American Pilgrims Society and Georgetown Busted as instruments of British foreign policy and propaganda


Breaking News: Just leaked Jan. 08, 1981 PM Margaret Thatcher 10 Downing Street letter shows seditious use of the American Pilgrims Society and Georgetown as instruments of British foreign policy and propaganda

Francis Richards, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO). (Jan. 08, 1981). Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s Visit to the United States: Georgetown University, U.S. Pilgrims Society, including Donovan Award. 10 Downing Street.

This is yet more proof that the U.S. members of the Anglo-American (British) Pilgrims Society are all traitors to the United States and its sovereignty. Remember, Pilgrims vice presidents Henry Kissinger and Paul Volcker (2007-2008) were chief orchestrators of the 2008 bank “bailout” scam to enable Pilgrims banks to further consolidate their global power for the takeover of the American Republic.

See: AFI. (Jul. 28, 2020). The Anglo-American (British) Pilgrims Society and its CFR minions used the Marshall Plan, shrouded in anti-communism, to seize control of global banking using Nazi & Japanese stolen gold. Americans for Innovation.

thatcher 1

thatcher 2

thatcher 3

Calling on all keyboard warriors: Let’s make sure that the evil ones at the Pilgrims Society know that the citizens of the world have busted their operation into the wide open internet. They cannot hide anywhere on the planet because we know that THEY are responsible for the deaths of millions of our brothers, sisters and ancestors, for pestilence and poverty, and for lies, propaganda, and indoctrination.

Have everyone in your network send an email to:

The Pilgrims of Great Britain
Mrs. A. Thompson, Executive Secretary
7 Beeches Close
Saffron Walden
CB11 4BU
United Kingdom (UK)

Telephone (in theK) : 01799 732281
Telephone (from U.S.): 011-44-1799-732281

Put the enemies of Planet Earth on notice that We the People are going to destroy their operations and bust them, individually by name, for their crimes against humanity. You may not think that a little ole email from one of your old email accounts will make a difference, but it will. The Pilgrims Society members have spent centuries hiding from us, trying to rule us from their high and mighty perch on top of their global pyramid.

Time that we bring some digital torches and pitchforks to their hidey-holes.

Torches gif

Make sure to include copies of research with evidence that proves YOU know their crimes and have obtained the evidence. Below is a selection of articles. Pick and chose what you like; have different team members send different links. Let’s make sure they are cornered by citizens around the world.


Downloadable a PDF of this post for safekeeping.

Then, use anyone of these links to make your case. (We have plenty more on our sites, if you run out of info-ammo.) Write you own email body and VENT like a patriot using a full arsenal of truth to take out these alien reptiles.

If you want to put together an entire packet, think about sending Mrs. A. Thompson, Executive Secretary, a flash drive with these articles, plus more that you gather from our sites, with your cover letter telling them that you will share this information worldwide. Make sure any other links you include, contain FACTS and hardcore EVIDENCE.

Demand that the Pilgrims Society CEASE and DESIST their operations to control and exterminate humanity.

Scam of the Millennia – the Marshall Plan

The Pilgrims Society – Enemy of Humanity

Coronavirus, QinetiQ, and the Rothschild Bombshell

Whistleblower Nails Fauci, Rothschilds, Highlands Group, DARPA, DoD, Pirbright, SERCO, QinetiQ, Goldman Sachs, US Navy, US Air Force, US Army, CIA in Worldwide Bioterror

J.P.Morgan Controls Major Newspaper Editorial Policy While Spoofing and Hoarding Silver & Gold

David Sarnoff – RCA, NBC, Pilgrims Society, Imperial British terrorist

UK-US Pilgrims Society Controls the SES – U.S. Deep State

200-Year Information War. Patriots around the world know the enemy and join together to defeat the one world order beast.


garrison free speech


The article below is intense and the pictures horrifying. There are pictures of pedophilia and cannibalism that are very disturbing. For those of you that may have missed the Pizzagate-Pedogate articles and videos of a few years ago (much has been wiped off the internet), this collection of pictures will bring you up to speed. Included are pictures of an infant who has been frazzledripped, allegedly by Clinton and Abedin, from the Weiner laptop.

UPDATED: PEDOGATE 2020! The Virus That Infects Our World!

(Archived link:


Getting tired of stupid politicians and irrelevant so-called journalists? Don’t be a dummy! Know who Christopher Steele was working for and call out politicians and reporters who are pushing propaganda.

