Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street are controlled by The Pilgrims Society in The City of London

Shields up.

We have posted from this site several times: and were please to see them on Gab @FactsoverFear. If the topic of wireless communications networks interests you, we recommend you follow one or both of the platforms. And, as always, we ask senior cats to send the good stuff up to the Mothership for posting.


The Vanguard Group drives worldwide merchant-banker fascism from The City of London

Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street are controlled by The Pilgrims Society in The City of London (Rothschilds, Barings, Barclays, NatWest, etc.)

Educating the Etheric Body Pt 1: Educating the Etheric Body Pt 2:
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Ron Spence writes:

“Beginning at the 14:16 mark Steiner describes a chapter that portrays what I feel is a readying for the Ahrimaic incarnation. If one were to look forward using one’s imagination in time from that of Steiner, the invention of the internet and that of the progression of AI, connecting man to the cloud, and so on, as it appears we are destined, it would be interpreted as magical abilities, wherein there is no more need to advance in the human, thinking will be no longer necessary.

Becoming at first all knowing by accessing the internet instead of enriching oneself with the knowledge individually that will eventually progresses to the human becoming nothing more than a drone having no mind of their own. Curiously as I type this comment out, the AI though not always correct is suggesting many of the next words I type. I think back to some of Douglas’s audios on the dangers of the internet, cellphone, and marvel at how right he was. That’s my take on where we are going. Steiner and Douglas explain this much better than I.”

Let it Never be Imagined that Ahriman will Appear as a kind of Hoaxer By Rudolf Steiner

We are following Sabrina because she explains the wireless network in ways that deepen our own research into wetware and transhumanism. She is raw and wild, but we can see beyond her eccentricities to get to the nuggets.

The comments under this video are excellent. If you find material worth sharing in the cattery, please send it to the Mothership:

Sabrina references the article linked below. We think it is very interesting about the references to the Divine Feminine. Of course, the Babylonian Radhanites know that the rise of the feminine divine is happening with or without them, so they have to come up with their own version of Sophia – and y’all have seen Sophia “the robot” as an example.

This AI form of Sophia will not lead you to Christ.

Read the article here:

If you are new to our site, welcome. We are a global group of really smart people who know what is going on in the world, who the enemy is (precisely), and how to protect ourselves from spiritual, informational, and electronic warfare. If you would like to catch up, please feel free to ask senior cat @Hagiagraphia questions.

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Cats will be turning cell phones off, wrap them in foil, and place in a faraday pouch on October 4. Let’s remind each other over on Gab as it gets closer to the date.

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We had a conversation with Jeff a while back. Once he heard what we had to say, he never called back. So there’s that.

The most important information you will never hear from lamestream media

Watch the video on Bitchute:
Read all about it:

This post made by Robert Denard Gubisch, Aug 31, 2023

“I am wanting to comment on the discussion on the Holy Grail. I hope that this is the correct spot. I tried before and was directed to something about signing into Google. Anyhow, that was a splendid encounter, witnessing the three of you ‘happening’ ‘live’ before my very eyes, and heart and mind! “I am wanting to comment on the discussion on the Holy Grail. I hope that this is the correct spot. I tried before and was directed to something about signing into Google. Anyhow, that was a splendid encounter, witnessing the three of you ‘happening’ ‘live’ before my very eyes, and heart and mind!

Forgive me, but I was very attracted to the uterus ‘connection’ and it may have to do with the fact that I am a male. I want to believe that my ‘love making’ had something truly deep and spiritual behind it, and the ‘uterus’ connection works for me! Tyla’s comments relative to ‘his-tory’ brought a very warm smile to my face and my soul.

Gentleman, you both are quite amazing and fascinating, yet, that which lives as this Being ‘Tyla’ catches the heart of any man that has a pulse. Her-story deserves to come to the light of day. Which is why I have purchased the trilogy on and of Sophia. Her-story HAS come to the light of day and we men must discover it for ourselves. The Holy Grail as was said is many things, and the three of you are very fundamental parts of that Grail for today’s humanity. I am again humbled by the Presence of the three of you and forever in gratitude for your sharing your life and experiences with the likes of me. Sincerely, Robert”

We responded to Robert, with this Substack audio:

Listen on Substack: