The British Crown Attempts a BioWeapon False Flag Called ‘Corona’ Virus


trump dream team



Nancy cancels the State of the Union Address


(Post-production note: We have determined that this video was from a previous year regarding the SOTU. But interesting that it is going viral right now – like it is a form of our own propaganda to be used against Nancy Pelosi.)


american patriot




queen coronavirus


The Crown Attempts BioWeapon False Flag


eric ciaramella


House Democrats: Steele Dossier Was OK Because We ‘Purchased’ It


Video of Nancy Pelosi inside the headline link below is worth a looksy. Her lies and deceit are meeting the light of truth. Her global mob network is collapsing.  As the light of truth shines brighter and brighter, swamp creatures like Pelosi, Nadler, and Schiff will have nowhere to hide their outright attempt to overthrow the President of the United States.


Nancy Pelosi Attacks Trump’s Lawyers, Suggests They Should Be Disbarred


schift nadler

Jerry…Jerry…. Jerry?

Jerry Nadler and Adam Schiff… Two impeachment fanatics chasing dreams of glory…


ciaramella vindman mccord atkinson

Senator Rand Paul Discusses Importance Impeachment Origination – Was This Planned Months/Years in Advance?


What’s this? Mike Pompeo throwing his support to British Five Eyes? Of course Pompeo, as the former CIA director, knows full well that Five Eyes is the mechanism that the Privy Council uses to keep an eye on America. And China uses Huwei technology to deliver top quality spying on Americans. Now we know what team Pompeo really plays for – the globalists.

Pompeo Says Huawei Is a Risk, but US Will Resolve Differences With UK

In the article, Pompeo spews the customary propaganda lines about our “special relationship” with the Brits. Thank goodness this audience knows that this is propaganda to keep us from looking at the horrific crimes of the Privy Council and Queen:

“With respect to information and the Five Eyes relationship, that relationship is deep; it is strong, it will remain,” Pompeo said during the public discussion. The participants of the “Five Eyes,” privileged system for sharing U.S. intelligence which also includes the UK, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, “will work together on this to ensure that these systems are sufficiently secure, … and we will ensure that we protect American information to that standard,” Pompeo said.
huawei trojan horse


tt eric ciaramella
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faux fox news


Judicial Watch Files Two New Lawsuits against State Department on Biden-Burisma Scandal and Alleged Whistleblower Contacts on Ukraine


i voted impeach


adam schiff treason
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Chief Justice John Roberts strikes out


“Justice Roberts named every single FISA judge who currently sits on the FISA court bench. This basically means that Justice Roberts in a major way is responsible for the illegal use of the FISA court by Obama to spy on President Trump and those close to the President, as Justice Roberts named all 11 FISA Court Judges who sit on the FISA court bench.” Source


dnc dossier


Nancy Pelosi wants Congress to take away authority Presidents use to stand up to other countries and defend AMERICANS. Stand with your Commander in Chiefs!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 29, 2020


tt schiff liar
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adam schiff stupid


Virginia Becomes Fascist State with Free Speech Restrictions


Elizabeth Warren Suggests Making it a Crime to Spread ‘Disinformation’ Online


“We’re as sure as you can be that the technology of end-to-end encryption cannot be hacked into” – Facebook’s @nick_clegg says he’s “very, very confident” that Jeff Bezos wasn’t hacked via Whatsapp.” Listen to Nick Clegg here


House Democrats Approve Social Credit Score For Americans

Elizabeth Warren’s Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) could alter credit scores based off politics, religion, etc.


hunter biden


Longest cross-border tunnel discovered in San Diego


Putin Opens Archives And Debunks Western Attempts To Rewrite WW2 History & Blame Russia For The War


Thanks, Iowa! Great turn out and lots of patriot enthusiasm.

Is There Anything More Fun Than A Trump Rally??


Oh hum…false flags and pandemics. Their lack of creativity with this global (queue scary music) flu virus is so boring. If this statement alarms you, then read about perception management  in this citizen intelligence report that we wrote after the San Bernardino false flag.

False Flags are Legal Propaganda


Perception management is a term originated by the US Department of Defense.  It defines it as: “Actions to convey and/or deny selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning as well as to intelligence systems and leaders at all to influence official estimates, ultimately resulting in foreign behaviors and official actions favorable to the originator’s objectives. In various ways, perception management combines truth projection, operations security, cover and deception, and psychological operations.

The factors that influence the targeted audience consist of the following:

Ambiguity: If ambiguity increases, the perceiver may find it harder to form an accurate perception.

Social status: a person’s real or perceived position in society or in an organization.

Impression management: an attempt to control the perceptions or impressions of others.

The phrase “perception management” has often functioned as a euphemism for “an aspect of information warfare.” The distinction between “perception management” and public diplomacy, which “does not, as a rule, involve falsehood and deception, whereas these are important ingredients of perception management; the purpose is to get the other side to believe what one wishes it to believe, whatever the truth may be.”

Although perception management operations are typically carried out within the international arena between governments, and between governments and citizens, use of perception management techniques have become part of mainstream information management systems. Businesses may even contract with other businesses to conduct perception management for them, or they may conduct it in-house with their public relations staff.


trump templar triumph


Trump Administration Launches Presidential Task Force on Missing and Murdered American Indians and Alaska Natives


Best advice to patriot employers and voters is to stay away from Bard College graduates. They will be indoctrinated globalist zombies, akin to Rhodes Scholars like Bill Clinton and Pete Buttplug.

Bard College Goes to the Dark Side with George Soros and Open Society Foundation


FBI intelligence asset Carter Page files suit against DNC over dossier: ‘This is only the first salvo’


john bolton puzzle


ss impeachment


For the first time in three decades, the number of fatal drug overdoses has dropped.


“STRONGER, SAFER, MORE PROSPEROUS”: President Trump’s re-election campaign today released an ad that will air in Super Bowl LIV this Sunday, promoting the President’s record of accomplishment on behalf of the American people.

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) January 30, 2020



THE LEFT: Why would anyone need to own a fully auto with a 75 round drum?


This woman is a BOSS! RT if you LOVE conservative women! 



branco socialism


‘Unbelievable’: Hillary Clinton using Secret Service to dodge defamation lawsuit, Tulsi Gabbard attorney claims


Your Smart Vehicle Is Recording Your Every Move


biden campaign


New Trump Train Song Released. Listen.


Impeach This – Gallup: American Satisfaction Poll Highest Since January 2005


impeach democrats


sidney powell twitter


Fiction or fact?

eric ciaramella schiff


AIM Patriot Gail writes:

Have you wondered why the corona virus, the trade deal with China and the impeachment all hit the airwaves at the same time?

Are they connected?…me thinks so only because this is how they think. If it so China can say that the virus is Trumps fault. Is it a sick plot to blame the virus on Trump? Xi hates him enough that if he could make people believe that corona is trumps fault somehow, that would cause Trump to lose the election?

It also is coming on the heels of the failed impeachment therefore, Xi is clear that the Dems are a total failure to remove Trump and Xi needs to step in if they are really going to take Trump down. This seems like an HRC special to me…she’s in bed with China so why not? Did you hear her statement 2 days ago that she’s “itching to run” so she can beat Trump. The way she said is more important that what she said. It sounded like she already knew that Trump wouldn’t be a threat if she ran…now why wouldn’t he be?? What do you think?


schiff nadler laurel hardy


chalk nadler


.democrats shoot dog


bernie sanders iowa




schiff votes


trump ground hog


romney willard




“In the Eye of the Storm” not radio version by Ryan Stevenson


Twitter     Presidential Tweets Today



Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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