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Virginia Plans Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations For All Residents


First, the masks. Then, the forced vaccinations. We had better vote all red in November like our lives depend on it. Because the next step looks something like this:

Virginia Plans Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations For All Residents


Share this video with your downline by posting it on your channel directly. Sorry that we will not link directly from the YT site, but if we do enemy lurkers on this site will have it removed. It came from a source that we consider truthful. Raw file:


Are you paying attention, patriot friends around the world? The face mask is the first step towards the genocide of your community. Each one of you is contributing to global genocide when you wear these muzzles in public. If you do not resist the mask NOW, this is what is in store for you and your loved ones next.


Calling All Patriots… WE NEED YOU!



Douglas puts a spotlight on this article:

Australian researchers tout new ‘wonder drug’ as potential cure for coronavirus patients


What else will AIM Cats be reading and watching today?

President Trump to be in N.C. Monday as RNC kicks off in Charlotte

Facebook Braces Itself for Trump to Cast Doubt on Election Results

Facebook Introducing a ‘Virality Circuit Breaker’ to Prevent Spread of Viral Content

President Trump Contrasts The Biden Message of Despair, With His American Message of Optimistic American Spirit

A New Consciousness Is Replacing Education

VIDEO: As COVID-1984 Accelerates Bill Gates Blames ‘Freedom’ For Spread of the Virus

The Cold, Hard Truth about the Post Office

VIDEO Peggy Hall: University of California President Janet Napolitano (yes, you read that right) wants the FAMILIES of staff and students to get the flu vaccine.

VIDEO Why is Everything Q Being Censored?

GOP leader: ‘There is no place for QAnon in the Republican Party’

PayPal putting the squeeze on independent media creators. Will you be next for wrongthink?

Jim Fetzer: The Joe Biden-Kamala Harris Criminal Conspiracy

VIDEO (Fun!) DNC 2020 – Day 4 Highlights

VIDEO Tuition insurance sales rise as coronavirus threatens the school year

VIDEO BardsFM: The War for our Country Needs to be Fought at the Local Level by Patriots Like You

Navy Seal Credited With Killing Bin Laden Banned From Delta Flights Over Maskless Picture

Goodbye to Discover Card – Now a BLM Supporter

Two obscenity-hurling white women steal a 7-year-old’s MAGA hat

VIDEO Dr. Steve Turley: Trump SURGES to HIGHEST APPROVAL RATING as Dems End WORST Convention EVER


Kamala O’Hara Plantation with over 200 slaves


Jim Stone posts: I figured out what was wrong with the Biden speech: Someone other than Biden did it. Biden’s face and voice was layered over the other guy’s face and voice, just like this Sylvester Stallone video Terminator 2 starring Sylvester Stallone [DeepFake]

Did Joe Biden really deliver that speech live? Probably not


Now that we know the Barr-Durham investigation is a dog and pony show to protect the SES swamp, you can see the agenda spilling all over the pages of articles about the meeting John Durham had with John Brennan. See this article first:

Brennan Spox Delivers Statement Following 8 Hr Discussion With Durham Investigative Unit

Then Dr. Steve Pieczenik, in all his CIA psycho glory, was on the Alex Jones Show touting how glorious Barr is in taking down the Deep State. What Pieczenik is selling is rotten to the core, but what would you expect from a swamp operative? Listen to the two bloviators try to distract you with propaganda. Dr. Steve Pieczenik Surprised by Barr’s Attack Deep State

Stay tuned. Douglas was spouting off key points yesterday about the Barr-Durham investigation that take us farther than his last audio Sunset for Sundance. He will be discussing these latest developments on an audio today which we will post on tomorrow’s Cat, but you can access immediately upon upload at AUDIO VIDEO HERE

AG Barr Throws Cold Water On Possible Trump Pardon Of “Traitor” Edward Snowden

P. S., Mr. President, Snowden is a fake. But we love the way you troll Barr the Traitor. 


.Day 4 online school. A reminder that the curriculum provided by your public school is indoctrination crapola. Make sure your network of friends and families know. Offer suggestions of better ways to educate their children.


AIM Cats always check Trump Tweets daily.


Please do not put your child through this torture. Once Patriots have a red tsunami in November, we can get rid of this nonsense. In the meantime, we do not want to terrorize our little ones. Please find another way for them to learn. Ask your downline to do the same. Pass the word.

The Tweet


AIM Cats: Thank you for sending in the SOS that the audio-video page had disappeared. This was an error at my end. Can’t blame Big Brother for this one. Now fixed. AUDIO VIDEO HERE

Is it time for a cat video, you ask? Jedi Kitten – The Force Awakens



Cuties | Official Trailer | Netflix


AIM Patriot John and I both noticed a comment from a Treeper over at CTH. We noticed it separately and concurrently. It read: “Is there something we are supposing to be doing right now to help Sundance? I feel like I am waiting for instructions or for something undefined, but maybe I have just missed it.”

