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President Trump calls out FBI Director Chris Wray for his ridiculous attachment to the vast Russian conspiracy theory


Inquiring minds want to know who will be signing her death certificate and forging the actual date and cause of her death.

We haven’t seen a public sighting of the old bird since 2018. Body doubles and photoshops do not count as proof of life.

AIM Patriots, please send us a copy of her death certificate as soon as you can obtain it. We will be highly interested in cause of death and who the doctor is that signs off on it…. wouldn’t surprise us if it was celebrity pathologist Michael Baden.



Trump’s crackdown on ‘critical race theory’ training leads to cancellation of Justice Department ‘unconscious bias’ program


To start, let’s be honest about the First American Revolutionary War which we didn’t win. Then, next chapter will be on how the British Imperial Empire infiltrated our government up to today when we see the domestic enemy hiding out in the Senior Executive Services. We will want a chapter on the federal reserve, central banks and wars created to line the pockets of globalists and bankers.

We will tell the real truth of our history and name the traitors from the bankers and brokers at Jekyll Island to the Mueller-Sambei coverup of the Twin Towers. Let’s make sure to include a chapter on how the Queen of England had JFK assassinated by John Dulles and then tried to overthrow Donald Trump in a coup attempt by the Privy Council.

Basically, it would be so much easier for historians to capture all the reports we have published here at AIM as a method to begin telling the actual history of America. And we do not want these books published by anyone or company associated with the Pilgrims Society.




“I’ve never wished a person dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.”

– Mark Twain


Ginsburg dead…let’s review the list of possible replacements.



“For another 122 days; roughly 4 months, which amounts to 1/12 of a 4-year term presidential term, President Trump is obligated to fulfill all his duties as a duly elected president of the United States and will be quickly nominating a person to fill the vacancy on the SCOTUS.”




Romney, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski Emerge as Republican Red Flags in Potential SCOTUS Confirmation


AIM Patriot John weighs in on the announcement that RBG will finally get a death certificate. Wonder what corrupt swamp doctor will fake her death certificate? Here’s what John noted:

The recent report of Justice Ginsburg’s death seems to be a timed event.  My speculation based on:

1.  Just recently President Trump updated his list of possible Supreme Court candidates. Did he have foreknowledge of this announcement?

2.  The timing of her death perfectly aligned with the typical Friday evening Washington DC “news dump.”

3.  The September 17, “50 day siege of the White House,” was shut down, before it ever had an opportunity to begin.  Some have reported that there have been behind the scenes federal arrests, along with recent demonstrations by the administration of federal indictments and reports that the federal government might use microwave and sound equipment to control “demonstrations.”

4.  The populace are beginning to turn against the Democrats because of the riots, which have been falsely blamed on the police. They can now change the rhetoric to “woman’s right to choose” in relationship to the next Supreme Court justice selection, giving them a different reason to riot/campaign, using the same players/anarchists.

5.  There have been rumors and indicators of indictments coming out anytime now. The news will now be dominated by the multiple Ginsburg funerals/”demonstrations” (without masks) for at least a week, overshadowing anything pro-Trump. The “do-nothing” Congress, will accelerate “doing nothing.”  No “bailouts,” for the common man. President Trump will be criticized if he continues campaigning, while they can showcase Biden at all the Ginsburg events.

6.  If Ginsburg is not replaced before the election, Supreme Court decisions will result in a four – four tie. The result of a tie in the Supreme Court means that the lower court’s decision will stand. The Democrats have greater control on manipulating these lower courts. [AIM Notation – forget the 4-4 tie. Roberts is an agent of the Knights of Malta and will side with any decision that favors his globalshit masters.]

7.  Personally, I have been of the belief that Justice Ginsburg most likely died last December. It took some time, but they finally found a body double. Question: Has Ginsberg been on “ice,” for such a time as this. Or, has the president finally exposed the hoax, and has given them an opportunity to temporarily “save face.”  (Like he did with John McCain.). This would have given the president the foreknowledge to update his Supreme Court list. Possibly he negotiated this “face-saving,” for the cancellation of a messy “siege on the White House.”  And if this has been a hoax, will we be seeing anything happening to Chief Justice Roberts?  (Either stepping down, or possibly becoming more virulent against the president.).


Now we know who Joe was waving at!


