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Cure for Cancer Being Controlled by Anthony Fauci?



Cure for Cancer Being Controlled by Anthony Fauci? 


The public must demand that inventor Jacob Westman’s virus cures be moved forward


A salt to end all viruses?

Read the patent here: Jacob Westman. (Sep. 10, 2019). U.S. Pat. No. 10,407,429, PYRAZOLO[l,5-A]TRIAZIN-4-AMINE DERIVATIVES USEFUL IN THERAPY, filed Jun. 10, 2016. USPTO.


Top Dem Operative David Brock Accused of Illegally Profiting From His Political Empire by Conservative Group


Evidence points to money laundering by pro-Clinton info warrior David Brock


David Brock IRS Complaint

Internal Revenue Service Ignores Citizen Complaints from Whistleblowers. Formal whistleblower complaints are still unanswered from the Senior Executive Service thugs running the IRS. They protect friends like David Brock, while they decimate Tea Party members and patriot tax payers. Three years and counting…still no action on our whistleblower complaint. Talk about lazy, ineffective government employees! We did a full 300-page report on scumbag Brock. Yes, we did their investigative work for them. You, the tax payers, pay them to get results which is obviously not happening!


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There Will Be Blowback, In Mostly Good Ways


“You do recall, don’t you, that the governors and mayors who imposed the lockdowns never asked their citizens about their views about instantly getting rid of all rights and freedoms. They didn’t consult legislatures. They didn’t consult a range of expert opinion or pay attention to any serious demographic data that showed how utterly preposterous it was to force non-vulnerable populations into house arrest while trapping vulnerable populations in nursing homes that became Covid-soaked killing fields.

They thought nothing of shattering business confidence, violating contractual rights, wrecking tens of millions of lives, prohibiting freedom in association, tanking the stock market, blowing all budgets, shutting down international travel, and even closing the churches. Amazing. Every government executive except a few became a tin-pot dictator.”

Gestapo Gretchen Overreaches in Michigan with Home Imprisonments


List: 375 Regulations Waived to Help Fight COVID-19


Blowback Against Academia

“The other problem concerns the marketability of degrees in a world in which whole industries can be shut down in an instant. The college degree was supposed to give us security; the lockdowns took it all away. Also there is the problem of the curriculum itself. Of what value are these soft degrees in social justice in a world in which you are struggling to pay next month’s rent regardless?

As for elementary and secondary education, homeschooling anyone? Its existed under a cloud for decades, before suddenly it became mandatory.”


Blowback Against Anti-Work

“I suppose many workers weren’t entirely unhappy when the boss said work from home. But millions of people have now discovered that this comes at a cost. There is loneliness. The dog. The kids. The spouse. The depressing failure to dress up like a civilized human being. Everyone I know misses the office. They want to be back, be on a schedule, see friends again, experience the joy of collaboration, share jokes, munch on the office donuts.”


AIM Patriot John points us to this Twitter video, with attention at the 4:40 mark. Tom Fitton is finally waking up to the international conspiracy against Donald Trump. Isn’t it nice to know that you are at the leading edge of citizen truth revelation?!


Donald Trump: Injecting Disinfectants Question Was Sarcasm


AIM Patriot Rick, longtime member of our community, writes:

To all the people sharing the article about what Trump said about injecting disinfectants!! Maybe the guy is way out of our realm of comprehension. When people have a high IQ….they talk and think differently. You actually have to listen to what they are saying. ACTUALLY LISTEN! There’s a concept!!

This is from Stephanie Grutz: owner of Balance Integrative Health in Dubuque.

“I have to say something about this because I see it going around social media. During the White House press conference this evening, a medical specialist spoke about COVID survival rates depending on exposure source, heat, humidity, sunlight and disinfecting agents. This guy did a great job going over these details (educating general public on half life, etc.).

When he was finished, Trump took the stage and mentioned Injecting light into veins since UV light is working on outside surfaces. Trump also talked about disinfects being used outside the body easily, questioning if there was a way to disinfect the inside of the cells.

I’m an independent voter, always have been. Definitely had had strong opinions about this current president. But, putting politics aside, his words made me literally jump up in excitement.

He had no idea that he was talking about therapies that are readily available in the USA and many other countries.

1. First, when he talks about injecting UV light… YES! See my last photo and video of me doing just that a few months ago in Seattle at Advanced Medical Therapies.

IV laser light therapy helps repair mitochondria, fight pathogens, boost mood/energy, enhance the immune system and more. I did this light therapy with a specific IV protocol of nutrients and antibiotics while my body was preparing for a specific treatment.

2. Second, when he spoke about finding a way to inject disinfectant into the body… YES! We do this all the time for integrative oncology. Literally, people receive hydrogen peroxide infusions along with their chemo/radiation protocols to help kill cancer cells. This hydrogen peroxide is obviously compounded by a specialty pharmacy, mixed with the correct solutions and protocols are followed. Yes, if you go buy a bottle of H202 and inject it straight into your veins you’ll die. Don’t do that.