Spygate was Directed by the Queen, not Russia

Time to finish what we thought had been won – our independence from Her Majesty the Queen

(P. S. Don’t hold your breath for the Queen’s shill John Solomon to report on this. He is so far behind the truth narrative, that he is still pointing to Russia. Here’s the latest from Solomon the Propagandist.)

Geoffrey Pattie AFI


FREEDOM RISING: Large Anti-Scamdemic Protests Spring Up in Germany, UK, Netherlands



Biden has no good VP choices in the field under consideration


Joe Biden still can’t get his act together on who to pick for VP

The leading contenders include California Sen. Kamala Harris, California Rep. Karen Bass and Obama national security adviser Susan Rice. The deliberations remain fluid, however, and the campaign has reviewed nearly a dozen possible running mates.

vice president line up


love america




Netflix Sneaks Transgender Ideology Into ‘Baby-Sitters Club’ Series



Bill Gates warns multiple coronavirus vaccine doses likely to be needed and schools should stay closed for another YEAR


foreign language ballots




trump appointed by god

Read all about it!


face mask sniff muzzle biden


AIM Patriot Regina writes:

I have seen three times now at Kroger around 6.00 am a guy, middle aged, with two or three masks on plus a shield and to top it all off, a helmet..
I think these are the left behind people, while we going to a higher frequency!
Our reply: There are many ‘dimensions’ of consciousness on Earth. Plants and animals exist with us on Earth in realms uniquely theirs. They exist in the vibration of their group souls. So, too, do humans exist in different realms of existence. We are at many levels of consciousness as billions of people face their previous life karma, receiving blessings of their good deeds and thoughts or rectifying those that need karmic redress.
Every body is exactly where they need to be karmically. Your life and your current situation was brought upon by you.  If you want to improve your life situation, look no further than your own thoughts and deeds. You might also consider giving ‘service’ to a higher cause or to a special teacher or leader. Giving service, as a free human deed without any outside compulsion, can do wonders in creating better karma in future life times. Everybody creates his/her own heaven or hell right here on Earth – it is your choice.
happy catWe have a relationship with you, dear AIM patriot. Where does it exist? For a few, we may meet in the three-dimensional world, but for most of us on the internet, we are connecting beyond space and time (4D). We are HERE in this moment, whenever you have arrived – today, tomorrow, a year, sharing a similar consciousness, or an awareness with one another. This is a higher dimension. Our relationship is in the 5D realm.
This is a realm of love, light, truth, consciousness. This is where we join to become OUR SPIRIT. We are here with you in this awareness. Others will arrive when they are ready, but we may not see them here for awhile. There are many who still have karma in the 3D/4D realms. Let’s be gentle with them and meet them in their comfort zone, while gently bringing them one step closer to truth.
The Ring


AIM Patriot Bonnie writes:

Two weeks left until the first day of school in my state. I have my math tutor lined up for my 8th grader. My Oak meadow curriculum. My Huge blackboard and pastels. My morning lesson book. and everything else a Waldorf inspired home class should have. like Bees Wax to mold and even a micro farm outside. Thank you Betsy and Thomas for all your support.
I just read today on the Denver public school website, “No in service teaching until October” Only online. I hope the Denver public school system goes belly up and can’t reopen in October.


Our Reply: We are excited for you and your wisdom child, Bonnie. The ‘Wisdom Children’, as we call them, are now incarnating into the world. Parents, you know if your child is one. Please give them the special attention they need in their formative years.

spirit of childhood

They are eager to learn and explore. They love to play, create, and imagine. These highly evolved beings, inside tiny bodies, do not belong in indoctrination centers all day, performing mindless rote tasks, taking quizzes and tests, and staying socially distanced from their friends with their beautiful faces muzzled.

We recommend Waldorf schools for children (K-12), and, if not available, Montessori schools for pre-primary through 8th grade. For parents who are homeschooling, you might check out the Waldorf homeschool materials at Oak Meadow. Additionally, we prepared supplemental materials for you at with a homeschool outline called Intuitive Learning and free PDF downloads of two books Douglas has written to help you with stories and activities.

We also recommend that you join a homeschool support group so that you can learn from other parents and get involved. By growing your network, your children will flourish from a community of parents who want to preserve the sanctity of home education.

Remember, Bonnie, that Master Waldorf teacher Douglas Gabriel is available to answer your questions, if the need arises. Below are a few links that we thought may interest you and others who are considering a Waldorf homeschool.