Soros-Backed Coalition Preparing for Post-Election Day Chaos — ‘We’re Going to Fight Like Hell’


The Soros Cover-Up by Newt Gingrich




President Trump calls out FBI Director Chris Wray for his ridiculous attachment to the vast Russian conspiracy theory


President Trump tweets more: But Chris, you don’t see any activity from China, even though it is a FAR greater threat than Russia, Russia, Russia. They will both, plus others, be able to interfere in our 2020 Election with our totally vulnerable Unsolicited (Counterfeit?) Ballot Scam. Check it out!


ByteDance Reportedly Has Beijing’s ‘Blessing’ For TikTok-Oracle Deal

Trump: TikTok deal ‘could go quickly’

Zoom and the Treason of H. R. McMaster


TikTok CEO Invites Facebook To Join Court Challenge As Commerce Department ‘Download Ban’ Looms



Emerald Robinson also noted in a tweet:

It’s weird that Pence aide Olivia Troye is now against Trump. Just like it’s weird that Pence aide Jennifer Williams testified against Trump at the impeachment hoax. Just like it’s weird that Pence aide Josh Pitcock’s wife worked at the FBI for Peter Strozk.

Former Pence Aide Endorses Joe Biden: Trump ‘Doesn’t Care About Anyone Else But Himself’

Trump dismisses Mike Pence aide Jennifer Williams, who overheard Zelensky call, as ‘Never Trumper’

Wife of VP Pence Former Chief of Staff Joshua Pitcock Was Working for Peter Strzok in FBI


So You Wanna Take Down the Deep State?

Are The COVID-Lockdowns An Election 2020 Ransom Note?


VIDEO: 1,000+ Doctors Come out Against COVID



Thanks, Giorgio! This AIM patriot memer took the image that we had on yesterday’s Cat Report (it was not ours, but one we found in the net) and jazzed it up with this amazing truth bomb.

Nuremberg Trials 2.0. We will have many, many more traitors than what is pictured below in public trials to be held around the world. When found guilty of their crimes (so many..hard to list them all), citizens demand appropriate PUNISHMENTS.

All “traitors” and criminals against humanity will need to be executed. Other lesser crimes may be imprisonment in GITMO or federal prison for life, but most of them, like George Soros, Bill Gates, Gretchen Whitmer, Gavin Newsom, will need to be hanged by the neck in the public square until they are dead, dead, dead.

Make sure your downline is jazzed about the upcoming trials and executions. Let’s make the planet great again…

All together ‘heave-ho’ as we off-world these globalist creeps and save humanity from their evil.

Make the meme appropriate for your country’s cast of criminal characters and circulate to your downline.



AIM Patriot John M. wrote:

I posted the following on Sundance’s Sep. 18, 2020 article today about Christopher Wray titled, “FBI Director Chris Wray On The Bubble?…”

johnmurbach says:
September 18, 2020 at 4:08 pm

Isn’t Christopher Wray a Senior Executive Service member? I believe so, from the Plum Book reference.

Our reply: Nice post, John. This is what we hope all of you will do. Many of you have spent years in the AIM School of Truth. You see the big picture of global corruption being run from the Pilgrims Society down to the Senior Executive Services. YOU are the voices that need to be seen and heard, now.

We don’t have time to go into all the online conversations to leave these infobombs. This is why we trained an American Intelligence Media army of digital soldiers. Now get to work and start dropping truth bombs to give cover to our president as he heads into the most contentious election in history.



VIDEO: The Truth goes mainstream in Australia as the boot clamps down (Beast System Reveals itself)




Overzealous AIM cat here….





Let’s take a sanity break and enjoy CATcerto. ORIGINAL PERFORMANCE. Mindaugas Piecaitis, Nora The Piano Cat

Let’s talk about “Q”.

We won’t go into our history of Q here. We are looking at the Q movement as a phenomenon of citizens around the world waking up to the truth that (yes) the world is run by Satanic pedophiles that (yes) want to exterminate humanity, and (yes) is run by a secret society (now busted as the The Pilgrims Foundation, Inc. EIN 13-3095744, 271 Madison Ave No. 1408 New York, NY 10016 (212) 991-9944).

The globalist enemy is now on a desperate hunt to find the source of Q as all these citizens waking up around the planet is totally disrupting their attempt to roll out the New World order. We selected the two videos below from propaganda news sites. The conversations will tell you what our enemies fear, what they know, and what they plan.

How should the media cover conspiracies like QAnon? | The Drum

The Cult of QAnon – Travis View | The Open Mind




Below is a Rudolf Steiner lecture for Team 48 who know that we are fighting a spiritual war, as well as a political one.

St John and St Paul, First Adam and Second Adam


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