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Abundant Energy for Everyone on Earth

In April 2017, we posted this citizen research report on energy. We found that there is plenty of energy sources available, worldwide, that could end our fear of not having enough. This is what we found, if you missed it:

The Free Energy Revolution Has Begun


Today, we are revisiting the topic, but this time with an audience that has grown significantly over the last two years. Our AIM community is influential and global. Many in our community have their own networks that rely on them for breaking real news and truth history. In this post, we continue our exploration of fossil fuel alternatives and what we found is literally earth-shattering, game-changing if we can get enough people on the planet awake to the con game that the Pilgrims Society has been using on us with their propaganda that energy needs to be controlled, regulated, and taxed – by THEM.

Lots of great info contained within links and headlines…so bookmark this page and take some time learning about the new age of energy.


Q: Why aren’t we using thorium for our energy needs?

A: Because this energy-buster is outlawed by the U.S. government. Want to know more? Drill down on the why Kissinger and ARAMCO agreed to tie U.S. currency to petroleum. You will find that GALT technology was used to blackmail the Arabs into the petrodollar system.

Basically saying, “We will leave you in your tents and waterless deserts and unleash GALT, leaving your petroleum worthless, unless you agree to the central banker petrodollar scheme.” GALT technology is suppressed by the Pilgrims Society as they work overtime to heave-ho humanity into a third-world planet where they are the rulers and the rest of us are their neo-feudal slaves.

GALT: The Best Kept Secret in the World that Could Free Humanity with Unlimited Free Energy


Thorium: Kirk Sorensen at TEDxYYC


We have lots of information to share with you about thorium. Many of you will not know about this metallic chemical element with the symbol Th and atomic number 90. Your public school indoctrination did not permit you to explore other alternatives to energy. The petrolords in the Pilgrims Society need you to keep believing that energy is scarce and so you were not taught about thorium in your science classes.

Welcome to our lessons on thorium. We are breaking it down in bite-sized pieces so that you can learn to make your own water-powered lawn mower and demand that the U.S. Energy Department start using thorium as an alternative to uranium. Big shout out to Condor, our energy expert in the Conclave, who is helping us with the technical aspects of this presentation.

Folks, it is just a lie … a straight up LIE that we can’t produce enough energy for everyone on the planet to have inexpensive, clean, abundant, reliable, and safe energy. 




Patriots, history has been a lie. Schools were indoctrination centers. Free and abundant energy is being suppressed by the Pilgrims Society. You must start awakening your circle of influence that we can have our own GREEN NEW GREAT DEAL and it begins when the U.S. government demands the release of these technologies to the world.

Here’s the deal: It’s abundant. It’s cheap. It will help us get through the major climate crisis coming our way – a mini ice age. There are several varieties from GEET to GALT. We can grow anything, anywhere with cheap and abundant energy.

And, yes, A.O. C., we can give up petroleum-based fuels. We can even save the dinosaur fossils with our GREEN GREAT DEAL. You should see the anti-gravitation devices that can lift transportation technology into the current century, instead of running on ancient fossil fuel technology. And have you seen those GEET engines that run off water?

Fossil fuels are so “yesterday” when you have thorium. America has enough to run the entire planet for 1000 years says our Conclave energy expert Condor.

…and talking about that mini-ice age that is headed for us (for real), the folks in the PILGRIMS SOCIETY have known about this for a long time. They don’t tell us about thorium and all the other exciting energy technologies because it would make their petrodollar as irrelevant as their fossil fuels. It would also give us plenty of heat, warmth, and energy we will need with the climate change they aren’t talking about.

They don’t want us to know what they know. The mini-ice age is their next big genocide plan for all of us. But don’t you worry about those PILGRIMS who will be staying warm and toasty with plenty of fruits and veggies in their greenhouses just waiting for the rest of humanity to die off from cold and starvation. Do you see now?

VOTE TRUMP 2020. He knows.

After all, his uncle was John G. Trump.

“A few days after Tesla died on January 8th, 1943, his possessions were seized by officials from the amazingly-named government Office of Alien Property. About 3 weeks after that, all of Tesla’s things and documents were given a thorough examination by a group of FBI agents that included none other than John G. Trump, the uncle of the current Republican candidate for U.S. President Donald J. Trump.” Source

Inside the presentation below, you will find videos and slides that tell truth history of the suppression of thorium. Important stuff in here so don’t skip the lesson.

Thorium Energy Technology Can Free the World from Nuclear Poisons Today


Educate yourself on this technology that the Pilgrims Society is suppressing from the world. Share this with others so that we can educate more and more people of how dated the use of petroleum is.

Thorium can give humanity clean, pollution free energy | Kirk Sorensen


And we aren’t just talking about thorium and GALT. Have you ever heard of GEET? You will want to save this pamphlet below for your family records. Help your children with their next science project or just grab these materials from the hardware store and make your own home energy unit! Make it a family hands-on learning-project.

