Espionage to Overthrow Trump


This is serious, folks. The Privy Council is out to overthrow Donald Trump and destroy what’s left of America.

Espionage posters corrected

SPYGATE – British Coup against Trump – INTEGRITY INITIATIVE


Please keep doing your citizen homework and read these related articles so that the Brits can’t trick us anymore with their propaganda, spies, and operatives.

WindsorGate is Espionage


British Espionage – American Treason


Mueller Sambei

The FBI-Mueller-Sambir/Sambei Connection Exposed


halper and mifsud

Papadopoulos was set up by Mifsud and Halper


And don’t forget who was running the London CIA office while all of this espionage and treason was going down until she became the head of the entire CIA!

gina haspel lies


CIA Director Gina Haspel is Complicit with the Coup


Wanted Gina Haspel.jpeg


republican part tt.JPG


Gravity Glue | Direct Transmission


wife beat thumbnail

Muslim Man Demonstrates How to Beat Your Wife


It’s really bad now when the President beats us in posting meme bombs. He posted this one to twitter. Nooooooo Joe, NOT DURING THE APOLOGY!


branco milk cow


Trump 2020


Joe biden on campaign.jpg


More on Little Peter Butt#@!! from AIM Patriot Laura:

Pete speaks 8 languages, including Arabic, Dari, and Norwegian. He was supposedly only in Afghanistan for 7 months in the Navy Reserves. He was assigned to the Afghan Threat Finance Cell, created by David Petraeus. I have a feeling as I’ve said times before that he’s a CIA asset. I find it odd that he supposedly taught himself Norwegian just so he could read Erlend Loe. What’s so special about Erlend Loe? I don’t know. He used to work at a psychiatric clinic before becoming a writer. Hmmm…
So Pete has spoken in depth (according to Wikipedia) about how his faith has influenced him. Weird because he’s gay but supposedly attends church regularly and was married to a man in a church. I don’t recall this being in the Bible as something God approves but ok… well he was also baptized as a Roman Catholic but didn’t attend Mass regularly growing up.Then he went to Oxford and started to attend Christ Church while there. Upon returning to South Bend, he felt “more or less” Anglican. No surprise, Rhodes Scholar. I read a disgusting story in the Jacobin that just gushed over how “smart” he is and how he would be a much better president than Donald Trump because apparently being “smart”, like book smart, is supposedly more qualifying to run the country?Apparently the elitist who write pompous articles in the Jacobin believe that is something we should want. Barf. I can’t even say what I really think about that or what I would want to do if I heard one of those snobby writers say the things they write. But I’m just some dumb peasant so… what do I know?? Well what I do know is that even Rush Limbaugh has spent days exposing Pete’s Marxist dad who coincidentally “died” a few days before his announcement in January. Kinda like Obama’s closest family members. Nothing to see here, folks!!I don’t know how to find out more info about his dad’s Malta ties but seeing the pedigree and this whole circus now, I’m guessing he’s related to the Knights of Malta and of course, part of the lucifarian elites who think they rule the world and want to push “smart” gay beta soy boys like Mayor Pete so we can further our nation and world down the road of hell and destruction.


peter buttigieg meme


Biden least problem


Thrift shop


Twitter     Presidential Tweets Today



Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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