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Michael McKibben, the entrepreneur who created social media scalability that was stolen by the U.S. Government through the Highlands Forum and IBM Eclipse Foundation, has still not received his invitation to attend the White House social media summit.

Trump poised to hold social media summit without social media companies

Michael McKibben, the entrepreneur who created social media scalability that was stolen by the U.S. Government through the Highlands Forum and IBM Eclipse Foundation, continues to be ignored by the White House. Michael McKibben has still not received his invitation to attend the White House social media summit. 

Patriots around the world want real solutions, not band aids to social media tyranny. Be a patriot and contact the White House to request that the President meet with Michael McKibben for REAL and LASTING solutions to digital tyranny…everywhere.


Meme Creator Carpe Donktum & Family Met With POTUS In The Oval Office



Share this info through your network in this handy hyperlink: Where is McKibben’s Invitation to Social Media Summit at White House?


Hillary Clinton Withdraws As Cybersecurity Conference Keynote, Citing ‘Unforeseen Circumstance’

….hmmm. Maybe Big Daddy Potus took away her keys. Read more here about Hillary Clinton’s control of the internet.

Hillary Clinton Controls 50,000 FBI Encryption Keys – Proves Mueller’s Witch Hunt is Treasonous


Battle Hymn of the Republic – The Advent Heralds


Randy Quaid — USA! USA! USA!


Roll Tide: Alabama versus the Census




So many MAGA memes so little time


9th Circuit Denies Request to Unblock $2.5 Billion for Border Wall Construction


sunnyflower5 posts:

Kamillary- the Chosen One. Marc Elias is working for @KamalaHarris. He was the top lawyer for Hillary Clinton’s failed presidential campaign.

And the same person who hired Fusion GPS to carry out controversial opposition research against then-candidate @realDonaldTrump in 2016.

— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) July 4, 2019


It is so bad for the Democrat Party that they have to FAKE their “black” candidates!

Has culturally appropriated black Americans. Father is Jamaican. Mother Caucasian Indian. She is a liar.  Kamala Harris is as much “black” as Elizabeth Warren is American Indian.

To make it even worse, her ancestors owned hundreds of slaves on several plantations.

No proof that her parents were citizens of the United States AT THE TIME OF HER BIRTH on U.S. soil. This makes her an anchor baby and clearly not eligible to hold the position of President which is reserved for natural born citizens. Lots of questions of Kamala’s citizenship since her mother took young Kamala to Canada for many years. Is Kamala doing a Ted Cruz number on us?

Watch for the revelations of her involvement with the Jussie Smollett hate crime.

She is a nasty woman…even for Democrats and especially for black Democrats. Kamala has a long family history of plantation operations and she and her family know how to keep black Democrats on the plantation of limited thinking.

Back-Tracking Kamala does the walk-back shuffle


‘Seeking asylum is a legal right’: Democratic Presidential candidate Cory Booker causes controversy by helping immigrants in Mexico return to the US after they were deported as he is slammed for ‘breaking the law’



Clothing Line Releases Betsy Ross Flag-Themed Sneakers As Nike Recall Theirs


Give this vet some push-love and pass his tweet through your network. Check out his new pair of Adidas in this Tweet here.



Salvini: Making Italian Leftist EU Parliament Prez ‘Does Not Respect Voters’


A Soulless Foe


Funny how death threats against mini-Ocasio-Cortez came just as Frederica Wilson called for prosecuting congressional ridicule


This audio on 5G focuses on what is happening “on the ground” in the UK. For our patriot cousins: The Scary TRUTH About 5G


Intellectual Froglegs: The Joy of Capitalism Hilarious Video



Can anyone help us with a national exorcism?


Three Presidents Die on July 4th: Just a Coincidence?

— Jeb Bush (@JebBush) July 4, 2019




Meanwhile, patriots around the world celebrate America’s independence from the tyrannical British Monarch. Let’s help free British patriots from the same tyranny.








     Presidential Tweets Today


Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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