IG Farben – ICI – AstraZenaca Gear Up for Mass Global Vaccination Extermination


IG Farben – ICI – AstraZenaca Gear Up for Mass Global Vaccination Extermination

zyklon bFrom explosives and gas chamber Zyklon-B to Pirbright coronaviruses and 5G urban extermination microwave ovens, these companies have been in business to do one thing – GLOBAL GENOCIDE.

When they failed to exterminate enough undesirables in WWII, they modified their plans and started their evil plan of mass vaccinations filled with bioweapons to kill humanity.  These are very evil people, patriots. Look at the proof we have been showing you.

IG Farben is a name you should know from your trips to the Holocaust museum. Over time, Farben morphed into other companies, some named below…but their mission is still the same-


You want to know who is behind all of this? Examine the corporate rosters, actual history from congressional records and other authentic sources, and family trees of the ruling families….and you will find that all roads lead to the Rothschilds, who have been hiding behind the Queen and the Holocaust/Jewish narrative as their protection.

Here is something to think about. If the Rothschilds are supposedly “jewish” and that’s why you can never talk or write about them because to do so would be “anti-semite”, then why would the Rothschild family run a company that produced a gas that murdered 6 million Jews? Wouldn’t that be the ultimate anti-semite gesture – mass murder of Jews by Rothschilds? And what about that Balfour Declaration and Israel? What is a Zionist – actually? Can a Zionist be Christian or Muslim?

nobel explosive

Red Alert: British ICI* created AstraZeneca by spinning out half of its monopolistic global operations to form an instant mega corporation, staffed by ICI and the Pilgrims Society handlers like Sir Denys Hartley Henderson (also QinetiQ/SERCO) that immediately commenced buying pharmaceutical companies as its portfolio. ICI with DuPont following along, is “I.C.I., the British explosives trust.”—munitions manufacturer with these satanic morals: “the only fair thing was to sell [munitions] to both sides in any hostility” (DuPont [ICI trading partner] Congress, p. 1190, see below).

ICI zeneca

ICI: from Perspex to paints

ICI creates nothing. They only leverage Rothschild (Pilgrims Society) banking inside connections.

AstraZeneca is the company being given the contract to supply a speculative COVID-19 vaccine around the world.

* Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI)

ici explosives

ICI was convicted in the U.S. of conspiracy with German IG Farben contracts before 1934 to create a global monopoly on chemical products, including munitions.

vaccineIG Farben (successors are Agfa, Bayer, Sanofi (tied to Pirbright Institute UK – Coronavirus patentee), etc.) manufactured the Zyklon-B used to murder over 6 million Jews, Poles, Gypsies, homosexuals and Russians in the concentration camp GAS CHAMBERS—they were carrying out Pilgrims Society depopulation.

Now ICI wants to give the whole world a speculative COVID-19 vaccine. The Pilgrims Society wants more of us dead now.

READ MORE: IG Farben – ICI – AstraZenaca Gear Up for Mass Global Vaccination Extermination


More than 7 in 10 Americans won’t use contact-tracing apps, data shows

That’s a decline from April, when only 1 in 2 rejected the idea.


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Donald Trump Previews ‘Big Lawsuit’ Against Democrat Push for Vote By Mail


British Plan to Poison Humanity

queen shoots fish.

This is a big deal.

Are you educating and enlightening your audience about the British plan to poison humanity? These findings are being reposted everywhere in the internet. Please do your part and push a few through your network today:

BRITISH PLAN TO POISON HUMANITY | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary


BRITISH PLAN TO POISON HUMANITY | Cosmic Convergence: 2012 and Beyond

BRITISH PLAN TO POISON HUMANITY – BAN Geoengineering & Chemtrails –> Globally




Beyond ExpectationsRetail Sales Jump 17.7% in May as Economy Reopens – Largest Increase in History

May retail sales beats expectations amid rattled economy by coronavirus


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Pence says campaign considering different venue, ‘outside activities’ for Tulsa rally

Lift your spirits by reading the patriot excitement in the link below from readers who are looking forward to



President Trump Delivers Remarks and Signs Executive Order on Safe Policing – Video and Transcript

“Nobody needs a strong, trustworthy police force more than those who live in distressed areas, and nobody is more opposed to the small number of bad police officers — and you have them. They’re a very tiny — I use the word “tiny.” It’s a very small percentage, but you have them. But nobody wants to get rid of them more than the overwhelming number of really good and great police officers. Some of them are standing with me and with me in the audience today, and I appreciate you being here….