Lastly, my favorite nutrient in the world…… Vitamin C. When Vitamin C is at high doses, it actually converts into H202 (hydrogen peroxide) within the cells. This is why it works so well when we are using it with integrative oncology, chronic viral infections and more.

3. Please don’t buy into the media hype. They want to get a rise out of you… makes their rating better and then they will keep producing more junk.”


TheCIASellsDrugs gave us these great links:

Sunlight kills coronavirus quickly

Sunlight aided treatment of Spanish Flu

Sunlight kills influenza virus aerosols

UV light being researched to treat covid 19

Ethanol (alcohol) vapor proposed by experts to treat coronavirus (media lies and says president suggested inhaling or injecting lysol to deflect from this)

Still no cure for TDS, I’m afraid



Pennsylvania removes more than 200 deaths from official coronavirus count as questions mount about reporting process, data accuracy




Ronna McDaniel is a Romney. Keep an eye on her.

Nikki Haley is a globalist. Don’t promote her.

Gretchen Whitmer is a Soros puppet. Crush her in future elections.

Rep. Lynn Cheney’s daddy is Dick Cheney. Demon Spawn.

Stop giving women a pass on corrupt politics. They are as bad as the men. They suckled from the ‘mother of them all’.



BlindSquirrel posts:

CO small business owner, still open 1 customer in 6 weeks

“I’m as angry as I’ve ever been about our circumstance, but our Great President Trump will be the last American president if we don’t see this through.”

MAGAA. Make America Great Again, Again



“The federal government’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) spent taxpayer dollars shopping for kittens and puppy parts in China at slaughterhouses and “wet markets,” where living animals are bought, sold, and butchered for human consumption in unsanitary conditions.


The cats and dogs purchased in China were used for experiments, which were discontinued last year. While the total amount spent at the meat markets in China is unknown, the project cost $650,000 a year in taxpayer funds.”

Ernst Calls for End to Taxpayer Funding of Chinese Wet Markets, Wuhan Lab


QCM points out:

Dr. Leiber, Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University, was arrested January 28, 2020.

PDJT restricted travel from China on January 29, 2020.

However, by that time the damage had been done.

On January 15, 2020, the patient who becomes the first confirmed U.S. case leaves Wuhan and arrives is the US carrying the COVID19 virus.

January 15, 2020 is ALSO the day Nancy Pelosi decided, after the rush to impeach by Christmas and then the month long dealy, to deliver the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate.

Interesting coincidences, no?


Charles M. Lieber and the Queen’s QinetiQ


Meet professor helping to build the mass surveillance, bio-weaponry Mark of the Beast for the Pilgrims Society



This is how Home-School and Lock-Down Life is going.




“Trump derangement syndrome (TDS), according to Urban Dictionary, is a “Contagious, debilitating psychiatric disorder manifesting in a precipitous decline in intellectual and emotional stability and resilience.” The contagious and debilitating bits sound much like the Wuhan flu.

TDS, also known in infectious disease circles as Covfefe-45, not to be confused with Covid-19, has mutated into another form, namely hydroxychloroquine derangement syndrome, referring to the abject media hysteria over the innocuous prescription medication.” Learn more


Read all about it


First the lefty loonies did this….

Then they graduated to this…..


AIM Patriot Chris is getting great results making the easy recipe of silver water and reports that he is sharing with friends. He pinged us to ask about the website that provided all the ways to use silver water. It’s loaded with information!

Betsy’s Recipe

The Silver Edge


Taylor Swift Slams Soros Family’s ‘Shameless Greed in the Time of Coronavirus’


Remember that whoever sleepy, dopey Joe picks as his vice president is intended by the globalists to be president. Pictured below is a George Soros, purple revolution favorite. No, we didn’t create this meme. The hatred for her throughout the internet is this intense.



This cockatoo is getting ready for the next big Trump rally revival.


AIM Patriot Bill drops us a note:

Hello guys I am a super fan of you guys work! I am a fan of both the T & B/ Mike & Doug work, but especially interested in the Gospel of Sophia side and Neoanthroposophy. I know you love Steiner. I’m not gonna lie I’m Black from the inner city and have just stumbled into my spiritual journey. So I am not versed either Steiner but I am an Initiate and am very interested in “The Temple Legend” just wondering can you recommend any help on understanding this or could ya put that on the docket for a future audio?

Our reply: Duly noted, Bill. We are old, white in the suburbs of Detroit. Isn’t it great that we can share these amazing times together as AMERICANS? Regarding Steiner…yeah it’s difficult to read. Translated from German only adds to the difficulty. This is one of the reasons why we introduce this community to neoanthroposophy. Several years before starting this blog, we did a mountain of work found in the sites below and all of them are filled with the best Steiner passages and quotes that we gathered from decades of Steiner study.

Our Spirit


Eternal Curriculum

Gospel of Sophia

     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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