We sent albertus magnus a reply: Check out Sunset for Conservative Treehouse Sundance Mark Bradman


Below is a streamable video that email subscribers will not see on their screen so here is the direct link: For web viewers, streamables always post with lots of white space on top and bottom of the screen image.






State of the Nation has a nice collection of articles about NIH Director Francis Collins. Here are a few we picked up. Nice work, MT.

HUGE COVID SCANDAL AT THE NIH: Why has no one investigated Fauci’s boss?

How convenient that the bankster-funded Templeton Prize (via the Templeton Growth Fund) honors the current NIH Director with the 2020 award of 1.1 million British pounds!

WOW! 2700 Evangelical Leaders Sell the “Mark of the Beast” to Their Congregations




We Will Mock You





Interesting movie. Interesting date 1984. Wonder woman protecting the president. Hmm. What do you think? Betsy winks.


Spiritual Protection and guidance

Before I headed off to the White House in August 2010 to do a walk-through of the enemy terrain, I was trying to understand the confluence of detrimental energies that I saw swirling around American politics and media. The American people never had a sound explanation of what happened on September 11, 2001 when it was so obvious that the buildings had been professionally demolished, and that the committee established to investigate the crime was full of political hacks. Next, we saw the horrific housing collapse in 2008, which now we understand is the way bankers steal from the public in order to cover their shorts, which is really the catastrophic symptom of a system of fiat money with a deadly application of usury.

Usury will always require a correction every 7-10 years. Either the debt must be forgiven as in a jubilee year or the bankers must find a way to steal from the people to cover their shorts. That’s why we see bankers’ wars and economic collapses. This is why we need to demand a full collapse of their debt system in a GRAND JUBILEE that will benefit the people of the world.

At one level, or ‘dimension’, we had these unresolved issues in our government and banking system. At a higher level, I was reading, and re-reading, Rudolf Steiner’s lectures of the coming of Ahriman at the turn of the century. The more I read, the more I saw that this ahrimanic energy circling itself around D.C. like a hungry vulture.

[Side note: To Steiner students on our site, please post your favorite lectures on Ahriman in the comment boxes. Videos, too.]

I clearly visioned that to defeat what we now call “the swamp”, one would need to fight the beast from a more sublime realm. I had to meet the war in the spiritual arena. I had to look at the battlefield below, from a higher perspective. Do you see why I had to find energetic ways to provide protection for myself before engaging in battle?

The Qube and the sigils are part of that armor.

I saw that there was a war for America and that it was being waged in the realm of consciousness – in disinformation, lies, deceit, revisionist history, false flags, and propaganda. This is where our enemies had gathered to defeat us – in the information realm. Most people have a limited view of reality so they wouldn’t have a concept that television was a weapon being used against them. But President Trump did and called it out early in his campaign and has never let up with this important warning.

The brainwashing and programming in our schools has been intense. In the 1960s students had to “duck and cover” under our desks as the globalishits terrorized us about how awful the Russians were. Now, they terrorize another generation of children with face masks and social distancing. The programming for most of us has lasted a lifetime and the total brainwashing of humanity is almost complete…if they could just get rid of internet truth-tellers along with old people who lived the history they are trying to re-write.

We are fighting the Great Information War which has been waged against the people of the world since the Empire Press Union met in 1902 and created the media (lies) and intelligence networks (spies). Five Eyes is the way the Queen keeps an eye out on her colonies, including the United States. The British and the United States are not special friends as the media portrays. Nope. We are serfs on the Queen’s plantation in America, being managed by crown agents and Rothschild bankers.   

Once I saw what “realm” our enemy was waging war against us, I knew just what to do. It’s what REAL teachers do. We discover, along with our students, truth – layer by layer of truth. This blog has become our antidote to lies and propaganda. We teach you how to collect real evidence and demonstrate how you assemble “nuggets” of truth into a true picture of history. This is what the AFI miners do that is so important. Pieces of evidence carefully collected and preserved are arranged until “all the dots connect” and the real picture emerges.  

Well…I could go on and on, but someone has to get dinner ready. Thank goodness for homemakers and teachers. We are the glue that keeps the world together.

Have comfort, dear patriots. We win the war. I know because I saw our victory from a higher realm that night in October 1984. I know because the Holy Lance of Love found its way back to us.

I know because my beloved Douglas helped me tell the story of the vision I had of Sophia, a story so breathtaking that my simple words could never do Her justice, but Douglas’ highly-evolved wisdom could. From the depths of his Soul and the heights of my Spirit, emerged Her Gospel.

I believe in Miracles. DO YOU?


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