(Please note, we will be posting DIY videos in the next few weeks so make sure you stay subscribed to our blog. If you build your own unit, please think about recording or taking pictures to share on the Cat Report.)

Book of GEET


If you believe that there is a scarcity of energy and that the world is going to end if we don’t do something about carbon emissions, then you have been indoctrinated by the Pilgrims Society from the books that they publish and disseminate throughout the U.S. school system.

Educate your liberal friends about thorium. The wide use of thorium will give the planet abundant energy while starving the bankers from their never-ending resource wars. With one fell swoop, we can get rid of bankers, future Uranium Ones, while bringing energy abundance to all the people on the planet.

Let’s start getting this thorium education campaign rolling, folks. This is where the craziest of liberals might join us in saving the planet from energy tyranny. Send your memes and videos to Betsy!

Remember how the left used the polar bear images to yank our hearts about the climate change agenda? Well, we think dinosaurs are cute and cuddly and the crazies are so indoctrinated that they won’t know that dinos are already extinct. So plan to see lots of dinosaurs in our memes.

Even Andrew Yang, a Democrat candidate for president, is advocating thorium. Fossil fuels are ancient. Listen:


The PDF document inside is a 75-slide presentation. If it doesn’t mean anything to you, still save it….because one day all of this is going to make sense for you or your progeny. Plus there are some great resources inside that you will not find anywhere on the internet. This makes excellent material for patriots to write articles, create memes and videos, and move the Overton ‘energy’ window over to THORIUM recognition.

Ever wonder why you see bumper stickers and memes that ask the question below? It was actually a hidden message from Ayn Rand to future generations about the amazing discoveries of thorium.

Who was John Galt?


Patriots, let’s start getting on the OFFENSE of the Great Information War. The PILGRIMS do not want the people of the earth to know about THORIUM. It would end their business model of never-ending war, refugees, energy scarcity, and control. Our next education front needs to be waking up as many people about thorium as an alternative to fossil fuels.

Our research shows that memes are a great way to get the conversation going. But they won’t work if you don’t fire them through your network.

The left will love what it does for their imaginary climate change crisis. The bankers will hate it because it interferes with their petrodollar. The globalist will hate it because it ends wars for energy and they won’t be able to collect a carbon tax. Patriots will love thorium because it is clean, safe, abundant, and inexpensive.

People around the world are demanding their governments switch from uranium to thorium within the next few years. Those who know about the real climate change coming – a mini-ice age – love thorium because everybody and the greenhouses stay warm and toasty for the decade of colder than average temperatures.

Have you contacted your congresspeople to educate them about thorium? Remember the folks in the Senate and Congress aren’t the brightest bulbs around. They count on information patriots like you to advise them. If you don’t, they only listen to corporate lobbyists and staffers.

Contact your congressman here.


Why Thorium rocks — Science Sundays


Getting very excited here about our upcoming lessons on new energy. We will be sharing some amazing videos and files with the AIM audience about these technologies that are being suppressed from us by the Pilgrims. The files are enormous so Betsy needs to get them well-organized for presentation purposes. We want AIM patriots to be well-informed about energy choices.

Each day, we will present a little bit more, building up to a release of a 1,200 page book that a Conclave member has been working on for decades, just waiting for the time in history where enough people are paying attention. Conclave Condor is making a philanthropic gift to the planet to share these discoveries with the AIM community so that you can push the info out to your audiences. We want to scale the information all at once, planet-wide.

Let’s educate citizens around the world that there are safe, abundant, inexpensive, clean alternatives to fossil fuels that can bring people everywhere unlimited energy. Yes, this will change civilization as we know it…so giddy up and help us pioneer the NEW WORLD AWAKENING. Don’t sit on the sidelines for the greatest time in human history – come on and join our worldwide movement towards lasting planetary peace and prosperity in a world full of separate, different, and distinguishable nations.

Scale it. We placed this post in a handy tiny url for easy sailing through your social media:



For those of you really serious about building your fossil-free home unit, here are small engine conversion plans. GEET – Small Engine Conversion Plans

BTW – did you know that Betsy used to run an automotive vocational school in Michigan? So besides being one of your favorite teachers on the internet, she knows a thing or two about engines. And Betsy says – YOU CAN BUILD IT!!


Below is a basic introduction to the GEET plasma reactor and how it works. In subsequent lessons, we will be posting more videos about how to build these units.

GEET Plasma Reactor – Science Explained


Think about it!! Abundant, inexpensive energy will unleash food production world-wide. Acres and acres of greenhouses can be heated year-round, providing unlimited growing without the concern of energy costs.


Now that you have educated yourself, start educating your friends, family, social network….and most important:

Contact your congressperson here.

Additional information added to this post after publication:

Important document to download below. Save it to your PC. Share it with everyone.

Condor. (Dec. 05, 2019). Kid Atlas, 237 pgs. AIM.

Click to access 2019-12-05-Kid-Atlas-237pgs-by-Condor-AIM-Dec-05-2019.pdf


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