Search Results for: senior executive service

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Lock Down on Prison Planet Almost Complete

Since most American and global businesses have some component on the internet, the militarization of the internet can be as powerful as the threat of global nuclear annihilation. Just imagine if the internet was turned off tomorrow – permanently, never to return. Most of what we think of as modern life would end, and many people would never recover. Economies would collapse, wars would rage, and many of us wouldn’t know what to do or what to think. Modern life would collapse because the weapon of the internet already controls modern life. The life of the pygmy in Indonesia would go on uninterrupted, but American life would screech to a halt. We might not be able to “reboot” for years. This thought begs the question, “How did we let this happen?”

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Detailing the Commission of Comey Crimes

Comey’s crimes must be prosecuted and meet justice because he is the perfect example of the corruption in the Washington D.C. swamp. Comey has protected the D.C. elite as a fixer, a for-hire deceiver, and a criminal conspirator. There is no challenge “too big” for Comey because he is so good at deceit and CIA/Jesuit style subversion, espionage, and narrative manipulation.

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Liars Liars. Pants on Fire.

There have been so many lies told by the Obama administration and his intelligence bosses (FBI, CIA, NSA, ODNI, etc.) that it makes your head spin. To make sense of the obfuscations, disinformation, and outright lies, we decided to build a timeline to see if we could see a pattern of the “bigger picture.” What we found was a shocking indictment of Obama, Susan Rice, and the whole chain of command in the intelligence community. Lie after lie was told to hide the fact that principle intelligence bosses worked closely with Obama’s efforts to get Hillary Clinton elected, by hook or by crook – mostly by crook.

As you will read in the timeline, Obama was getting more and more confused about the Russian narrative. His incongruent remarks about Russian hacking of the election and his lack of evidence needed to support the unprecedented sanctions on Russia due to the alleged hacking were getting out of control.

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Overthrowing America in Twelve Steps

The hundred-year attack on America has been accomplished in 12 steps that spell out the demise of the U.S. Constitution and the U.S. Bill of Rights. Each step is explained in detail and adds another picture to the puzzle of the apparent “regime change” that George Soros and his “bought and paid for” activists groups are conducting against Trump. The 12th step in the overthrow of America was to be the election of Hillary Clinton and the continuation of the Bush/Clinton/Obama CIA White House. Trump’s victory is the wrecking ball that is tearing down the walls that surround DC political corruption and the sell-out of American liberties.

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Is an American Coup d’etat in Progress?

After watching the fleecing of the world by the Bush Oil Cartel and the “Unquestioned Supreme Rule” of King Obama, Hillary and Wild Bill got sloppy and thought they could grab what they wanted and the warlord banker controlled legacy media would ignore their crimes and cover their tracks. Unfortunate for them, patriotic Americans noticed and called out the Emperor’s New Clothes syndrome and wrote books and articles, made movies and videos exposing their crimes.

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Treason: Who Terrorized Americans and the World on 9-11?

The Bush criminal family has been propelled into history by “dark ops” across the globe, funded by the initial theft of the World War II Asian treasuries recovered by Ferdinand Marcos and subsidized by criminal profits from weapons for drugs for cash. The involvement of the Bush apparatus in facilitating this trade between crime organizations, terrorist organizations, and mainstream political parties is seen in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Albania, Columbia, Nicaragua, to mention the obvious examples. Using these funds, they have destabilized these same areas for the sake of controlling oil, while their Russian/Israeli mafia partners reap the gold and diamond mineral wealth.

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EXPOSED: CIA – Swamp Monsters Three Factions that Control the World

It is easy to see the war between the 17 U. S. intelligence agencies raging in the news. But there is a great deal of confusion about actions that the intelligence agencies conduct that indicate that the war is much bigger and more complicated that most imagine. It is impossible to understand intelligence wars between these different agencies until the factions of the CIA are clearly pictured. The three factions of the CIA create most of the wars and the chaos surrounding them.

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Every day, people in the United States are being injured and killed by vaccines, and those numbers are increasing. This is a fact that is not in dispute, as the Department of Justice quarterly report on vaccine injuries and deaths clearly demonstrates. And yet, the government’s official public statement about vaccines is that they are safe and effective, and should be mandated for all people. Any opinion or presentation of facts to contradict their position is vigorously suppressed and censored in the mainstream media all in the name of “public health.”

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The recent declassifying of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Court review of the Inspector General’s (IG) investigation into the National Security Agency’s compliance with existing surveillance laws was eye-opening. Basically, the NSA failed miserably on all accounts and this assessment includes the CIA. U.S. citizens are being surveilled and recorded in an unprecedented fashion negating the Fourth Amendment rights of Americans.

James Clapper is a criminal who has lied again under oath about the Trump/Russia collusion, Trump “wiretapping,” Trump Russian Dossier, General Flynn, and a host of other issues related to the intelligence community’s attacks against President Trump, before and after the election. Clapper is Comey’s boss who would have, by necessity, had to have reported everything concerning Trump to his boss because it was not only a “national security” issue but an “international security” issue, which is beyond the domain of the FBI or the Attorney General’s Justice Department.