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Thorium Energy Technology Can Free the World from Nuclear Poisons Today

flag and fireworks.jpg.

Direct from POTUS Twitter

Jul 4, 2019 06:23:30 AM – HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!

Jul 4, 2019 06:47:22 AM – People are coming from far and wide to join us today and tonight for what is turning out to be one of the biggest celebrations in the history of our Country, SALUTE TO AMERICA, an all day event at the Lincoln Memorial, culminating with large scale flyovers of the most modern…..

Jul 4, 2019 06:47:22 AM – ….and advanced aircraft anywhere in the World. Perhaps even Aircraft One will do a low & loud sprint over the crowd. That will start at 6:00P.M., but be there early. Then, at 9:00 P.M., a great (to put it mildly) fireworks display. I will speak on behalf of our great Country!


Can you imagine how different our world will be once we unleash thorium? The evil ones that rule the planet (namely, the Brits and SES that run SERCO that controls our US Patent Office and keep valuable patents for themselves) have suppressed this technology. They have to because their entire structure is built on the phony Federal Reserve-Henry Kissinger petrodollar and once energy is free and abundant from thorium, who needs uranium and why would we need so much petroleum, especially from unstable parts of the world.

Make sure your audience is keen on thorium.

Thorium and the Future of Nuclear Energy


Thorium Energy Technology Can Free the World from Nuclear Poisons Today


GALT: The Best Kept Secret in the World that Could Free Humanity with Unlimited Free Energy


The Free Energy Revolution Has Begun


Transcript From Judicial Teleconference on Census Questionnaire


AIM Patriot Chris writes:

Frederica Wilson wants us to investigate “white men” who are making money trafficking children at the border.  I suggest we start with the following “white men”: John and Tony Podesta and family, George Soros’s family, associates of Keith Reniere, Joel Benenson, Andrew Weismann, Bruce Ohr, Cass Sunstein and “Samantha Power”; The Koch brothers family, any white males working at or for the Clinton Foundation–including lawyers and associates in the dept of health and human services, housing and urban development, DOJ and FBI; and any males or transgender femals associated with Donna Shalala and Hillary Clinton.


Trump admin issues notices of $500K fines for immigrants in US illegally


Italy’s National Populist Gov’t ARRESTS Activist Captain of Migrant Ship!!! Start video at 1:00 mark.


Trying to squelch the viral traction of the Mark Zuckerberg Dossier through Facebook lines?

Outages hit Facebook, Instragram, WhatsApp users worldwide


Thanks, y’all for putting traction on the Zuckerberg Dossier. Collective-Evolution verified the facts and wrote a great piece.  Give it some push-love THROUGH FACEBOOK – just a nice way to tell Mark of the Zuckerbeast (aka global currency Libra 666) how you feel about him and his company.

Did Mark Zuckerberg Really Create Facebook?


Montessori School Director and Waldorf Teacher Try to Save the World from Mark Zuckerbeast and Digital Prison Planet. Buzzfeed isn’t down with that and would rather push seditious Russian dossiers from British spies like Christopher Steele.


@SenKamalaHarris Family history of SLAVE OWNERSHIP OFFENDS ME and she should RESIGN as a U.S. Senator and quit her run for POTUS

— Peter Torres (@PeterTorres14) July 3, 2019


Video Evidence Proves AOC Staged Photo Op At Border Facility Fence


Strzok-Page texts debated whether to share details with DOJ on key London meeting in 2016



Get your critical thinking hat on and read this article headlined on Drudge this morning. The radical extremist Democrats and their corrupt media are trying to implant the thought in low-information readers that Ruthie is alive.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg praises Brett Kavanaugh and reflects on gender equality

Hint: Video footage is from old video. First primary link goes to an October 2016 article where a careful reader might think this depicts ole Ruthie today, but doesn’t. Then they deflect with lots of word salad to keep you off focus.

Oops…we forgot that the FBI doesn’t solve D.C. crime because THEY ARE the criminals protecting Hillary, Podesta, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, Loretta, Barry and Mike, Rice and Powers, Mueller, Arvinder Sambei, and the Queen’s Privy Council. Also notice that the jacket she was wearing in this George Washington U. interview pictured above is the same one worn in the CBS article, yet Ruthie appears much younger and healthier in the propaganda article.

Ruthie must be really, really be dead for the corporate media to be pushing this propaganda. Think of the repercussions for the Supreme Court justices – individually – who are committing this hoax on Americans. If Ruth is dead or medically incapacitated, why haven’t the American people been notified by an official statement from Scumbag Roberts?

Keep demanding PROOF OF LIFE.


And here we have another rogue federal judge trying to change the will of the people and the morality of humanity. These evil lefties harvest our babies to extend their godless lives. Remember the powerful video from Christopher Strunk on this?

Judge Blocks Ohio ‘Heartbeat’ Abortion Law

     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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