Trump Gives Ominous Statement


trump at desk cat



“I warned that our politicians have aggressively pursued a policy of globalization — moving our jobs, our wealth, and our factories overseas. I explained that globalization — these are the globalists. I’m not liking globalists too much, but they don’t like me too much either. Globalization has made the financial elites, who donate to politicians, very wealthy, but it’s left millions and millions of our workers with nothing but poverty and heartache, and our towns and cities with empty factories and plants.

For years later, we’ve made extraordinary progress in reversing the dangerous tide of globalism; over a period of four to five years, this took place. Think of it: four to five years. What we’ve done is a miracle, and now it’s getting even better because we’ve taken additional steps. I’ve heard the term “middlemen” for a long time. They are so wealthy. They are so wealthy. Nobody has any idea who the hell they are or what they do. They make more money than the drug companies. You know, in all fairness, at least the drug companies have to produce a product, and it has to be good product. But the middlemen — well, the rebate that I’m doing cuts out the middlemen, and it reduces costs, and the money goes back to the people purchasing the drugs.

So I have a lot of enemies out there. This may be the last time you’ll see me for a while. A lot of very, very rich enemies, but they are not happy with what I’m doing. But I figure we have one chance to do it, and no other President is going to do what I do.

No other President would do a favored nations, a rebate, a buy from other nations at much less cost. Nobody. And there are a lot of unhappy people, and they’re very rich people, and they’re very unhappy. But to achieve the vision that we’ve been talking about for so long, we must finish the job and drain the Washington swamp once and for all. And we’re doing it. (Applause.)

white house staffFor years, left-wing politicians smiled and looked at American workers right in the eye and took advantage of them and lied to them. They took your endorsements, they took your money, and they took your votes, and they did nothing.

Then they turned around and inflicted one corrupt betrayal of the American middle class after another, whether it was NAFTA, TPP, the horrible Korea deal, the ridiculous Paris Climate Accord — how’s it working out for Paris? Not so good. And China’s entry into the World Trade Organization, which is probably the worst of all the deals, if you want to know the truth.

That was where China signed that and they went up like a rocket ship. And they violated the rules like nobody has ever violated them before. In fact, they’re considered a developing nation. And because they’re a developing nation, they have advantages. Well, we didn’t accept that. But for years, they accepted that. And, by the way, Joe Biden supported every single one of those horrible, disastrous sellouts.

Under this administration, those days have been over, and we’re not going back. We’re respected again as a country. You know, we’re respected again. You may not feel it, although I think you do. You may not see it. You don’t read about it from the fake news, but this country is respected again. We don’t let people take advantage of us, including our allies, who took tremendous advantage of us. Tremendous. (Applause.)

Together, we will preserve, protect, and defend our American way of life.

As long as I am President — (applause) — thank you. Thank you. As long as I am President of the United States, I will fight for you with every ounce of energy and strength that I have. I will be your voice. I will defend your jobs. I will stand up to the foreign trade cheaters and violators that hate our country. I will never let you down. I will have your back, 100 percent.”


Do or die


general flynn


overthrow queen coronavirus qinetiq


biden racist comment


Joe biden blacks


Rep. Louie Gohmert, from the great state of Texas, recently argued that by any standard of the Democratic Party’s 2020 Reign of Terror against citizens of the United States, the Democrats should be officially canceled by their own cultural revolution: “the time has come for Democrats to acknowledge their party’s loathsome and bigoted past … offensively tied to slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination, and the Ku Klux Klan[.] … Whether it be supporting the most vile forms of racism or actively working against Civil Rights legislation, Democrats in this country perpetuated these abhorrent forms of discrimination and violence practically since their party’s inception.”  

Democrat Domestic Terrorism Can No Longer Be Ignored


2020 movie.

Trump issues order to block US transactions with TikTok parent company


democrat election


BLM!!! She Stormed Out of a Hearing!


Lumber Prices Are Sky High And Going Higher
Looks like all the ply wood is being used to secure property. Watch the streamable tour of NYC. 





church in casino
Take a look at the astonishing crowd


walmart church
Listen to the singing!


Parents want to educate their kids and the teachers unions is more interested in defeating President Trump.

Parents calling around for school alternatives

To complicate matters more, there is a report that the union may call for a strike. The union is calling for “education equity” and remote learning.


face mask group


World Trade Center in Brussels Engulfs In Fire


Blackstone to acquire for $4.7 billion


Yep. They have been pushing the DNA test for years now.

Remember, they doctored Granddaddylieber’s (Leo Lieber’s) census (incl. refs to Daddylieber) record from being “Yiddish Roumanian” to “Jewish Russian”.

And then there is that pesky entry for Bill and Melinda Gates’ death.




biden alexa

biden forgot message


Columbia Prof Tim Wu: Big Tech’s Real Business Model Can Be Found in Its Emails


The video below comes from an AIM team member. It takes the speaker about 3 minutes to choke down her tears. Start at 3:24 to skip this part. Of course, she is providing a hearsay account so the information would need to be verified before passing on as a “truth”. But it may give our UK patriots an idea of what is going on so that they can be alert.



Rothschild NWO





democratic democrat party


antifa blm riot


The Great Filter: Humanity’s Final Exam


The Blessing Nigeria – Believers sing ‘The Blessing’ over Nigeria


school lockdown corona


Donald Trump: A True Story


We don’t know if this meme is accurate, but it would make a good topic for one of our team members to research.

decline a vaccine


vote election


Joe Biden finally came out of the basement to make a campaign appearance


joe biden african blacks


South_Florida_Guy posts:

Actually, NONE of them are black because they ain’t voting for him.



joe biden newport


spanish flu 1


spanish flu 2


Kamala Harris must be the chosen one. This video was just released today on one of the enemy’s propaganda YouTube sites. Looks like they are trying to explain away Kamala’s family history and her blackness.

Kamala Harris Family Tree | What’s the Difference Between Race & Ethnicity?


Kamala Harris and the Family Slave Business


Not Black. Not Eligible. Kamala Harris is a Fraud.

Read her birth certificate yourself. This is an official, certified copy:

kamala harris birth certificate


Kamala Harris is An Anchor Baby and She is not Black


Snopes lies about Kamala Harris’s connection to Hamilton Brown


kamala white ancestor


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