Nikki Haley Is An Anchor Baby Who Is Unqualified To Be US President

FLIM FLAM FLYNN Wants to be President after the British Pilgrims Society does to Trump like it did to the Kennedys.

Posting this video (below) even though we have Gill the Shill identified as such on our shill chart, but discerning cats will listen between the lines and leave insightful comments about BRITISH PILGRIMS SOCIETY provocateur Mike Flynn. We may need to start a cat campaign for Flynn to make sure he is exposed as the traitor he is. Assassination of Trump is being widely discussed in alt media, even MSM is pushing this narrative.

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Hope does an excellent job giving a global overview of how the genocide is rolling out. This is a very shareable video.

Do You Even Realize What They Have Done?

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Nikki Haley Is An Anchor Baby Who Is Unqualified To Be US President – Loomered

@LauraLoomer posts:

@NikkiHaley and her team are angry that I have shed light on the fact that she is an anchor baby, and not a natural born citizen, so the community noted my article. If you read my article, you will see that I mention all 3 of these requirements to be President.

The issue is, Nikki Haley is not a natural born citizen. She is no different than the child of an illegal alien who gets pregnant as a form of immigration fraud while crossing into our country illegally.

There is a difference between natural born citizenship and birthright citizenship as the framers of our Constitution intended. Pretty much every GOP Presidential candidate is against birthright citizenship these days, including @RonDeSantis and President Trump. The only one who isn’t in favor of getting rid of it is @NikkiHaley, and it’s because she knows she’s not qualified to be President under the “natural born citizen” requirement. Both of Nikki’s Haley’s parents were not US Citizens when her mom gave birth to her in the US. They first came to the US in 1969 from India. Nikki was born in 1972. Many could argue that her parents abused the system to commit immigration fraud. I did immigration searches on her parents paperwork and found that at the time of her birth, her parents weren’t even qualified to have been citizens, having been in the US for less than 5 years, and her mother didn’t even begin the process to become a citizen till 2003.

Because both of her parents were not US citizens at the time of her birth, Nikki Haley is technically not a natural born citizen. Please rate the community note below as “not helpful”. Nikki Haley is not constitutionally qualified to be US President or Vice President. All of the receipts are in the article. I figured I would publish this on Christmas since Nikki has been pretending to be a Christian out in Iowa, and lying about her qualifications. It’s a long article but I hope you will read it and see the truth for yourself instead of believing stupid Community Notes. Nikki Haley and the illegals who are having babies in our country are no different. They are all anchor babies and we can’t ever have an anchor baby in the White House.

This soldier for SATAN was not eligible to hold the office of president – but traitors in our government turned a blind eye to his birth certificate.

Kamala Harris has a birthright problem as well – but traitors in government continue to turn a blind eye to her birth certificate.

This leaves WtP to holler and scream through social media that Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy are NOT ELIGIBLE to hold the office of presidency. Don’t let the traitors among us continue to turn a blind eye.

ChatGPT: The Soul Eater – Nick Cave’s Emotional Letter


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Here is a collection of some of the heart articles we have posted in the past:

If You Control The Inner, You’ll Control The Outer

Ron Spence@7seven posts:

“The naming of names is the most critical point in this information war. When the term deep state is utilized in by any social media influencer, that is a clear sign of controlled opposition or ignorance. The internet is the battleground for WW3, we know it and they know it. So who is they? The they are documented within this website.

The information is free to use and share yet never seen.

Even here on Gab, this information is throttled. Haven’t you noticed virtually none of our posts ever make the New Posts, Hot Posts or Pro posts board? Even here we are boxed away from the larger community even though our content and contributors are clearly more interactive and educated than 90% of who appear on these highlighted content posts.

When the power of AI is used to only promote authorized influencers, and with its ability to disseminate what keywords are and are not permitted, the user is boxed and monitored.

Why don’t we see the term SES being used, the 10,000 Puppets in charge of every agency in the US government? Privy Council, Babylonion Radhanites, Pilgrim Society and so on? This is a war, the opposition has 10s of thousands keyboard warriors, AI, and the keys to the internet.

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Make Babies, Not War

Diary Entry 12.26.23

On the Other Side of the Matrix

Diary Entry 12.26.23

This title has been uploaded to Amazon and is in the review process. Should be available any time in the next day or so.