What’s needed now is not more stoking of fear and division. We need to bring law enforcement and communities closer together, not to drive them apart.”


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D.C. Shootout Shows How a World Without Cops Would Look


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Will You Submit to the ‘New Normal’?


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Twitter Hires Ex-FBI Lawyer Who Played Key Role In Probe Of Trump Campaign

  • Twitter has hired former FBI general counsel James Baker, the firm announced Monday. 
  • Baker was the FBI’s top lawyer during Crossfire Hurricane, the investigation into the Trump campaign. 
  • In that role, Baker supported the decision to obtain surveillance warrants against Carter Page. A Justice Department watchdog has found that the FBI improperly relied on the Steele dossier in order to obtain those warrants. 


Senator Wyden Questions Intelligence Community Cybersecurity Following Damning CIA Report on Stolen Hacking Tools

Here’s a copy of the letter with attachments: https://www.wyden.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/wyden-cybersecurity-lapses-letter-to-dni.pdf


The traditional media cannot win the debate of ideas without putting mechanisms into place to tilt the stage in their favor.

NBC Report Implicates Google in Antitrust Activity

From ZeroHedge: Google Demonetizes Zero Hedge



neil gorsuch

“In Monday’s ruling inserting “gender identity” into the word “sex” in a 1964 employment law, the U.S. Supreme Court called a man a woman, possibly leading to eventually forcing everyone else to do so also. The ruling will lead to a tsunami of polarizing court cases and further degradation of Americans’ natural rights to free speech, to free association, and to worshipping God as their consciences require. All this in the name of “equality,” a word that has become a totalitarian weapon.”

SCOTUS’s Transgender Ruling Firebombs The Constitution


Chopblock posts:

If you really want the answer, it was this: Because two different employees (one gay, one straight) could do the exact same thing (like marry a woman), and yet only one would be fired (the gay one), and the determination to fire them wouldn’t happen ‘but for’ (a legal test) their biological sex.

So it didn’t matter if the woman in question is gay, or polygamous, or ‘trans’-male, or identifies as a helicopter, or just kissed a girl and liked it… it only mattered that the employer wouldn’t have fired her but for the fact of her actual sex (i.e. employment discrimination due to the sex of employee, which makes it against the law).

There is some related ‘clean-up’ arguments to address some other issues, and some overreaching and other faults addressed in the dissents, but that’s the core of the decision.

Here’s the full text, if you’re interested:


And a ‘practical implications’ reaction:



Smurfection replied:

I honestly don’t think you understand the ruling yesterday.

You see, it was already illegal to discriminate based on sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, ethnicity or military service. That was settled years ago.

The decision yesterday was about one thing and one thing only…whether sex discrimination also means gender identity discrimination.

Obama wrote a letter that the DOE sent out to all schools in which the DOE threatened every school in the USA from pre-schools to universities that said any institution that did not treat sex discrimination as if it were gender identity discrimination would have all funding cut off and would be sued by the DOJ. That’s what caused that mad dash by schools to start affirming transgender kids in their identity rather than biological sex.

The ruling yesterday said that sex discrimination is the same thing as gender identity discrimination.

This is not about sexual orientation because that was already illegal. This is about gender identity.


What do you think of the ruling, AIM patriots? We would love to read your opinions in the comment section.






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Quick. Call a social worker.



The Fed’s Grand Bargain Has Finally Imploded

The Everything Bubble includes: stocks, housing, commercial real estate, corporate debt, junk bonds, CDOs, CLOs, bankrupt companies, phantom companies, etc. The Fed inflated all these assets bubbles as a “can’t lose” proposition for yield-starved institutions that can’t survive on low-risk 1% Treasury yields.
These institutions include: public union pension funds, insurance companies, mutual funds, wealth management entities, hedge funds, banks and 401K retirement fund managers.
Asset bubbles are intrinsically unstable and therefore risky. All bubbles pop, period, and whomever is holding the bag as the bubble pops will suffer catastrophic losses. The Fed and its countless apologists / lackeys claim the Fed has our back and so bubbles will never pop because the Fed will print as much money as needed to reflate any bubble that’s losing air.



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sarnoff grandson
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craiglist ad
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margaret sanger


Listen. Then share the tweet.






antifa mugshots
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