch and tweet


First Amendment still reads, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”




Today people started losing their jobs because of Crazy Nancy Pelosi, Cryin’ Chuck Schumer, and the Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats, who should immediately come back to Washington and approve legislation to help families in America. End your ENDLESS VACATION!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 17, 2020


The Tweet



Declassified DOJ Letter to FISA Court Highlights Severe Institutional Corruption – DOJ Blames FBI For Spygate


Note to the Conservative Treehouse writers: Can we get to the part where Christopher Steele was working with Privy Council Richard Dearlove and Geoffrey Pattie, and Robert Mueller was directed by UK Arvinder Sambei? These are all British spies and operatives who tried and failed to overthrow Donald Trump using their crown agent group called the Senior Executive Services. Conservative Treehouse won’t go all the way to full disclosure on these grave matters of espionage.

…and after that can Sundance report on how the Queen used her company Pirbright to develop and release the bioweapon into China?

If you aren’t reporting these INCONVENIENT TRUTHS by now, you are simply a limited hangout with a pathetic ability of vetting the ORIGINS of the COUP.



Raw audio file:




Raw audio file:

To access the additional audios about the heart that Douglas referenced above go to this headline link: The Queen Has No Clothes


In order to understand the connections of modern day corporate media and spying groups like Five Eyes, you should know the history of how these groups originated and why they are still very active today in their attempts to propagandize and terrorize the world. This is a huge mining report from the miners at the American for Innovation. Educate yourself…then enlighten your network about the INVISIBLE ENEMY.



(APR. 17, 2020)—We have uncovered so much indictable evidence of the Pilgrims Society’s treachery against America, the British people and the world (1902-present) that we decided to publish these findings in three parts.

Subject: David Sarnoff Robert I. Lieber Charles M. Lieber
Birth-Death 1891-1971 1926-2008 1959-
Age 80 82 61
Material Associations: Marconi, Pilgrims Society, RCA, GE, AT&T, Westinghouse, NBC, United Fruit (OSS), Five Eyes, C.I.A., SERCO (RCA, GE, Marconi), QinetiQ; Wellcome Trust; Gates Foundation; Pirbright Institute RCA, I.T.T., Five Eyes, C.I.A., Sarnoff Awardee Harvard, Five Eyes, C.I.A.
Fields of Work: One-World Government, Wireless Telegraphy, Radio, Television, Internet, Media, Entertainment, Movies, Propaganda, Weaponization of his Science Satellite, Missile, Radar, AEGIS, Navy, Army, Air Force, ARPA, Nanotube, Nanowire, Nanopore Bio Science, NIH, Navy, Army, Air Force, MITRE, NSF, DARPA
Weaponized Work Product? Yes Yes Yes
Intelligence Allegiances: MI6, Five Eyes, C.I.A. MI6, Five Eyes, C.I.A. MI6, Five Eyes, C.I.A.
Relationship with Foreign Power? Yes, Great Britain (Privy Council, Pilgrims Society, USSR) Yes, Great Britain (incl. USSR) Yes, Great Britain (incl. China)
Relationship with Foreign quasi NGO Power? Yes, Pilgrims Society Yes, Pilgrims Society Yes, Pilgrims Society
Table 1: Three Pilgrims Society Members/Agents who are/were seditiously in league with the British Crown against the American Republic.


Vince posts:

Does anyone else think that the term “invisible enemy” does not always refer to the virus?

Grandma Covfefe responds:

Yes. Me Glad to know I’m not alone in wondering…
Each time President Trump say it, I’d say to hubbie, Boy, that sounds like it is something else.


Just because the fake news media and the lame reporters in independent media are not reporting this, doesn’t mean it isn’t true. Pull the mask off the INVISIBLE ENEMY.

Trump Promises That The Cause Of Coronavirus Will Be Investigated


Folks have been asking us what we think of Joe Biden’s other vice presidential hopeful Amy Klobuchar. Actually, we don’t have much to say about her at this time other than tell you what we call her – VANILLA GIRL. When the other flavors are too complicated, reach for safe, boring vanilla.



Did you see this titillating headline at ZH? Don’t get your hopes up. The sources come from Newsweek, a platform well-known for propaganda and fearmongering. Remember, always check sources to see if you are getting info from a reliable source. There are propagandists everywhere, hiding as truth-tellers.

National Guard Unit Ready To Enforce ‘Martial Law’ In Washington DC


‘Excitement Is High’: Coronavirus Patients Reportedly Recovering Quickly After Taking Remdesivir 



Donald J. Trump posts:

Why did the W.H.O. Ignore an email from Taiwanese health officials in late December alerting them to the possibility that CoronaVirus could be transmitted between humans? Why did the W.H.O. make several claims about the CoronaVirus that ere either inaccurate or misleading….….in January and February, as the Virus spread globally? Why did the W.H.O. wait as long as it did to take decisive action? 9:20 AM · Apr 17, 2020





One Month Into the Shutdown, Restaurants Are Boarding Up Their Windows









These Women Are Packing Some Serious Heat



Michigan shows the rest of the country what happens when you elect a “KAREN” to the governorship.

The Rise of Karenism


“Gretchen Whitmer is a ghoul. She is a dangerous ideologue who knows nothing about science and doesn’t care to learn. Whitmer deems elective abortion essential because the abortion lobby has bankrolled her political career. She is encouraging liquor and lotto ticket sales in her state because a sin taxes levied on the poorest people in Michigan fund her government.” Source



P.S.A: Don’t Be A Karen



Michigan Gov. Whitmer: Abortion Is ‘Life Sustaining’


Defying social distancing rules, demonstrators gather in Huntington Beach to protest California’s stay-at-home order



Elizabeth Warren would say “Yes” if asked to be Biden’s VP running mate


Here’s another KAREN!!




We are loving the daily PRESS BEATINGS. Better than professional wrestling. We all know that corporate media is the enemy of the people so patriots everywhere are applauding President Trump for beating them into a pulp, especially those Karen pigs with lipstick in the press pool.


Is the Virus a Political Weapon?


The coronavirus costumes are a hoot. How will you dress for your next grocery visit?


Did you try your meme skills out? John sent this one in. Nice job!


Biden Putting Together His White House Transition Team



How to wear a mask: Brought to you by this Orangutan




SPOILER ALERT: Invisible Enemy = British Imperial Empire


Read all about it and see the newest Joe memes.



Seinfeld – The Coronavirus




Ventilators are complicated machines.



The Road Not Taken, by Robert Frost

     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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