No Collusion. No Obstruction. But lots of spying.

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Read about this painting.


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Mueller Rigged Grand Juries for Decades


AG Barr faces Senate in contentious Mueller report hearing (4 hours)



Note to AG Barr: Make sure to look into the BRITISH disinformation while you are checking on any and all foreign influence. You will want to track Chris Steele back to Stefan Halper, Richard Dearlove, MI6, and the Privy Council.


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barr spying


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VIDEO: Youtube Gets Woke Goes Broke Loses 70 BILLION DOLLARS!!! Time to decide–are they a publisher or a platform?


Assange Update


The Satanic Temple Has Evolved Into An Anti-Trump Movement, And Leftists Are Flocking To It

Twitter     Presidential Tweets Today



Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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