DOJ Documents: Rosenstein Expanded Russia Probe Beyond Scope, Obama and Biden Knew Details From Flynn’s Wire-Tapped Calls


trump train 4

Soon Dems Will See The Light


Obama says in private call that ‘rule of law is at risk’ in Michael Flynn case


tt obama levin hannity

Watch and share the tweet.


treason obama


Seriously, The Federalist is just now getting around to reporting on this meeting ….SNOOZE! What took them so long! None of these media folks should be considered for future “Pulitzers” if they cannot exceed the reporting and research abilities of the citizen reporting that occurs every day at the American Intelligence Media. When average every-day citizens do a better job of truth disclosure than paid so-called reporters, we really need to re-examine how we are educating and enlightening the citizenry.

obama rice


DOJ Documents: Rosenstein Expanded Russia Probe Beyond Scope, Obama and Biden Knew Details From Flynn’s Wire-Tapped Calls


jim jordan


Trump tweets treason


garrison chickens home to roost

nancy messonnierAnthony Fauci, the little chicken shit that he is, runs for cover and self-quarantines as the swamp heats up.

In the meantime, what happened to Nurse Rached and Rod Rosenstein’s sister Nancy Messonnier?

No, no…nothing here. Move along please.

White House Virus Task Force members face quarantine

“All three men are scheduled to testify before a Senate committee on Tuesday. Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., the chairman of the panel, said the White House will allow Redfield and Hahn to testify by videoconference, a one-time exception to the administration’s policies on hearing testimony. The statement was issued before Fauci’s quarantine was announced.”


chalk fauci


park sign


Three Times Joe Biden Was Reportedly Involved with the Russia Collusion Hoax


Hey, you Brits that tried to overthrow our United States President, then threw the world in a frenzy with the Queen’s Pirbright coronavirus, take a gander of our huge, powerful military, meeting on a Saturday night, planning their next operation. Will this be an operation to remove the source of the coronavirus? Watch out, Richard Dearlove and Mark Malloch-Brown. You and your Privy Council tried to destroy America. America is WOKE.

General Mark A. Milley, USA, 20th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
General John E. Hyten, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
General David L. Goldfein, USAF, Chief of Staff of the Air Force
General David H. Berger, USMC, Commandant of the Marine Corps
General James C. McConville, USA, Chief of Staff of the Army
Admiral Karl L. Schultz, USCG, Commandant of the Coast Guard
General John W. Raymond, USSF, Chief of Space Operations

Patriots, notice that VP Pence is not in the room, unless he is the one taking the picture. He is not listed on the attendee roster.

President Trump Participates in a Meeting with Senior Military Leadership and National Security Team


Ben Carson: This economic crisis was ‘intentional’


Jim Sinclair – Debt Jubilees Everywhere


gates gaviGates is small potatoes at Pirbright. He can’t do anything there without the Queen’s approval. She holds the controlling shares of Pirbright so the patented coronavirus release would have needed her approval. She is the shareholder that matters. Very nice that Amazing Actress discusses Pirbright and Gates relationship in her most recent video entitled The Global Health Mafia Racket …but what she doesn’t tell you is how the Queen runs the whole show from Qinetiq to Pirbright.

Come on, Polly the Parrot, report the whole truth, not those convenient for Canada and the Crown. Propaganda is so wicked when it doesn’t take you all the way to truth.


Lindsay Graham

Let’s get some public shaming troops over to Lindsey Graham’s social media. You might start with his cozy relationship with traitor John McCain. The guy is a total wuss and can easily be taken down. But you need to shame him in a very public way. Shame him so badly that he will never want to run for office again. You can be an information warrior right from your couch. Or get big, bold, and brave and find out where he hangs out in D.C. and make some noise.

lindsey graham


yovanovich mccain graham



Mexico’s President Wants Answers On Operation Fast & Furious

eric holder

Eric holder branco.

Why Public Schools and the Mainstream Media Dumb Us Down




Watch a Breathtaking Monarch Butterfly Swarm


anthony fauci


msnbc russia collusion media

Andrea Mitchell and her colleagues at MSNBC are a special kind of stupid. Make sure to drop in to Andrea’s site and let her know about what’s really going on in the news since they genuinely are clueless, stupid, or both.


Our favorite WOKE tweeter KazimirRampant reminds us of the limits of Jim Hoft and Gateway Pundit, a punk news site that we busted long ago as being a controlled oppo site.

jim hoft gateway


Just in case this Jamaican-Indian anchor baby starts making sounds about running as Joe’s VP….get your audience up to speed about Kamala the Slut. She likes the big bamboo!

Kamala Harris Anchor Baby


trump american voter


AIM Patriot Martin Burbridge and Douglas Gabriel are huge fans of Melania Trump and wanted her to know this in case she didn’t already.

melania trump


We asked AIM patriots for their input on vetting Dr. Judy Mikovits. AIM Patriot Rick sent the article below for consideration. Rick has been in our AIM audience for several years. He plays the Glass Bead Game and participates on the other side of the bridge. Rick loved our VIBES enzymes when we offered them and was pleased when we recommended a substitute enzyme product so that he could continue his great digestive results.

As far as the article, it is posted without prejudice for the Conclave and readers to review. Make sure to read the reader comments below and add your own.

Fact-checking Judy Mikovits, the controversial virologist attacking Anthony Fauci in a viral conspiracy video


Tiffthis posts:

So the snitch “next door app” which I was a member of until 2018, sent me a letter asking me to join so I could keep our community safe during the Shanghai shivers- no thanks. Sounds like they want me to snitch or be snitched on.

nextdoor app


comey rat


Save this image on your phone and the next time you are hassled in the store for going face naked, let them read this. You can also print a version.

face mask notice


garrison schiff boxing


police state




long nooseSo does this mean we have grounds to punish governors like Wretched Gretchen and other George Soros governors who are keeping us from working and feeding our families? Gestapo Gretchen, feminazi of the Mid West, is using extreme tactics to deny Michigan citizens their Constitutional rights. Her lock down on Michigan commerce is adversely effecting the commerce of other states and the livelihood of those citizens, too.

Seriously folks, we going to have to imprison and/or execute these scumbags – duh, after a trial and all that other legal stuff. But if these governors and mayors are found guilty, what choice do we have? We must execute the punishment to the fullest extent permitted by law and the crimes that they are found guilty of.


Hemp rope.

Made-in-America hemp rope.


deblasio whitmer newsom




Inquiring minds want to know why this traitor in a military uniform who LIED to Congress hasn’t been in front of a military firing squad yet? This was Vindman’s admission in November 2019…tick tock. Citizens are in no mood for lackadaisical military when we have domestic enemies like Vindman all around us.

Alexander Vindman Admits Making up Parts of Trump Call Summary


Top 5 people having a bad pandemic


We are coming after the British Imperial Empire.

We the Pepe

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Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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