Assassination Cover-Up Exposed

barr trump

This picture is ripe for the best meme making. Grab your photoshop and start adding some gun holsters and white hats. Send us your expression.


boom on white backgroun 2.

BOOM! – Process Started – President Trump Issues Authorization Memorandum for Declassification


Nadler responds


Assassination Cover-Up Exposed


DEEP TROUBLE AT THE DEEP STATE: Pompeo Says ‘It’s True’ John Kerry Violated the Logan Act


UK Prime Minister Theresa May Announces Resignation After Three-Year Brexit Failure


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U.K. Votes to “Change Politics For Good”


Modi’s election victory is part of a worldwide trend towards nationalism.

India’s Modi Heads for a Landslide Win



Bye Bye Five Eyes, the Queen, the Privy Council – all Enemies of the United States



Nadler: Mueller ‘Wants to Testify in Private’


President Trump Takes On Pelosi, Iran, and “Witch Hunt”


The “Constitutional Right” to Dismember the Unborn



Stay Away from EVIL Facebook Fake Money

Facebook plans to launch ‘GlobalCoin’ currency in 2020


Comments CrossFit, Inc. Suspends Use of Facebook and Associated Properties

“CrossFit, Inc., as a voluntary user of and contributor to this marketplace, can and must remove itself from this particular manifestation of the public square when it becomes clear that such responsibilities are betrayed or reneged upon to the detriment of our community. Common decency demands that we do so, as do our convictions regarding fitness, health, and nutrition, which sit at the heart of CrossFit’s identity and prescription. To this end, all activity on CrossFit, Inc.’s Facebook and Instagram accounts was suspended as of May 22, 2019, as CrossFit investigates the circumstances pertaining to Facebook’s deletion of the Banting7DayMealPlan and other well-known public complaints about the social-media company that may adversely impact the security and privacy of our global CrossFit community.”



Arvinder Sambei and Gina Haspel Connection


Former military Robert Mueller faces military tribunal at any time



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Unmasking the Five Eyes Beast


This is the material that Michael references in the audio above. If you want to send it out through your network in one handy hyperlink: Unmasking the Five Eyes Beast

British-United States Communication Intelligence Agreement. (Mar. 05, 1946). History Collection, NSA, Series XILH,. Box 47 (TSC), Declassified and approved for release by NSA on Apr. 08, 2010 pursuant to E.O. 12958, as amended ST56834. DOCID No. 3678942. National Security Agency.

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How is this not colluding with America’s enemies?



Democrats, Federal Employee Unions Decry Trump Plan to Reform Bureaucracy


Human Babies to be Harvested from Artificial Wombs within Ten Years


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Crown agents (Five Eyes) throwing the FBI under the bus…give those American peasants some “Bread and Circus” so no one comes looking inside the Queen’s toilet – aka Privy Council and all the crap that has been stinking up the Windsors for centuries.

Time for a ROYAL FLUSH.

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Contrary to so much false reporting, 5G has NOT been canceled by Trump nor has it’s harmful effects been eliminated because it’s impossible…


FCC Commissioner touts merger of T-Mobile, Sprint as boost to America’s 5G rollout


american revolution


Evidence of Obama Administration Political Surveillance Beginning Mid-2012


Anybody seen Ruth Ginsberg in public…alive…this year? Are the Supreme Court justices committing a hoax on the American people? We are in no mood for any more treason in this country. Supreme Court Justices are on notice that We the People demand proof of life of RBG immediately.  Call the court today and demand that they haul her scrawny old ass out on the Supreme Court steps and give us proof of life.

If they tell you she is in court and you are welcomed to drop by, tell them that this excuse is no longer going to work for us. They are obliged to us, the American people…not the other way around. PROOF OF LIFE!!!

ruth proof of life


You guys are the best! Before completing tonight’s report, this came in:

sheriff trump barr



This is the list from Obama’s Executive Order 13526 on Dec. 31, 2009

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Time to check out the swamp hunting. Don’t forget to bring your Cajun seasoning. THis catch is big!



Twitter     Presidential Tweets Today



Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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