Key Questions that Drive Instruction

Essentials of Waldorf Education with David Blair: What’s Love Got to Do With It? [Video]



AIM Patriot Scotty writes:

Betsy, we had a family meeting and decided. The girls (6 and 9) are staying home. WOW I am so happy about this. NOW if the President can defund the schools and cut taxes or maybe pay the families to homeschool. Thank you ️️


homeschool parent


nice white parents


walmart people


colleges communism


This is a long video, but much better to watch this and get smarter, than whatever sex, blood, and gore Netflix offers this evening. If you don’t have time for the entire video, AIM Patriot Sandra recommends you start at 1:23:00 to hear about the US and British “special” relationship and why taxes are collected and given to Britain.

Note to AIM Patriot Chris who asked us to explain the CityofLondon: Check out this video.

Change is on the Horizon – Dawn of the Golden Age (Full Version)



Every word, every thought, everything which has ever taken place in humanity, can be read in the Akasha Chronicle

Now I am speaking to you, but you would not hear me if my voice were not able to produce vibrations in the air. Thus every word which I utter exists in the air in the form of fine movements. These fine movements of course vanish, but everything which occurs here on earth becomes impressed in that fine substantiality which we experience when reaching the spiritual world. This impression is everlasting. Every word, every thought, everything which has ever taken place in humanity, can be read in the Akasha Chronicle.

Source: Rudolf Steiner – GA 100 – Theosophy and Rosicrucianism: Lecture IV: Man’s Further Destinies in the Spiritual Worlds – Kassel, 19th June, 1907



AIM Patriot Beverly sends this video to us. At the 10:00 mark, he discusses the use of adrenochrome and explains the black eyes that we see on many public figures. Featured in the video are program clips from Turkish and Greek TV.



Two Florida mayors urge residents to wear masks at home


AIM Patriot Terry writes:

We all know these test kits are not scientific, kids summer camps, coming back positive.. This is there plan..they are stepping this up..September Covidpass to travel. We are entering the twilight zone!

A Summer Camp Took Almost Every Precaution. The Majority of Kids Still Got COVID-19


bible burning
Watch the Bible burners


Today’s global blessing comes from Zimbabwe


covid face mask cheating


wonder white bread


corona china


girl two boys


Federal Agents: “Sir, drop the shield!”; Portland Terrorist: “IT’S MA’AM!” (Note: He is probably a public school teacher.)

transvestite rioter




chelsea clinton


Any AIM cats feeling the zoomies? If so, fire up your computer and fire off some info-bombs into the Pilgrims Society at:

Mrs. A. Thompson, Executive Secretary,

Show her and her evil bosses what AIM Cats who are feeling the zoomies do to their secret societies (bottom-up). They will be caught off guard and will start making plays to cover up their crimes, but President Trump will be catching them as they run for it (top-down). Come on, AIM CATS, this is your moment to catch a whole lot of rats. To make a powerful message, we need emails coming in from all parts of the world. Make sure to work your downline and get others to do the same.

Then – repeat. Do it for every child that has been murdered for their blood-thirsty desire to stay physically immortal. Do it so that they never ever again drink the blood of our children.


covid compliance


work from home


AIM Patriot Jazz indicates: “I bought this product for making colloidal silver that sells in the UK. I’d like to give them a shout out to patriots looking for a high quality unit.

Colloidal Silver Generator – Compact 2

Additionally, he adds: My silver machine in action, coupled with my water distiller that makes 0ppm distilled water, it’s a great combination that pays for itself over a short period of time. What price is good health worth?

I suffered pneumonia a few years ago that nearly killed me and most winters I’d get an infection in the right lung where I had pneumonia. Since inhaling 10ppm colloidal silver via an ultrasonic nebuliser the grunge has not returned.

Our reply: We highly recommend a nebulizer for the lungs and nasal cavities. You can buy these online. They are typically used for asthma patients who put the liquid medicine in the small fill bowl and inhale. We pour silver water in the bowl. You can also put AgH2O in a humidifier and mist AgH2O air in the room.


AIM Patriot Jim had a thought about Gregg who is looking for hydroxychloroqine for his friend: “Maybe Greg could get some Zinc and Quercetin instead, since it works as an ionophore like HCQ so they are not suppressed by big pharma. Greg, make sure to look under yesterday’s Cat Report. Folks have left you some info on alternatives.


We would also remind Gregg about AgH2O!


jim Beam


A reminder on how Hollywood was grooming America to accept pedophilia.

Toddlers & Tiaras with Tom Hanks


guardian of threshold


Raw audio file:

Read the full article at the headline post below:

Have you Encountered the Guardian of the Threshold?


Twitter     Presidential Tweets Today



Weapon of Mass Intelligence

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Any errors or omissions are inadvertent.
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